Monday, March 14, 2011

A Break In The Clouds

I know, I know, I know....... I haven't been around to fill you all in on the daily chaos that ensues in Weaselville, but it's been a rough couple of months.  It's not all been bad though, just, ...well, chaotic.  One of the rays of golden sunshine that managed to push it way through gray February skies, like a beak in the clouds, was that I spent a good chunk of February tooling around in some of the GM fleet cars and thank God for it because both of the Weaselmobiles decided that they should have major malfunctions and meltdowns in February.  Hmmm, I wonder if a car can take on the personality of it's owner like a dog can?

So to share with you the highlights of my late winter escapades, I've spent 20 hours going blind editing video made you a few fun videos.

Check it;

BTW, The gas millage worked out great.  1 tank took me 2 states away.

And on Monday morning, I got this surprise treat;

And which do I like better?

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