Friday, May 8, 2009

Mother's Day For Dummies

Fatherhood Friday at Dad Blogs

It's Friday and you all know what that means. Welcome back to another edition of FatherHood Friday at Dad Blogs. Check it out and become part of it. While you at it, check out Betty Confidential where I made the top 10 list of 'Favorite Mommy Bloggers - Some Mom Bloggers you'll wish you knew in real life". Really, check it out and pat me on the back later.

In honor of Mother's Day, I'm am gonna throw a last minute emergency bone to the fellas out there who still haven't planned anything for Sunday's festivities.

Some great gift ideas for the special Mom in your life, are well gifts. Sure the school aged kids are all bringing home those special art projects that they have been working on for weeks. They are sweet and wonderful keepsakes that she will always hold onto and cherish. However, you should also go out and get Mom a little something extra and special, just for her. Not a blender or a vacuum, but something special that she doesn't have to share. A spa visit or favorite perfume. Gift certificates for pedicures or massages are perfect. Some nice earings. Anything that is purely for her enjoyment.

Take her out to eat at one of her favorite restaurants. Mom should have a full day off. There is nothing that we Mom's enjoy more than a clean kitchen that gets to stay way. Having other people cook, serve and clean up without having to look at the mess is a huge plus.

If budgetary concerns prevent these types of activities, don't sweat it. There of plenty of things that can be done to make mom feel like a queen for a day without shelling out the bucks.

Kids - Clean your rooms, better than usual, without being asked. This will floor your mom and put a real bounce in her step.

Don't fight with your siblings. Nothing will rain on Mom's parade more than arguing and disturbing her day of peace.

Make the coffee (or tea of OJ) while Mom sleeps in and have it fresh and ready for when she wakes up.

Have the house clean and sparkly before Mom gets out of bed. This will be so nice for her to wake up to while enjoying her coffee. This is *almost* as relaxing as a pedicure.

Get Mom a good book and give her the quiet time to read it, maybe even draw her a nice hot bath and a glass of wine to go with it.

Make Mom's favorite meal for dinner and clean up!

All of this is combination will make for a wonderful and relaxing Mother's Day. Mom will be happy and we all know that if Momma ain't happy - ain't nobody happy!

As a last resort, for those of you who still don't what you are going to for Mother's day, I offer you this (actually I'm totally stealing this from Melisa and Suburban Scrawl).


  1. You know, you coulda named this "Mother's Day for Dads" instead of "Dummies" :)

    Great ideas! But instead of going out, I'm gonna cook. For some reason, watching me fumble my way through a 3 course meal and make a mess (that I'll clean up) is more fun for her. Mom's are mean :)

  2. Great post. All good ideas. Hopefully my kids won't my wife grief like they do everyday. Maybe this day will be different. Keep your fingers crossed.

  3. Great ideas WM...but I sense that some of these were thought up during your STRIKE time frame. :)

  4. Here's to YOU, an amazing MOM...HAPPY WEASEL MOMMA DAY!

  5. Ha! Awesome ideas. And thanks for the linkage! :)

    I just want peace and quiet. That's it.

  6. These are great ideas!!!! Thanks WM.
    You deserve all of them! Congrats on the top 10 list :D

  7. This is truly what every mother wants! (How do I secretly forward this to my husband and children?!?)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I think I know you from Half Past Kissin' Time...Nice to meet you on your own turf! :)

  8. Love this blog. Especially since I know Hubby reads it! Enjoy your day, I am sending you clean house and relaxing day thoughts.

  9. @ JonnyTam ~ I bet that is an enjoyable site. Whatever makes her happy is the key to the day.

    @ Rob ~ Takes the kids to the park before they get the opportunity!

    @ CD ~ These are usually the issues that I strike over, lol.

    @ Bella's Daddy, Thank You.

    @ Melisa ~ Ain't that the truth!

    @ Andrew's Daddies ~ Thank you. Father's day is coming up quick.

    @ Charette ~ I don't know if you could do it secretly, but you could post it in the kitchen.

  10. Well, I'll be doing brunch and dinner at the casa for my wife. Little man will be doing his normal thing to entertain her. I hope you have an excellent Mother's Day!

  11. I would like to see the Weasels have coffee ready for you at your early morning 4 am start. Happy Mother's Day.

  12. I am a slacker dad. I may have to do a few of these. Well see. Ill report back on Monday. If you don't hear from me I failed, and she killed me. :) JK. I will figure it out.

  13. I'll willingly accept the moniker "dummies". Every year, Mother's day comes as a surprise to me.

    Thanks again for your help!! And congrats on being NUMBER ONE on the list at Betty Confidential! Whoop! Whoop!

  14. You are truly a full service blog. LOL

    I will jusde you by what you recommend come fathers day!

    Meanwhile... Enjoy YOUR day!
    You deserve it!

  15. This list would make me waay happier than the missus. She doesn't have to do the cleaning or cooking. I actually gave her her gift a few weeks ago because she didn't want to wait.

    We're actually doing dinner with my inlaws because it's not only Mothers Day but my mom in laws birthday

  16. What a bunch of great ideas! Fortunately this year I've already taken care of Mother's day for my wife. (I drove her over 400 miles each way for a concert) I will definitely check these out for next year. Great post as usual.

  17. i think the title was aprop, wm lol forget what jonny says. he doesn't count lol

    if all this stuff happened from my kids/hubs, i'd totally pass out or die from shock. lol

  18. Thanks for the ideas WM. Its always hard to know how extravagent to go. Definitely will have to include letting her sleep in the morning with whatever else I decide. I am the procrastinator this year. I better go with more extravagant!

  19. Congrats on your number one ranking at Betty Confidential. You deserve it! Your Mother's Day ideas ROCK! It proves that great Mother's Day gifts don't have to cost a dime! I'm showing the list to the girls! Have a happy, happy Mother's Day!

  20. Printing this out. Hanging up on the refrigerator. A little hinting around never hurts.

  21. Great ideas. Think I'll print this & leave out for my boys.

  22. Great tips and I couldn't agree more with giving Mom a special gift (or three) just for her. I've got a few up my sleeve for tomorrow...

  23. Definitely filing these for next year. My wife this year told me all she wants is to not have to make any decisions tomorrow (dinner, activities, etc.) - that and sleep in of course...

  24. Being able to cook has bailed me out for decades on Mother's Day and most other celebrations.

  25. I have to agree with Oscar the Grouch...truly a full service blog !!! Happy Mothers Day !! and Weasels day whenever that is ! LOL

  26. Excellent advice! It's only 8:25am, but I got my best gift already, last night, when Mr.4444 cleaned like fools for hours, when I was out with some friends. The BEST gift EVER! Happy Mother's Day, WM!!

    P.S. The video says, "This is a private video..."

  27. Check, Check and Check! Thanks for the tips and Happy Mom's Day to you my friend!

  28. Do your children read your blog? :P

    This is good stuff. I never know what do do for my mom.

  29. Great advice. Happy Mother's Day.

  30. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

  31. Dummies? Meh, I've been called worse. Wife had to work that day, but the boys and I made a cake and cut the lawn.

  32. I'll chime in and say the same, "Great Advice." Sometimes us "dummies" need all the help we can get...

  33. Hmmm... since my husband did a Mother's Day FAIL this year, any chance I can get you to call him and give him a little coaching next year? Pleeeease?

    Oh, and I still haven't run since Feb. But this Friday. I think.


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