Monday, August 16, 2010

Dancing With a Pole

I've written before about the Weasels being a mixed family.  That is, I myself being Irish and Mr. Weasel being Polish.  We have a lot of fun when teasing each other about our respective heritage and families.  There is always much laughter to be found in Weaselville.  Well usually there is.

Just two short years since Mr. W's last layoff, we've learned that it has happened again.  This is a mixed bag of both good and bad news.  In the past year and half, Mr. W has been working 80+ hour weeks, full time contracting for a company and full time starting his own business to help secure a better future for the kids and I.  Granted, it is his day job contracting that brings home the scratch and things have been tight around here, but Mr. W has been burning the candle at both ends and could seriously use a break.  Not to mention that I miss him when he works such long hours. 

I'm going to have to find a day job myself.  Having been a SAHM for 17 years, my qualifications are a little lacking and rusty.  That and the only letters/title that I managed to achieve in college was my MRS.  So, I'm trying to think about the kind of job that would be the best fit for me and my qualifications.

Nobody seems to be searching for a resident smart ass.

Oprah's people have yet to contact me about becoming her replacement.

I haven't been offered any cash advances to write a book, yet.

After 6 kids, I'm no longer qualified not that I ever was to be an entertainer at a gentleman's club.  Nor would I want to be.  Without health insurance how would I get the penicillin and tetanus shots necessary to touch any surface in such places.

I'm still weighing my options and in the mean time instead of dancing on a pole, I think I will take some time to appreciate dancing in the kitchen with a Pole.
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