Monday, February 23, 2009

Stir Crazy

Middle Weasel has been grounded, for reasons not to posted online. She has already served 1+ weeks of her sentence with no light at the end of the tunnel. No T.V., no friends, no phone, no computer, no video games, no iPod, or Nintendo DS. She can read and do homework. She can do anything that's not on the restricted list. She can't go outside, it's too darn cold.

Being the resourceful kid that she is, she has found a way to entertain herself:

Maybe it's time to cut the kid a little slack.


  1. OHMYGOD, I totally love that. Do you think I can submit that to Mrs4444 as my Stupid Human Trick to go with the award I attempted to give her?

    Mrs4444 probably wouldn't even notice that Middle Weasel is not me. We're both equally adorable.

  2. Oh my!! She is SOOOO cute and TALENTED! Yep, cut her some slack. (:

  3. Poor little thing.

    Give her some community service time and be done with it. Scrubbing bathrooms is always a good punishment, and you end up with clean bathrooms.

  4. A chip of the old block! Like her mom!

    Remember mom, this is a plot to melt your heart!

    (it works)

  5. Wow she must have been frightfully bad to deserve such a huge punishment. No wonder she's going to 'the spoons'... ha ha ha.

  6. Mmmm.. Perhaps she found something to add to your banned activity list.

    Too funny! Not knowing why she is in trouble, I'm not sure how much slack you should cut the kid. We aren't able to ban something for more than a day or so. We also like to come up with a way to buy "freedom".

    You should try it. House isn't going to clean itself now, is it???

  7. @ Melisa ~ Mrs4444 doesn't let you off the hook that easily. Good luck!

    @ Cheffie ~ Oh how I want to, but not until her school work improves.

    @ Tom ~ She is heart wrenching, the little snot!

    @ Oscar ~ I'm melting, but she has to get her schoolwork in line.

    @ Chris ~ You are too funny.

    @ Bad Momma ~ Doing her schoolwork is her buy out. She's just not buying.

  8. school work-schmool work! With talents like that who the heck needs school???

    (make sure you show her that comment to really drive the idea home for her)

    good luck!

  9. Obviously the kid needs some fresh air! Who cares if it is too cold out? She's grounded, she's suppose to suffer a little!

  10. What a fantastic use of her time! Learning about physics is so important. Being grounded can be the best experience of a youth's life. Hopefully this means she's read all the books in the house :-P

  11. okay, we are SO there and my son is on the verge of being grounded for a very long month. He is 12.

    She is very resourceful. She should get the award for creativity. Precious? Yes.. Slack? Not so much.. I am with the buying the way out of trouble. If the "missed" school work is $$$ for time served and she is still not doing it then grounded she shall remain. JMO. Hope this helps and doesn't offend anyone.

  12. A documented decent into madness.

    I'd say - you assess the situantion, and consider a little "break"

    Our #2 was grounded for a month and a half (Bad grade... REALLY BAD grade)... His mid term came in, and it was better. We gave him a long weekend of being ungrounded.

  13. Hehehe! I actually have a post planned in my head somewhat about her, something she said when I visited amused me. Maybe I'll get around to it sooner rather than later if she is allowed to read "educational" blogs like mine ;)

  14. Grounding is the key to creativity, who would've guessed?
    I Have a child on the same "homework release" program, he just least you get entertainment value!

  15. Have her do it with carving knives and I'll be doubly impressed. ;)

  16. You have a genius on your hands. Amazing!

  17. That is a child with WAY TOO much time on her hands...

  18. ja- spring -er yet?

  19. I'm still laughing. Kids, got to love them....right?

  20. Oh I love it. And wow... that's a long time without all that stuff. I don't think I WANT to know what deserves that kind of a grounding. So what happens to the spoons after that trick? I'm guessing ice cream sundaes isn't the answer....

  21. That poor, deprived child! She's resorted to plastic spoons! Set her free already! LOL!

  22. Sooo glad to no have to deal with the children thing any more.

  23. Nice try, Melisa!

    This IS awesome! I hope she makes it to the end of her sentence!


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