I have been off the radar lately and although I have about 100 excuses that I could throw out there to you, the best by far is that last weekend Mr. Weasel and I took off together for the weekend and headed north to Wisconsin to attend Mrs.4444's annual Halloween Blowout Party and I have been recovering sleep ever since.
It was the first time in 4 years that the two of us got to sneak away alone and it was well worth the drive. Remind me someday to tell you all about the last time we went away together. We took our time getting up there on Friday stopping at the casino for lunch along the way.
Our host and hostess were as wonderful and beautiful as ever. What a sight for sore eyes they were.
For the first time ever, I got a chance to play with a life size Barbie Doll and dress up with Mr. Weasel.
I gasped and almost soiled myself by way of laughter when I saw this picture of Mr. W and realized exactly how much he looks like his mother.
And what weekend getaway fairytale would be complete without the magical kiss of true love that begins the happily ever after?
We had a fantastic time and this year, unlike last year, I was bright eyed and bushy tailed by 6 the next morning and ready to work 'clean up crew'.