Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Coffee Talk

Mr. Weasel has ruined me. I have always been a no-frills kind of chick. I was never into girly stuff. I hate clothes shopping. I am not a shoe fiend. I always did my own nails until he pushed me into convinced me to go treat myself at a salon. I don't go to fancy hair salons(a friend does a better job at a much better price).

Over the years Mr. Weasel has badgered encouraged me to splurge a little and pamper myself. He wanted me to have nice quality things. I was happy with the target variety undergarments. He encouraged me to shop Victoria's Secret. I argued about what a huge waste of money and how they only make bras for women who can hold theirs up without any support. Why would I spend $46 on something that I could get for $9.99 elsewhere? That is until I tried some on.

I bought one. It soon became my favorite. I could see and feel the quality difference. And it was pretty. It didn't start to wear and fall apart, like the discount variety. It was flattering. I have a heavy load to carry and it did the job better. Soon enough, every time I needed a replacement, I headed back to Vicky's. Now I have an entire collection, because even after a few years of wear, they are still in great condition.

Every few months they change up the colors they offer and so I manage to splurge and add another color to the rainbow. Well anyway, it's about time I get to the point.

I need to replace my black Ipex that makes me look like a supermodel. Every woman needs a black bra to wear under the little black dress. It's a wardrobe essential for us chicks. Mine did not wear out, but was lost by Delta, back in the spring, along with all my favorite clothes, make-up and Vicky's Heavenly perfume(my favorite scent). I had yet to get around to replacing these items. And also yet to be reimbursed by the airline. But that's a whole nother post.

Back to actually trying to make my point. I was out running errands all by myself the other day. I decided that I should put this errand on my list for the day. I call Mr. Weasel.

Me: Hey you. I want to stop and replace my black bra and perfume at Vicky's today.
MW: Okay???
Me: I just wanted to check if I could.
MW: Well, yeah. Just use your best judgment.
Me: Oh! You are sooo cute! I wasn't asking permission. I was asking if I had enough money in checking for the extra stop.
MW: Uh, yeah you do.

So into the store I head. I am on a mission. I know exactly what I need. Size, style, color. No changing room necessary(I hate trying stuff on). I am making a bee line to the back of the store where said item lives, when I am completely and utterly distracted by the display of the newest and prettiest fall color of IPEX ever!!!!! A deep rich two tone cranberry. I try to focus. I head for the black. I actually need the black. I pick up the black. I start to walk to perfume. Once again I find myself distracted by the cranberry display. It is sooooo pretty. I start sorting through the display for the right size(Flppin' catapult). I am trying to stay on focus. Buy black. You came in to buy the black. You need the black. I am sure that someone simultaneously was casting a Jedi mind trick on me. You WANT the cranberry. It is very pretty. It is dark enough to wear under black.

I give in and select the cranberry. I head back to replace the black. I am distracted by the matching panties. They are on sale. Must have the matching panties. Buy 3 and save. Well, I'll just have to get 3. It's for the greater good. It makes more consumer sense. I make my selections and head for perfume where I actually quickly grab my favorite scent and head to the register.

I leave the store $100 later, with a beautiful and flattering without a black bra.

I didn't used to be like this. He ruined me. Now I think I have acquired ADOS (Attention Deficit..OooooH Shiny).


  1. Oh... Victoria's Secret... can't get out of there for under $100! I was the same. I couldn't imagine spending the extra, but then I bought one and wore it and loved it and it was so comfy.

    And then there were the pretty scents. Heavenly's my fave too, but I also love Pink and some of the body sprays, and those capri sweat pants that say PINK on the butt and.....

  2. Well, hubby did say "please spend money." It's almost like an obligation to go in there and fall prey to temptation.

  3. My wife isn't allowed (yeah right!) to go without me. We call it our adult Disneyland. That reminds me the kids are gone this weekend...

  4. Girlfriend you should shop with me! I swear it dosen't matter what store I go into, I never get just what I need. I agree with you about the quality. Sometimes it is worth it to spend a tad more for better quality.

  5. You go girl! I would have bought the cranberry one too! Or both? LOL!

  6. Just think of all the money you saved by getting all those pretties on sale. Nice job. I love VS... just wish I was more a VS size. ;)

  7. I don't know where I gleaned this from, but "if you don't have a lot of money, buy the best because you can only afford to buy it once." That, and most of the time, where there's a happy mommy, there's happy daddy. Just sayin'....

  8. OMG! You are totally the trophy wife!

    I like what big bad daddy had to say! BTW, no relation. I'm not big, just bad. Must be a distant relative!

  9. I linked Baby Sibling to this, she totally has ADOS! Though not about bra shopping. Glad I have a light load to carry so the discount stuff lasts for me, I was so pissed when walmart stopped carrying the kind I liked. I had actually gone into the VS in my desperate attempt to find a replacement bra style/supply, they did not have anything that fit my specs, Middle Sister LOVES them though (she and I are similarly sized, she likes padding, I don't).


  10. That Vicki will get you every time! I had a serious problem in college and now I am too scared to go in there.... I've finally broken the addiction and it's OOOOHHHH so tempting to go back!

  11. HA! I am laughing because I too have a little VS habit, but it is the one place in the whole world I could rack (pun intended) up a credit card bill the size of Texas and my husband wouldn't even question it...I think THAT is Victoria's Secret.

    Thanks for linking today!

  12. HA! Love this story - I'm *SO* the same way with the shopping/shoes/trying stuff on. Except I prefer Vicky's Halo. ;-)

  13. Sounds like starting to... almost... LOVE shopping! Happened to me the same way. :)

  14. My hubby ruined me too. Now he completely regrets the monster he created!


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