Is there anybody still out there???????
Well, none the less, WeaselMomma is back and better than ever!
It's time for me to catch up with all of my past readership, hopefully welcome some new, and fill you all in on my elongated absence.
Mr. Weasel and I divorced in 2013.
That changes up life quite a bit; emotions, finances, schedules, lifestyles, .........everything.
It's taken me a while to find my bearings, but I finally have.
Everything has changed, and so have my Weasels. They've grown so much, made me very angry, hurt, sad, proud, happy and awed. I am not the only one who has had to struggle through this emotional jungle and it breaks my heart that they had to make this trek. Alas, they have proven to be as amazing as I always knew them to be.
So, lets catch up........
- Eldest Weasel is now of legal drinking age, has her own apartment and full time gainful employment.
- Boy Weasel is in his freshman year of college in another state.
- Middle Weasel is a senior in high school, has a job, a busy social life and finds time to write and direct plays for drama club.
- Monkey Weasel is now the 4th Weasel driving a full size piece of equipment called an automobile.
- Smallest Weasel is now in middle school.
Kind of sums up my thoughts on that matter.
Me? Well, I'm working 2 jobs, enjoying as much time with the Weasels as I can, eating, sleeping and oh, yeah.........dating. More on that in the future.
I'm betting that long time World of Weasels readers are asking themselves, why I am suddenly writing again. For them and anyone else who wants to know, the answer is this:
- I missed this blog and writing, and have wanted to get back to this for a long time now.
- I'm finally feeling like my mojo is rolling again.
- The Weasels' friends have started reading and asked that I keep it up and post more.
- I miss my friends/fellow bloggers and want to keep in better touch.
- But, most of all................. The Weasels have asked and encouraged me to.
Reading through the archives with them, the smiles, laughs and memories abounded. The feeling was just right, the time available, so here I am.
More of the story of how I wound up reading through the archives with the Weasels later. ( Also, pics, updates and funny antics of life in Weaselville)
Until then, I hope you're still out there.