Matilda the Hun (Weasel Dog) is now 16 weeks old. She is approximately 36 lbs and growing nicely. The housebreaking is finally going beautifully, after only 6 weeks of being in Weaselville.
The pooch is doing incredibly well in puppy kindergarten and learning nicely. Matilda is uber friendly, but not a jumper or a yapper. She enjoys play time for a few minutes at a time before transforming into a piece of furniture and napping a chunk of the day away. Every morning she acts like it's Christmas as the Weasel household wakes up and one by one makes their way down the stairs. She loves to be with people and is always really happy to see everyone and wants to play first thing in the morning.
This is where my only issue with the dog comes in.
I am an early riser. Do not confuse this with me being a morning person. I wake around 4 am on most days and start my day in peace and quiet with my coffee, computer and morning news. I need this slow and easy start to my day. I need 2 cups of coffee before I can be civil to anyone or anything. Luckily, I usually spend this part of my day in solitude. Even the cats have an ingrained instinct of self preservation and have learned to steer clear of me in the morning.
Matilda needs immediate attention first thing in the morning. She needs someone to take her outside right away and she is excited to have company again and enjoys interaction after the overnight hours sleeping alone. The dog and I are not compatible in the mornings, even if we are the best of friends the rest of the day.
In the past 2 weeks, Matilda and I have worked out an unspoken agreement mostly because that early in the morning neither of us are able to speak. When I come down the stairs she sits up in her kennel and waits quietly and patiently while I feel my way through the kitchen to the coffee pot and pour my first cup. I grab the leash, open the kennel, and take the Matilda out for morning relief in silence. Coffee in one hand, lead in the other. She quickly takes care of her business and then we reenter the house, still without any form of morning greeting. I then bring my coffee to the couch, flip on the news and open my laptop as the dog plops on the floor near my feet.
In 10-15 minutes time we repeat this process, still in robotic movement.
Within a few more minutes, an amazing transformation happens as I head back into the kitchen to pour my 3rd cup of coffee. Then and only then Matilda follows at my feet and after I sip we finally greet each other good morning and begin enjoying our day together.
And this is how I know I have the smartest and most awesome dog in the world. A dog who knows her place in my life second priority after coffee and loves me anyway.

Very good dog. I have basically the same morning routine except I have to go in one of the girls' rooms to WAKE the dog so he can go outside.
Can your dog teach my dog some lessons about calm? Thanks.
That is a good dog. I can't even get people to leave me alone before I have my coffee. I love the name Matilda the Hun too.
I am going to totally have to teach my NEW PUPPY (yes you read that right!) this trick. She's still super hyper in the a.m. Then again, we've only had her for 3 days. HAH!
Your big baby, is GORGEOUS!
@ Dad Unmasked ~ My rule of thumb is let sleeping dogs and babies lie. I like my peace and quiet.
@ Melisa ~ Yes, but I don't know that you would approve of my methods in that case. =)
@ Otter ~ The name just fit. She is a Mastiff and expected to grow to 140 lbs. Bertha was a good choice, but already taken by an English Bull we know. The family voted down the name Doofus, so Matilda the Hun she is.
@ Heather ~ Are you serious? Who is going to dog sit during the Nuptials? What breed did you get? Start training immediately.
Pretty soon it may be difficult to tell who has who trained. Matilda is adorable!
OMG, soooo adorable!
Sounds like the relationship I had with my post-college roommate. We had an understanding that we would not speak to each other for at least an hour in the mornings. Sounds like you've trained her well.
We're a two dog family. Like you I'm an early riser (5 a.m.) and love my quiet time. The dogs have never really bugged me then, however, because they're too busy competing for the place I left vacant in the bed next to my wife!
She seems like the perfect pet! You lucked out with her!
I'm with Otter on this one, I can't even get people to leave me alone in the morning!
If I knew that we could get a dog that calm, I'd be all for it. Maybe after we get a few more things paid off.
Wow... I think you chose the right dog there. Nicely done. Of course the fact that you're AWAKE whether sentient or not at that hour still freaks me out.
She sounds awesome! Especially after waking to 11 puppies crying at me for the last 3 days.
If only kids were that smart!!
As you know, my dog has a lot of energy, and we too have times when we are not compatible. I too have to get rolling before I can handle his energetic nature. I wish, though, that he would understand this. Matilda the Hun is a very smart dog!-Jason
My grandma used to call me Matilda...I never understood why....and I watched the movie Matilda today...and then I stumble upon this blog post. It's all starting to make sense. LOL
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