After taking my own advice about not pressuring myself about Christmas preparations and procrastinating too long relaxing like a slug all day Saturday, I woke up yesterday morning and realized that this coming Friday is Christmas Eve I swear that we skipped a week or two on the calendar AND I DON'T HAVE SQUAT DONE!
It's time to panic people.
We haven't been to see Santa yet.
I only started shopping yesterday. I haven't even made my list or checked it twice.
Yesterday would be the same day that my microwave sparked, sputtered and started to burst into flames. Oh, and it was also the day that Mr. Weasel's car decided that it wasn't up to the task of starting. Mr. Weasel's gift to me this year will be a microhood combo and I will gift him with a car battery.
Oh yeah, yesterday was also the day that Eldest Weasel decided to tell me how bummed she is that I didn't bake as much this year as I usually do and that she and Middle wished that I had helped with the decorations so that our home would not look like I had contracted kindergarteners as interior designers.
I also found out yesterday that the Weasels are bummed that we didn't do a family Christmas card this year and that we don't have any real family traditions at Christmas like their friends do. Baking, family picture and tree decorating are our traditions in Weaselville.
Can you say, WeaselMomma Christmas Fail?
In the spirit of the Christmas, St. Nicholas, making my children happy and building memories, you may not be hearing from me much this week as I seriously work to get my Christmas on and make with the Merry by exhausting myself to get all the shopping, decoration adjustments, cookies baking, video making, house prettifying and wrapping done. Even if I don't feel like it.
Giving of my time, energy and talents to make this time special, magical and full of traditions will be my Christmas gift to the Weasels. I think it's at the top of their list.