Thursday, March 17, 2011

Luck of the Irish or Murphy's Law?

Happy St. Patrick's Day All!!!!!

While most of the country celebrates with the Irish today, I will be making money off all you drunken fools working all day and into the evening.  Yes, I now indeed, have picked up a regular day job.  I'll tell you more about that next week.

The actual point that I am trying to get to is that, as a good Irish and German girl, I made my corned beef yesterday because I will not be home to make dinner today.  Weasels love corned beef.  I cook my corned beef low and slow all day and it comes out so incredibly tender and delicious.  

Afternoons in Weaselville are very busy and hectic.  Constant drop offs and picks ups in the car for track practice, train station pickup etc., often make me wonder if I should really install a revolving door on the house.

After having started dinner at 8am and gently babysitting it all day, I returned to Weaselville around 6:30, having picked up Mr. Weasel just and pulled into the driveway seconds behind Eldest Weasel and the rest of the gang who were just returning from track, to find the house completely filled with smoke.

Somehow, the stove had gotten turned up to high, no one remembered to turn it off before having left the house, the pans ran out of water and were mere moments away from breaking out in flames when we returned home.  Instead of corned beef brisket, we now had corned beef briquette.

I ran inside, turned off the heat, and started opening doors and windows to get clear the air of the thick cloud of smoke that had engulfed every inch of square footage in the house.

So at the end of a long and particularly stress filled day in Weaselville where nothing seemed to run smoothly, some would call the dinner or now, lack there of fiasco, Murphy's Law ~Anything that can go wrong will and at the worst possible time.

I however, call this the Luck of the Irish!  Although dinner was ruined and my day became even more chaotic than it already had been, we were lucky enough to return home before flames broke out and to still have a home to sleep in last night with no damage except that of the stink of burnt food and smoke.

Maybe I'll make another corned beef dinner on Saturday and with any luck, we'll actually get to eat it this time.
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