Monday, August 23, 2010

Young Love

As the last lazy days of summer are winding down here in Weaselville, Mr. Weasel and I decided to take some time to make the most of a quiet Sunday afternoon and the abundance of sunshine that the day had to offer.

We snuck out of the house all by ourselves.  We didn't bring the dog, nor did we allow any Weasels to tag along as they are wont to do each and every time that the Mr. and I try to escape for a quiet walk.

We wandered the neighborhood, hand in hand, and decided to stop when we came to the pond, who's banks of freshly cut grass were incredibly inviting.  We sat down on the bank and drank in the warmth of the cloudless sky as we cuddled and talked in a scene that is now oddly reminiscent of a Cialis commercial.  Things that make you go hmmm.

I felt like a teen again, only better because I had no fear of one of my parents walking by and spotting us.  I snuggled into Mr. Weasel's arms and coyly asked him, "If you were a teenager right now, show me what you would be doing", with an air of mischievousness in my eyes.

As Mr. Weasel started to follow my lead and played along, I leaned in and whispered into his ear, "Keep this in mind the next time your 16 year old daughter wants to take 'a walk down by the pond'".

'Cause we all know, that I am great when it comes to laying traps to snare innocent victims into special moments.
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