Friday, May 22, 2009


It's Fatherhood Friday once again. Click on over to Dad Blogs to check out some really great FF posts.Fatherhood Friday at Dad Blogs

Life in Weaselville has been busy lately. Mr. Weasel has been working long hours. He has been going in early and coming home late. Once home he still has a few hours of work to crank out before morning. Needless to say, we haven't seen too much of him lately. Luckily, this should only be going on for a few more months and then level out back to more human hours. After a long, cold winter without a job, I'm not about to complain.

However, all the Weasel home life has fallen onto my shoulders. The end of the school year is filled with events both day and night and I have been running around like a crazy person.

Wednesday, was the preschool picnic and I was running around the park with Smallest Weasel and her class. It was a beautiful 80 degree day and we spent the afternoon playing outside with neighborhood kids only taking breaks to chauffeur kids home from school and practices. We had a wonderful and exhausting day filled with fun and 5 minute spurts of getting laundry and cleaning done sprinkled throughout.

I slaved over a hot phone to order a pizza for dinner and by 7pm finally sat down for the first time all day. I called Mr. Weasel to find out when he planned on being home and catch up on the day together. I told him I was pretty tired and may be heading off to bed soon. He was rather surprised because the sun was still going strong and the kids were still playing happily.

As he continued telling me about his day I rested the phone between my ear and shoulder. The next thing I knew was that I jumped at the ceiling like as the phone rang in my ear startling me awake. It was Mr. Weasel, "Why'd you hang up on me?". What? Huh? He started laughing hysterically. "you fell asleep! I was talking to you and you fell asleep!". Yeah, I did. He promptly told me to hang up the phone and make a bee-line to bed. He would call Eldest Weasel (she was in the other room) and put her in charge until he came home.

I didn't see him or anyone else for that matter until the morning. This was the first time in years I slept for 8 1/2 hours in one stretch and boy did it feel good.


  1. I love sleep :D I usually pass out around 7:30 while watching Jeopardy and the missus is giving the boys their baths/showers. Granted, it's only for about 15 minutes and I never do it on purpose, it just kinda happens.

  2. That is classic, although you aren't giving me much hope for sleep in the near future. I haven't sleep more than three hours in a row in nearly two years. I covet my naps when the wife comes home and takes little man out for a walk. Be careful of those hot phones.

  3. Umm, if you're slaving over a hot phone, you should probably take it out of the sun. Although I would have thought a hot phone would make it harder to fall asleep...but guess not.

    Nice work holding the fort down though! Summer's almost here!

  4. I like that Mr. Weasel wasn't offended in the least. He's a good man. :)

  5. I've done that twice in my life. Once to my mother and once to my best friend.
    I bet you still held your rum and coke upright even after you fell asleep. :)

  6. Congrats on the full nights sleep! I remember those fondly. Haven't had one in years either.

    Falling asleep on the phone talking to your man, now that's love! :-)

  7. That's great! I've come close to falling asleep while on the phone but never actually done it. I'm glad he recognized that you needed the sleep and insisted you hit the hay immediately. Hopefully the weekend will give you a bit more sleep.

  8. I thought I was tired. Falling asleep on the phone is crazy. You deserved a good nights rest. Glad you were able to get it.

  9. You poor thing! I can't help but laugh at this - I can totally see Michael's Mommy doing the same thing. What you say to Mr. Weasel is "I just find your voice so incredibly soothing!"

  10. Everyone keeps telling me I won't get normal sleep once I have (A) child, I can't imagine how you sleep ever with 5.

  11. @ Jason ~ My hubby also falls asleep as soon as he sits down.

    @ PJ ~ Hold faith. I lose sleep for other reasons.

    @ Jonny Tam ~ summer will bring much joy to my life.

    @ Melisa ~ I definitely got the better end of the deal.

    @ Andrew's Daddies ~ Unfortunately, I can attest that there was no liquor involved.

    @ OhCaptain ~ Thank goodness he's a good soul and very understanding.

    @ SmartFathers ~ I married Gold.

    @ Otter ~ I can't even tell you how good. I haven't slept that sound in 7 years.

    @ Tom ~ Luckily I had to say nothing. No excuses given. He just got it and found it very amusing.

    @ Unhawthorned ~ You get used to it. The trade off is worth it.

  12. I think we'll change the name of your blog to Sleepy Momma.

  13. Glad you got some rest. I'm hoping to get to bed early tonight myself.. got the whole summer to brace for!

  14. All that running around is bound to leave you tired. I feel for you because sleep deprivation seems to be the norm for parents, not the exception! Mr. Weasel is one-in-a-million. Laughing and then ordering you to bed! What a guy! Do you see that light at the end of the tunnel? It's SUMMER!

  15. Awwwwwww, how sweet of Mr. Weasel! I hope you got some much needed rest!

  16. sometimes you just need to recharge. glad you got to do that :)

  17. Hey, I'm always beat after slaving over a hot phone.


    That was funny, although I'm sure the crazy mom running around wasn't.

    Have a great holiday weekend!

  18. I'm so happy that you got a good night's sleep (and a bit jealous, too)! I completely empathize with all the running around--today was our last day of school!!! It's a mixed blessing--now I have four home all day instead of two, plus grandpa, but hopefully they'll entertain (not kill) each other through these next weeks until #5 arrives!! Cheers to you, & wishes for more sleep this weekend!

  19. A good sleep is such a blessing and I'm glad you were able to have one.

    I like Mr. Weasel's thinking about you. I like him and he loves Star Trek too :)

  20. I am drooling over hearing about getting that much sleep- or because of my lack of sleep :P Either way- patience, young grasshopper, patience! (-message to myself). -Jason

  21. In all that, be sure to enjoy the family that you've built! (I'm sure you do!) Nothing's more important...

  22. Does Mr. Weasel give lessons in "Sensitive and Thoughtful Husband"?
    Just asking.

  23. "Slaved over a hot phone..." You're hilarious. Glad you got the rest; you're going to need it in another week or so :)

  24. Dang, you are Busy! LOL...hey, at least you got that 8.5 hours nap in...we know all about that sleepy thing around these parts :-)

  25. Such a nice guy. Get some sleep! I hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday weekend.

  26. I've got an award waiting for you at my place! xoxo

    (P.S. I'm not kidding this time.)

  27. Wow, that's pretty special. I'm glad you got some good sleep in but I'm guessing you were still up with the birds. And speaking of which -- it's finally warm enough to sleep with the windows open. yay!

  28. Kudos to you for being able to handle such a schedule and kudos to Mr. Weasel for being so thoughtful!

  29. 8&1/2 hours! Wow... I can't remember the last time I crashed for that long. (Not that I haven't attempted lately)


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