Monday, November 7, 2011

Something Important To Write

 Finally.  Just when I thought that work and life had completely stolen my writing mojo, I was given a very important writing assignment to complete.  It may even be my proudest work to date, because it comes directly from my soul.

Dear Eldest Weasel,
     I love you.  I've loved you from the first moment that the doctor surprised me with the news that you were growing within me and I got to see the pure, unadulterated look of joy on Dad's face when I shared the news with him.

     You gave me the best gift that I have ever received and the one that I most cherish.  You made me a mom.  Holding you for the very first time overwhelmed me, in that I never I had never seen a sight as beautiful as your eyes and instantly knew a love more powerful than I ever knew could exist.  Thank you.
     Watching you grow and learn have brought me more happiness than could be summed up into simple words.  From your first smile to the toddler streaking down Elbur Avenue, "The Great Lipstick Incident of 1995", wrapping your arms around Dad and I and calling us 'your guys' and reading Go Dog Go to me when you were 4 because you wanted to make me feel better when I had the flu, to the way we held each other the day your sister died, watching you succeed academically, socially and competitively, your strength of character, responsibility,  amazing sense of humor and the way that you will want to correct this run on sentence and hand it back to me, all bring a smile to my face, a warmth in my heart and a pride of my daughter.  These are all memories that I thank you for giving me and that I carry with me always.

       You have grown from my baby girl into an exceptional young woman.  Your accomplishments, maturity and the person you have have grown to be amaze me.  I have so much love for you and couldn't be more proud of you.  Soon you will be leaving home to start your own life venture.  Know that I have the utmost confidence that you will soar, continue to learn, grow and make me proud.  Most of all, know how much I love you and that Dad and I will always be 'your guys'.