Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Will I Ever Learn?

If you let Smallest Weasel sleep in your bed because she had a bad dream, she is going to fall back to sleep very quickly and start dreaming that she is a kick - boxer.

When Smallest Weasel is going for the take down sweep in the ring all night you better believe you are going to wake up with bad back pain on the only day that you have available to get some yard work done.

So, despite knowing better you will start working in the yard and Boy Weasel will ask if he can give the 100 lb Mastiff puppy a bath in the yard. You will say yes because you are delusional with pain and Boy Weasel will get the dog wet and soapy before the dog decides that she is afraid of the hose and Boy Weasel realizes after being drug around the yard that he is not strong enough to hold her back when she bolts away in fear.

You will then step in to hold onto the dog and finish her bath. You will soon realize that you are not strong enough to hold back a scared 100 lb puppy either and wind up falling flat on your face and aggravating your back pain on the front lawn.

Soon your neighbor will need a ride to drop off her car for repairs and will ask you to help out and you will.

You will drop off your neighbor just in time to realize that two Weasels and a stray Weasel friend need rides to two separate track practices and that dinner is not yet prepared because you didn't plan it yet.

Mr. Weasel will agree to take care of dinner on the grill while you play chauffeur.

Once all the Weasels are home safely and Mr. Weasel has fed them, it will be bedtime for the youngest Weasels and yourself. You will take your pain medication and lie in your bed grateful for the comfort. As the medicine starts working a severe, violent and loud thunderstorm will begin.

When the storm moves in, Smallest Weasel will come to you afraid and want to sleep in your bed. And when Smallest Weasel sleeps in your bed, you just know that you going to wake up with back pain but you also know that you are going to get a blog post out of it.


  1. Definitely worth the back pain...this was a funny funny post!

  2. Sounds a little like the movie Groundhog Day.

    The last time we (and by we, I mean hubs, I was only on towel duty), washed our dogs, it was like wrestling a Kraken. I think the next time I will simply take them to PetSmart and let the professionals take care of them.

    Hope your back is better soon.

  3. Too bad writing your blog posts is so painful! :)

    I hope your back feels better!

  4. Wait... so the title was a rhetorical question, right? Ha! Very funny post, though! Hurt backs are not fun! I hurt my back last year... when I sneezed. Go figure, huh?

  5. Is it bad when we start to thing in terms of blog posts??? Hahahaha!!!

    I finally cashed in a birthday gift certificate for a massage yesterday, and my back and shoulders are aching today. I keep telling myself, "...but it's a *good* pain." :)

  6. @ Alyssa ~ Thanks, I'm glad you laughed.

    @ Tara ~ That sounds like a mighty smart idea.

    @ Melisa ~ Meh, at least I had something to write.

    @ Spuds ~ Try not to pepper your food too much. =)

    @ Mandy ~ Yeah. Hi, I'm WeaselMomma and I have a blog obsession.

  7. Sometimes in the midst of (similar) chaos in our house, I'm able to "laugh it off" easier knowing that I have new material to blog about. I couldn't agree more.

  8. Yikes, hope you're feeling better soon.

  9. Hope you are feeling better! At least its not like the 100 lbs puppy is afraid of thunderstorms...at my house my 20lb dog freaks out and keeps us up when it rains. Its so sad because he's old and scared. Either way I'm in pain the next day trying to prevent him from hurting himself.

  10. It's amazing how mobile little ones are in their sleep.

  11. Next time, please get pictures of the dog wash.

  12. Ohhhh so sorry. You know it's supposed to storm again TONIGHT, too, right? On the plus side, given how bad the storm damage was by us, any yard work you would have gotten done would have needed redoing after today and tomorrow anyway, right?

  13. Dog bathing is not my favorite thing. I have a lab that loves swimming but hates baths even on 100 degree days. I don't get dogs. Hope you back feels better soon.

  14. Hmmmm - sure this isn't just an excuse to get more of those pain pills (just the thing for those over worked Weaselmomma days) :)

  15. Anything for a blog post is my motto. Especially if it's a funny blog post:)

    Hugs and Mocha,

  16. I understand your frustrations, but believe me, you're going to look back one day and realize that you actually miss having your kids want to snuggle in bed with you. And you'll even look back on the karate kicks with fondness.

  17. I hope your back is feeling better. Believe it or not, I miss those kick boxing days. . . not the pain mind you, just the snuggling part.
    I love when my kids do things I can blog about. I'll have to get them riled about about something. :D

  18. At least you got some cuddles before the pain. And I bet the newly cleaned puppy will cuddle with you too!

  19. Has Youngest Weasel ever heard the Fresh Prince song, "I Think I Can Beat Mike Tyson?". I think she can.

  20. Your poor back. Hopefully, now that a couple of days has subsided, it has calmed down a bit. Ugh!

  21. Awesome, except for that danged back pain!!!! I hope you've recovered by now :)


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