Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tuesday Tidbits

Ah, another holiday weekend is behind us.  We were pretty low key around here, just sticking close to Weaselville and hanging out with the neighbors.  However, life in Weaselville is never dull or scripted, thus I offer you these odd tidbits that represent a snapshot of our weekend.

  • Friday was a special family day.  We took the Weasels out for lunch and then to Build A Bear Workshop.  Boy Weasel named his bear Rusty Shackleford (bonus points to any of you who get the reference) and Eldest Weasel named hers PeaceyP.  The younger and better grounded children went a little more mainstream with Mindy, Bubbly and Mr. Fudgy.

  • I wrote a July 4th post on, well, July 4th Yes, I am a trailblazing original.  I thought it was quite good I really like the author, but it didn't garner that much attention being posted on a Sunday of a holiday weekend and all.  It did however gain the attention of whatever government agency lurks the Internet for possible threats US Department of Creepy Big Brother Internet Stalking, who not only visited that post, but liked it so much they decided to visit some links in my blogroll of recommended reading too!

  • Maybe I have it all wrong and that it's just that the FBI has ESP.  Maybe someone working there had a premonition that within 24 hours there would be mass destruction and carnage in Weaselville with The great Watermelon Massacre of '10 and were that they were just trying to get a jump start on the investigation.  However, in order to save taxpayer dollars, Mr. Weasel and I conducted the investigation and ruled it a tragic accident.  We also took care of the clean up effort ourselves because our home could have been devoured by maggots by the time the federal government did anything about clean up efforts

  • My sister called and wants us to join her family for a week of camping in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  There are a few problems with this for me.
  1. I hate camping.
  2. My idea of 'roughing it' is drinking well liquor.
  3. I don't want to spend $200+ on a tent/air mattress/gear.
  4. I don't want to drive 8 hours north to damn near Canada a place where they are still having overnight frost warnings.  No offense to my Canadian friends, I just don't dig your weather. 
Yeah, I really don't see that trip happening.

  • I have never received hate mail during my 2 yrs of blogging.  I've never been sent a message that someone wants to have my babies, like someone I know has.  I've never even gotten any particularly nasty comments nor have I been told what a bad mother I am.  Hmmmm, maybe I'm not doing this blogging thing right.

Oh, BTW, This Friday is the next episode of Suburban Wow!  Info and the link will be up on the shows info blog pageDawn Meehan, author of Because I said So will be joining Melisa and I.  So if you you like to laugh and have fun, forget about Bravo and come watch the real housewives of the suburbs in action on Suburban Wow.
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