Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's All About Us (This Time)

Valentines Day is quickly approaching and any of you with school age children knows what that means. Valentines for the classroom! Decorating shoe boxes to become makeshift mail and candy collection boxes. There are treats to be sent in as our contribution to the classroom parties and the Weasels will return home from school all hyped up on sugar and carrying sacks reminiscent of Halloween loot.

Mr. Weasel and I usually don't celebrate Valentine's Day in a big way. We make sure to have miniature heart shaped boxes of chocolate for each of the Weasels, but never really go all out with gifts.

We typically mark the day in small ways. I may make a favorite dinner. He may bring me coffee in bed. We will try to steal a few moments for us in the middle of our busy schedules. Last year I send Mr. Weasel roses, but only because I won them for free in a blog giveaway and Mr. Weasel organized the gang and did something very special and love filled for me.

This past year has been an excessively busy and stress filled one for us. Long hours of work and long hours taking care of the Weasels and all of there transportation needs, along with all of our other obligations have left us too often like ships passing in the night. If not for stolen moments, we would have very few.

This year, the love of my life has taken the initiative to make dinner reservations for us. He has planned a special evening on Saturday (to fit into the hecticness of our schedule) and is taking me to one of my absolute favorite restaurants where the only food that I will have to cut up is my own. My meal will be hot and my beverage will be cold. That alone is a huge treat for me, but it's just the beginning.

Mr. Weasel has planned out an entire evening of surprises. All I know is that he has other secret plans in place for after dinner. After a particularly harrowing week, I can't begin to explain how much I am looking forward this.

Although the day is just an excuse to force sometime for ourselves, it's so very important to make the time for each other, to nourish each others souls and our relationship with some time alone and special. We become better parents and better spouses when we take the time to be good to ourselves. This year, Valentine''s Day will be all about us and not only will we benefit from it, the Weasels will too.
Fatherhood Friday at Dad Blogs
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