Friday, March 6, 2009

Dad's and Daughters

Fatherhood FridayWelcome to all, and a special welcome to those of you visiting via dad-blogs. Fatherhood Friday is a weekly feature at dad-blogs. It's where all the cool kids hang-out. If you haven't already joined, well go do it.
My parents had 4 sons and 3 daughters. I was #6 out of 7 and only the second daughter. My Dad was very gung-ho about having the macho trophy that is producing sons. That is, until he had daughters. It wasn't that he didn't want girls, but rather he hadn't clue what do with daughters. They were just too alien. After having a daughter and feeling that special protective bond of what is Daddy's Little Girl, he was hooked.

Dad had special and individual relationships with each of us. His sons were loved, but his daughters were beloved. Mom was no longer the #1 girl in his life, and she was always a little bit jealous about it. As daughters, we knew what heartstrings to pull to get whatever it was that we wanted from Dad. Each of the 3 of us had Dad wrapped around our finger in a different way.

Just this morning, I remembered something that happened just 2 weeks before I went off to college, the last time I would live in my parents house. All of my older siblings were already off and living on their own. My mother and younger sister were 'down the shore' for the summer (the Jersey shore was about 1 1/2 hours from home and the entire city would vacation there). They had rented a cottage and picked up summer jobs to pay the rent. Dad and I were left back in the city where our jobs were. Dad and I rarely ran into each other. When I would home from work, it was a quick shower and then out on the town with friends. Dad would come home from work after I had gone and would be in bed before I came home. On Fridays, he would come home from work and pack a weekend bag, fight traffic and spend the weekend with mom and little sis.

One particular Friday near the end of the summer, my shift ended at 2 pm. I decided to hit the grocery store before heading home. With what little cash I had I bought 2 nice steaks (I forget what variety) and two huge baking potatoes. This was a favorite meal of both Dad and I. I would have dinner for 2 ready when Dad got came home from work and he could eat before fighting the weekend traffic toward the shore.

He was surprised and grateful when he got home. It was probably not the best prepared meal. It may have been slightly overcooked, but Dad thought it was the best meal he had in ages. We sat and ate and talked. Time was slipping away and Dad knew that he had to get on the road. He didn't want to leave. So about the time that mom would be expecting him to pull up, he called her to say he wasn't coming. That he was going to stay home with me instead.

Needless to say, Mom was pissed. And jealous. Dad was in trouble, but he didn't seem to care. Not that any man revels in his wife being angry with him. He just said "It's worth it". We had a great weekend together doing nothing exciting. I still had to go to work and I did spend time with friends, but we also spent time just hanging out for a few hours in between.

I have always treasured my relationship with my Dad. It meant so much to me to know how much I meant to him.

Now I get to watch my 4 daughters and there relationship with their dad. I get to see how each of them have him wrapped around their finger in a different way. I watch how they each know how to pull his heartstrings to get what they want from him. I see the way he looks at them, and I am not at all jealous.


  1. That's a great story! I don't have any daughters but my niece has me totally wrapped around her finger. I can't wait to get to see her again in a few weeks(They've been in California for the last 2 years).

  2. I have 2 sons and 1 daughter (youngest). She is like a glowing bundle of happiness when I come home from work. There's something very special about daughters. Too bad she will never date or get married...:)

  3. Nice post. And I'm sure they have daddy wrapped tightly around each of their fingers. And that is why I thank God everyday that I had a boy. I would be so lost with a girl...

  4. @ Jason ~ There is just something very special between a girl and her Daddy. Enjoy your visit with your niece.

    @ Craig ~ I laugh in your general direction. Mr. Weasel is of the same mindset, but now that we have a teen girl she can play Daddy like a fiddle. He's strung tight, but he plays.

    @ Daddy Files ~ You never know what to do with one until you have them. Boys and girls are both great, but very different.

  5. I do that with my daughters often. That is nice.

  6. Priceless!

    My Daughter is almost 3 and she has us both, wrapped. We love it!

    Thanks, as always, for the smiles....and future memories :-)

  7. Oh man. . .there's some sort of irritant in the air at my work. My eyes are having a weird reaction. . .

    Gotta go. . .

  8. Yup, that's what daddies do when they have daughters. It's inevitable. It's great that you have such neat memories.

  9. Very thoughtful post. I'm always struck by how some of our fondest memories of our parents are all about time taken away from hectic schedules to enjoy the "simple things," such as a meal and conversation. As an only child who now has two boys, I think boys have a similar ability to pull at mom's heartstrings that dad just can't compete with. I treasure those times my mom and I would go shop at Walmart after midnight for absolutely nothing. It was all about spending time and talking.

  10. It's great to be a dad.

  11. I think that is wonderful! I love that my husband is a sucker for the girls.

  12. That's a very touching story. If we have girl in the future I already know I will have no chance.

  13. What a great story! I used to think I wanted boys but when I am so happy I ended up with two girls. My daughters totally have me wrapped around their fingers and I love it! You remind me of how important it is to spend one on one time with each of them. Thank you!

