Thursday, June 24, 2010

Don't Worry; I Was Invited To Hijack This Blog Today.

Well hello there, and good morning!

It's Melisa with one S here, and I'm doing a guest post today for Weaselmomma, who has left town to go to an event at Build-a-Bear headquarters.

As is her M.O., Weaselmomma didn't provide me with any advance notice whatsoever that she would want me to post for her today; she threw it out there on Twitter just about thirty minutes ago. I'm used to her spontaneous nature, however, so I turned on a dime and, well, here I am, shooting from the hip.

The last time I did a guest post for her, she got tons of traffic, only it was apparently more for the picture of her cleavage than for my bubbly personality. That's okay, I have self esteem that is good enough to survive that. And her cleavage isn't too shabby, so I consider my personality to be a veryclose second.

Anyway, with THAT out of the way, I thought I'd use this prime real estate to promote a few things. First and foremost, there's my blog, Suburban Scrawl. I know many of you follow me already (thank you!), but I always say "the more the merrier!" (I also always say "Go Big or Go Home!" but in this case, the former is more appropriate) Please come on over and check me out, and if you enjoy me (what am I, a piece of meat??), please follow me forever.

An aside: I dropped down Weaselmomma's list of tags just now and noticed that Joeprah, Greta Van Susteren, and Mariah Carey have tags, BUT I DON'T. Unbelievable. Rather than be completely insulted, I have created my own.

The second thing I wanted to share is a little raffle that a bunch of us are having, to benefit a blog friend of ours, Piper of Love. All I will tell you here is that, if you buy a ticket ($10) not only would you be helping someone who really needs the help, but you'll have a chance to win one of twenty-three (TWENTY-THREE!) prizes, two of which are iPods. You can to to Avitable's post about it to get the details.

Finally, I want to toss out a promo for tomorrow's Suburban WoW livestream. With Weaselmomma being gone, I had to find a guest co-host, and I did. You can go to our show blog to read all about her, and get your homework assignment. We are actually going to have what she is calling a "Flower Smackdown": you'll have to tune in to see how it goes (and what it is). Showtime? Tomorrow (Friday) at 12 noon Eastern time, 11 a.m. Central, 10 a.m. Mountain, and 9 a.m. Pacific. The link you use at showtime, to watch, is HERE. In fact, the rerun from last time is playing on a loop there right now, so if you miss Weaselmomma tremendously, go there and get a fix.

Well, I'm about out of things to promote, and I'm thinking it might be a good idea to do some laundry and eat breakfast before I have to go to work, so this hijacking must come to an end.

Safe travels to Weaselmomma...Have a great day!

(WHY are you still here? Go visit my blog! Sheesh!)
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