Monday, December 27, 2010

The Flu That Stole Christmas

'Twas the day after Christmas and I'm in the nest
hacking and sneezing, well I'm just a mess.

A virus has struck and I almost missed Christmas!
No matter how sick, I just couldn't miss this.

I made it 6 hours, from 4am until 10
before Mr. Weasel tucked me back in my bed.

Congestion and fever, a cough and a cold
The Weasels did have a great day, so I'm told.

Under my blankets, I napped cozily
while my family went to Christmas Mass without me.

Santa brought me some candies and an NHL pennant.
some chocolates and teas and candles nicely scented.

I'm still tucked in my blankets, all cozy in bed
as visions of Nyquil dance in my head.

Cough syrup with codeine and tea spiked with whiskey
I must get better soon, the Weasels do miss me.

Jello with chunks of Lord only knows what
sits in my stomach and wreak havoc in my gut.

My fever will break and I'll soon be myself
What on earth is the cat doing up on that shelf?

I'll feel better soon and get back in the swing
just in time to be well for the New Year to ring.

I hope you all had a wonderful season,
and remember what is truly the reason.
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