Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Joy of Giving

Many of you parent types already know the joy of taking of a six year old shopping to select Christmas gifts for family members.  Those of you who don't, run out and rent a six year old ASAP for this task.  You won't regret it.

Now onto the story............

Last week, with only 3 days left until Christmas, we finally got around to making the annual Weasel Family Trek to the mall to visit Santa and allow the Weasels to finish off their personal shopping lists.  We scattered through the mall in small groups, hiding our purchases as we randomly passed each other in the corridors and occasionally changed out shopping partners to ensure the utmost in discretion of our treasured finds.

I had the pleasure of taking Smallest Weasel around from store to store in search of a gift that she would choose for Mr. Weasel.  It was later in the afternoon, the mall was crowded and I was losing steam and enthusiasm fast.

Smallest Weasel led me from store to store where I spent much time explaining to her that "Dad doesn't really need a pillow pet" and "My pretty ponies might make a great gift for you, but let's think of a great gift for Dad".

Soon enough I managed to lure her into Brookstone, where she discovered that they have lots of boy stuff.  Within 45 seconds she was drawn like a magnet to a display of shiny metallic gadgetry, that she deemed to be perfect for the most important man in her life.   They even had some try me models that she could touch and play with.  The girl was sold!

My sweet little angel was thrilled that she had found something so pretty and perfect for her Daddy.  It was on sale and in her budget range. I was tired couldn't think of any good reason to talk her out of this purchase.  I chuckled to myself and shared a knowing smile with the sales clerk who had heard the entire exchange between Smallest Weasel and I as she made her selection, placed her purchase up on the counter and proudly paid for it with her own money.

Buzz Mini Vibrating Personal Massagers
The Buzz Pinpoint Mini Personal Massager

I personally couldn't wait to see Mr. Weasel's face light up when he opened it!  And light up it did!  Smallest Weasel was thrilled with how surprised Mr. Weasel was by his gift and had the joy of giving.  Mr. Weasel after shooting me eye lasers smiled big and gave a very grateful thank you hug and a kiss to his youngest daughter........

and they all lived happily ever after.

* This is not a sponsored or compensated post, just another day in Weaselville.
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