  14. Oh man. I know exactly how that is!

    I grew up in a house full of boys. Mom was the only girl and I was the youngest. So not only did I have no clue as to what to do with a baby, I also had to clue how to handle a little girl.

    She's 11 months old and already knows how to manipulate me. I try to be tough, I try to lay down the law... but she knows she can just smile at me - or crawl over to me and lay her head down... and I'm sunk.

  15. I loved it. Man, as a dad to three girls I aspire to have moments like these with the grown up versions of the little princesses I love so much. Such a bittersweet story, kinda of reminded me of 'Father of the Bride' for some reason. Good read.

  16. I'm kinda still stuck on the seven kids part... wow. To be able to have individual relationships with each of you -- that takes dedication. I'm impressed.

    And I love the story, melting my heart there.

  17. Funny now I find very occasional times to get alone time with my adult daughters - only its their husbands who get pissed off because they have to take care of the kids.

  18. Awww. I have the opposite in my house. Especially with my 2 younger boys. (Mama's boys)

    I think one on one time with a child is so important. What an awesome dad you have!

  19. What a great memory. What was I saying yesterday about you being a lucky girl? You married a guy just like dad.

  20. Aww, what an awesome memory!

    As ShankRabbit stated, our little one already has daddy wrapped around her finger. I knew even before she was born that this was going to be the way things would play out.

    Coming from a girl who really didn't have a father figure growing up, I couldn't be happier. :)

  21. I didn't even think about it until reading this post, but you are completly right. My relationship with my little girl is completely diffeent than my relationship with my son. She will always be daddy's little girl. Great post!

  22. it's great to see you have your own dad/daughter story. dads definitely play a big part in daughters' lives.

  23. @ Oscar ~ I miss Dad very much, but still carry with me everything that he taught me about life.

    @ BellaDaddy ~ You too are building these kinds of memories with Bella.

    @ New-Dad ~ Better get some visine.

    @ Tom ~ I love that it is a force of nature that can't be controlled.

    @ Busy Dad-E ~ It always the little things that mean the most and my one son has me wrapped too.

    @ Mocha Dad ~ Dad's are very special.

    @ Seashore ~ It great to watch them work their magic on Dad's.

    @ Otter ~ I hope that someday you know the joy of a daughter.

    @ John ~ The little things stick with us a long time.

    @ ShankRabbit ~ You're sunk!

    @ Joeprah ~ It sounds to me like you have already built a great foundation.

    @ Michelle ~ You can't help but to have individual relationships with your kids, because they are all so individual and so is your love for them.

    @ de-I ~ In my adult years Dad always laughed about how his daughters could work the same magic n their husbands and how we would hang out while they chased the kids.

    @ Bad Momma ~ My son has this power over me too.

    @ Terri ~ I hit the lottery when I married Mr. Weasel. His personality is opposite of Dad's, but his principles and ideals are identical.

    @ Isabella ~ It's great to watch them in action.

    @ SuperMega ~ It's just different. Not better or worse, just special.

    @ Ciara ~ Dad's are very important, I know I treasured mine.

  24. So sweet. There is nothing like the love between a father and his little girls(s).

  25. Good times. Right now my baby daughter is Mama's little girl, but Mama keeps telling me she'll be daddy's little girl for the rest of her life.

  26. I'm very happy for you, Weaselmomma. That kind of relationship is a treasure. While I did NOT have that with my dad, I'm happy to say that my daughter and her dad do :)

  27. happy fatherhood friday. better late then never. beautiful story.

  28. Great stuff. I'm definitely in trouble! Keep up the great writing...

  29. "It was probably not the best prepared meal. It may have been slightly overcooked, but Dad thought it was the best meal he had in ages." This post pulled my heartstrings.

  30. "His sons were loved, but his daughters were beloved." <-- I love that. We're done having kids and we only have girls, but I love that thought. This is a wonderful story and your dad sounds like a pretty cool guy.

    Happy Fatherhood Friday!

  31. You are so sweet! What a lovely story. There is certainly something very special between father's and their daughters. All my little girl has to do is give my husband certain "look"...and it's over. He turns to moosh.

  32. KWG's comment cracks me up because it describes me. I was definitely Mommy's baby, she said that I would take some time to warm up to Dad after he came home from work even (I had major stranger anxiety as an infant). That very much changed and I am still Daddy's little girl, only the middle sister is not as much of one now. Poor Daddy, three daughters and now a granddaughter, he didn't stand a chance ;).

  33. I joined up after seeing your post. Looks like a great place to meet and greet...

  34. I'm trying to imagine kicking back with my daughter as she cooks me steaks. It's not coming to me. Perhaps that's because she's two. But one of these days... You seem to be a big cheese at Dad Blogs. Please to meet you. Hutch

  35. Where are you? Are you doing ok? (:

  36. I'm one of 3 girls and OUR FATHER RULED! Whenever i hear men say how they want a son, I tell them they are FOOLS! I ask them, who's gonna wipe your butt when you're 90 years old and feed you and comb your hair when you're in a home? You're son? I don't think so... we used to fight over who got to sit next to daddy. We only have one child and thank goodness it was a girl!


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