Smallest Weasel, who is soon turning 5, and I were having a conversation yesterday about marriage. She is amazed that The Mr. and I have not always been married grownups.
I asked her "What kind of things did I have to know about Dad before I married him? After a moments thought, she came up with this.
1. Did he have money?
2. Would he sleep in your bed?
3. Could he make the coffee?
4. Would he get you a beer?
If this is a litmus test for what makes a good husband, he scored 75%. I however, think I hit the jackpot.

I love that little ones have such a hard time with "before I was born." It is so mind boggling for them!
That's adorable. It reminds me of my former neighbor, who used to say to her 5-year-old daughter, "What is it that you have to do before getting married?"
"Go to Paris."
(not as funny as your story but sweet just the same!)
No, sounds more like 100%.
You have wealth in Love
So, you still have to get your own beer?
damn, she's got you pegged! that was great. i love when someone actually makes me lol.
75% ain't bad! How very cute of the little weasel!
I'm about 1/2 way there.
That's like a tease of a post! I want to know which one he got wrong!
She's obviously been studying you guys for awhile.
I like how looks didn't come into her mind...
I love the "Would he get you a beer?"
So it's twin beds then? ;) I love the way little minds work. I'm tempted to ask the wee ones this question tomorrow!
A little Weasel wise beyond her years. HA! My hubs only got a 3/4 score too.
That seems an appropriate list! Smart kid you got there!
Love it! What a smart Weasel!
Mine always rates at 75%! But the whole beer thing should earn him bonus points. Who needs money, anyway?!
I think I'm a 75% person as well...damn that money question :(
That's why I'm getting a PhD, won't have to worry about #1 as much, lol. Smallest Weasel is adorable, but I'd say that about all of them.
a beer? A BEER? I LOVE that girl.....
A few years back a very young son of a bf asked what I liked best about his dad. I gave him a sweet, suitable for "young son" answer & he said: Ya ever see him naked?
Before I could answer he said: If you never saw him naked, ask him to get naked. He has a cooool tattoo on his butt. ~Mary
@ Seashore ~ The world did not exist before she was born.
@ Melisa ~ That is sweet and cute.
@ Oscar ~ Too bad love doesn't pay the bills.
@ Tom ~ That would have been a deal breaker!
@ Nonna ~ I've managed to teach her what's important.
@ Rhonda ~ Not bad at all.
@ NukeDad ~ You won't sleep in her bed or get her beer?
@ Mama Smurf ~ that would definitely be money.
@ Mike ~ She's been paying attention alright!
@ Sue ~ That was my favorite too.
@ Michelle ~ let me know the answers!
@ Tara ~ That's a great score!
@ Terri ~ Good to know we're raising her right.
@ Cheffie ~ She's her mother's daughter.
@ Momo ~ total bonus points!
@ de-I ~ That's where we failed too.
@ Micro ~ You can bring the money to the table.
@ Vodka ~ That's my girl!
You are being featured on Five Star Friday!
Hi Weasel Momma!
Thanks for your "5 Star" congratulations today. ;) My daughter is also very curious about how we could have existed before we were married. ;) Now that I think about it, I used to be incredulous that my parents existed previous to being my parents, too. :)
rock the rolllllllll
Exactly, I can so have a trophy husband!
Very funny! Great blog!
i would only add to my must haves in a potential husband:
1. Will he kill bugs and spiders
2. Will he clean the toilet.
If he can do those things, he is a keeper.
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