Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekend Round-Up IV

This turned out to be an incredibly busy and fun weekend in Weaselville.  A top of the normal amount of mayhem that Weaselville is famous for, Boy Weasel had a few of his buddies sleep over in celebration of his birthday.  Lucky for them me, these are all good, low maintenance kids that I like and don't mind having in close proximity to myself. 

Simultaneously, Weaselville was descended upon by Grandparent types bearing awesome gifts in the form of an entire freezer full of Bessie, Yee-ha, homegrown, farm raised beef rocks! curtains hung in a Weasel bedroom, repair and rehanging of a storm door that had been seriously getting on my nerves every time I tried to open or close it and a clothing shopping spree for Boy Weasel whose growth spurts have been impossible to keep up with.  Thanks, Grandparent types!

We made our annual trek to our favorite apple orchard/farm for the sole purpose of picking up a few of the best homemade fruit pies on earth to take home fun, family quality time.  We spent the day riding ponies, getting lost in mazes, eating yummy fresh apple donuts, jumping our brains out on a giant bounce pillow and visiting the petting zoo.  Of course, I forgot to bring along the video camera.

We celebrated Mr. Weasel's occupational success as his new company earned their first revenue of 15¢ with mimosas!  Three nickels never tasted so good.

Last night, Eldest Weasel, five of her friends and I had a haunting good time taking a walking tour of Haunted Naperville.  More to come on that in another, un-sponsored, post.  Probably Wednesday.

Last, but certainly not least, after having declared my love for my morning beverage of choice and paying homage to the trusty vehicle of it's daily delivery, I woke up this morning to find the coffee pot on life support.  All of the lights were on an registering, but all of it's internal systems had failed.  I had to pull the plug.  In lieu of flowers, send freshly roasted beans.
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