Monday, February 7, 2011

Random Ramblings

~ We survived the blizzard just fine and wound up with about 2 feet of snow.  Snow is nothing new around here.  The scary part of the storm had to do with the insane winds that accompanied it.  Our storm door was bent from it's hinges and it's a wonder that we didn't lose any shingles.

~ It's February in Chicago any everywhere else too which means that it is bitter cold, slushy, windy and just plain old messy.  The only promising thing about March is St. Patrick's Day it gets us that much closer to summer on the calendar.  I am certain that global warning is just as real as unicorns, leprechauns and government spending cuts.  If only I could summon it up with a jumbo can of aqua net, I would.  I need warmth and sunshine, now.

~ While I am basking in fantasyland anyway, I have decided to get back to a regular workout routine my muffin top has grown into a jumbo cupcake  and shape up a bit before I have to trade in my 501's for 60542's shorts and swimsuit season is upon us.

~ I'm rolling in my 1.4!  This week a am crusin' around Chicagoland in a Chevy Cruze as part of a promotion for the Chicago Auto Show and a GM photo contest where I got to take a pic with my Cruze slush and falling snow in front of a Chicago landmark and I had fun with this one, thinking outside the box tell how that landmark inspires me with out getting as long winded as I normally do a short blurb.  Photos from 10 bloggers will be posted on a special GM website.  You get to go vote for your favorite snapshot, and I hope that you decide to vote for mine.  Polls open at 4pm.  Now please click this hyperlink and go vote for me?????
*UPDATE: The polls are now open.  It's one click voting with NO registration necessary!  I am the 1st entry, vote with 1 click at the bottom of the page.

~ You should be hearing from me again very soon as February is promising to be a very exciting and happily busy month in Weaselville and I'm hoping to get back into a regular Monday, Wednesday, Friday posting routine.

~ Have a great one!
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