Tuesday, January 5, 2010




  1. i love it i love it i love it! I'm gonna order one for everybody I know!!

  2. Wow!! #1...you are smokin' even after all of your kids--kudos! (I'm starting my diet today...longing to look like you without all the work.) #2...HILARIOUS!!! It looks like your whole family has your awesome sense of humor!

  3. You realize that social services will be knocking on your door soon, right?

  4. @ Eternal Lizdom ~ Don't forget to send the self abused stomped antelope.

    @ Steph ~ Glad you did. Thanks for coming by.

    @ Laura ~ Well thanks! I have about 15lbs that need to go away, but after my lifestyle, I can't complain.

    @ NukeDad ~ Ummm. Hmmmm.

  5. HAHAHA! But how do you keep score?

  6. Loved it- can I order the kit and put my own kids in it- Hah! It was great!!! My baby might not quite get it though and get his feeling hurt. I'll buy it in a couple of years- the price should go down by then!

  7. That rocked. So glad you finally found a big enough box! haha

  8. You just need a bigger hammer. And you need to put your back into it.

    I am inspired! Well done!

  9. PJ ~ No scoring, it's all about the love of the whack!

    @ Jason ~ You should get in on this early before it becomes more hard to find than a fake hamster toy that takes batteries in it's rear. They will be $5000 on e-bay soon.

    @ Melisa ~ I got tired of waiting for you to buy a new refrigerator. =)

    @ Tom ~ Now you know how all of the cookies got smashed.

  10. I *think* that might be the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen... And I've seen some pretty ridiculous stuff in my day! Thanks for th' laugh. Now I'd love to see it sped up just a bit!!!

  11. I don't just want one, I NEED one!!

    Love it!!

  12. You Weasels are NUTS!!!!!

    I LOVE IT!

  13. Your house must be a fun place. Braden would love that game, except he would no doubt use something harder as the utensil of whacking.

  14. Love it! Do the Weasels come with it as I don't have any?

  15. Do you hire out for Weasels? I have a couple of kids who could use jobs and also a couple of good whacks on the head!

  16. I heard that this may be illegal in some states?

  17. Can't. Stop. Laughing. And my neck hurts when I laugh. Owwwww.

    I had to show my husband. His comment? Wait, I met her. So *this* is what she does in her spare time?

    I highly approve.

  18. Oh very cute. Your kids did a great job acting animatronic. Seriously - I could almost hear the gears whirring!

  19. Now you are talking! I need one of those and a harder stick!

  20. If I play this do I have to put my kids in a box first?

  21. Ah, Weaseldom! It's never boring, is it? Very creative!

  22. That is hysterical! Do you have the husband model?

  23. This so reminds me of times back when our kids were young - just before the family services came and put me away.

  24. It looks like the kids had fun! If you were to let one of my kids do the wacking to their siblings, they'd use a hammer!

  25. You looked like you were being way to gentle... but I guess that means you're a good parent and care about the well-being of your kids :)


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