Thursday, June 26, 2008

All Because Two People Fell in Love

Today marks the 15th Anniversary of the day I should have been declared 'mentally incompetent'. Of course, I jest. But it is our wedding anniversary and hence the anniversary of when this insanity that is my current life started. It's kinda neat that I can track down to the day and hour we jumped off that cliff, caution to the wind, to start our life together into the unknown abyss of marriage and family. Of course we knew it all and had all all the answers (what a couple of morons!). Life proved to us that we didn't know anything, yet we managed to scuttle through to this point anyway and it's proven to be a hell of a fun ride. Better than anything Disney or Universal engineers could come up with. The drops are deeper and scarier than anything 'the happiest place on earth' would dare to put in their park. And the laughs and good times are better than any comedy show could come up with.
In 15 years we have managed to live in 3 different sates ( once we get x amount of parking tickets we are politely asked to leave), 5 different apartments, 2 different homes, 2 dogs, 5 cats, numerous hamsters(more on that later) , 3 toads and 6 bushweasels.
But anyway, back to the title of this post. I have a decorative sign hanging above the cabinets in the kitchen that states "All Because Two People Fell in Love". When I saw this at the Bed, Bath and Beyond I started to howl with laughter in the isle of the store. My children were mortified, but that is part of the joys of parenthood. The sign was perfect! It was sweet and sentimental, but also tongue in cheek. On the best days I can point to that sign as a symbol of the love in our home. On the days that life and or the children are out of control I can point to that sign and laugh out loud knowing the root cause of the insanity.
But today I can look at that sign in both lights. As 3 bushweasels and 1 weasel friend are snoring and drooling in my living room after a sleep over with a late night, a house that is trashed from all the fun they had and 3 cats extremely suspicious of an overly friendly dog (who is also a house guest,and was supposed to go home a week ago, more on that later) and the smallest bushweasel (4 years) who wants to make them all best friends.
Hubby went to work early, in order to come home early and celebrate our anniversary in style. Tonight should prove to be a special night of romance, as we've made special plans. To celebrate 15 years of marital bliss we will be attending a fundraiser for Sudden Infant Death Services of Illinois, to raise money for a worthy cause by Hubby participating in a spaghetti eating contest! Italian dinners are romantic, right? If you would like to donate at any time see their website, .
All in all, life is grand and after 15 years I couldn't imagine any other life that would have been better. Life without the weasels or Hubby to do this with me doesn't sound like anything better than the Dumbo ride at Disney.


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