Taps is quickly on it's way to becoming the most played song on my iPod. Death has once again visited the burrow. Syrup the mouse (I introduced you to her here) has become the latest Weasel pet to go to the giant hamster wheel in the sky. She was one of a set of tawny and brown mice that resembled the color of Waffles and Syrup ~ hence the names.
Yesterday at about dusk. Eldest came into my bedroom to inform me that Syrup had expired (I hadn't even looked at the date stamped on her butt. This reminds me - check the milk). Her counterpart and companion Waffles seems to be coping well with this tragedy. Eldest informed me, "I told Dad and he didn't even stop playing RockBand. He said we'll take care of it after dinner." I told her that I was sorry and attempted to give her a hug. "You're not going to hug me, are you? It's okay, don't hug me", teens. I don't get them. I agreed that after dinner would be the correct time to handle things, as we were preparing to eat.
Monkey Weasel entered the scene and added her two cents, "Maybe you shouldn't eat first. You know, cause you might ~and proceeded to enact a very flamboyant rendition of losing her cookies, I couldn't control myself from laughing. Thank God that Eldest Weasel had left the room. Then Monkey Weasel looked at me with the sweetest of faces and stated that there is a bright side to this latest visit from the Grim Reaper, "At least I will be able to tell them apart now!" I lost it. The sense of humor around this place is insane.
Services, as usual, will be held on Friday morning. We have chosen a lovely casket. It's a ziplock bag and have vaulted it in a large garbage can in the garage.
I'm beginning to think the Weasels could have successful careers as exterminators. Disagree? Read about our other comedic adventures with dead rodents 'tragedies' see here and here, and see if you don't change your mind.

LOL. Wait were you in my house? The sentence .."didn't even stop playing RockBand" sounds strangely familiar. ROFL
Don't tell me; Mr. Weasel was playing "Ben".
Maybe you should go rest "Willard" for the kids to see. Get the old one though, with Ernest Borgnine and Bruce Davison.
@ Kat ~ I think this points to how commonplace this type of event is in our house.
@ NukeDad ~ Netflix only has the remake.
Long time lurker referred from the Microblogologisty in Iowa.
First, condolances on the dead rodent.
Second, Microblogologist has an albino mouse you should probably check into getting. While it does have some restrictions and possible side effects, I would think that it would be VERY hard to kill.
Third, I appreciate reading your site. I have to make sure I am not drinking at the time since I lost MtDew up my nose one day. I hope that you are able to find Mr.Weasel paying employment in the midwest without resorting to him commuting to Canada and mailing his paycheck to ChiTown.
If I didn't think she would be so lonely, I would ask Microbloggy woman to send me the FWM and I would have FWM help with our newborn.
We've done okay with our furry pets, but the hermit crabs and lizards have not fared so well.
Maybe it's time to stop getting little furry pets? Ikkkk... mice are horrid smelly things anyway!
@ K'Man ~ I'm glad you're coming around. Micros newest pet cracked me up! I have to ask, which post caused the Mountain Dew incident?
@ Tara ~ and yet we have others that stick around forever. You need some hearty stock to make it here in Weaselville.
@ Chris ~ They are low maintenance (albeit icky) and have a kinship with Weasels. No actual love of mice.
So, now you need to get a little critter named Powdered Sugar? Or perhaps Jam? Or two: Orange Marmalade and Pecans. Mmmmm... pecans...
Our condolences for your loss.
They date stamp those furry things? Well on the bright side, one less mouth to feed.
@ Tom ~ I was thinking sturdy names like Rocky or Boris. Powdered Sugar never seems to go bad though.
@ Mike ~ You just have to lift the tail to see it. and B. Mr. Weasel said that same thing!
Dad didn't stop playing Rock Band? Is this a tactic they learn in Dad school? Sounds like something my husband would do.
Well...you ARE weasels, after all. No rodent is safe around a weasel, are they? Shoot, I have no idea what weasels eat. At least I made an effort to make you laugh.
Miss you...crazy busy with kids/school again this week. Tomorrow night, I might make it home before 7pm. I love "seeing" your smiling face each morning, though. Thanks.
"I told dad and he didn't even quit playing Rock Band." HILARIOUS! I can SO see my husband doing the same thing...even if the dog died.
Soooo happy to have no pets no more.
I probably wouldn't have stopped playing Rock Band either.
Oops....sorry for your loss. She was a good rodent.
Sorry to hear about your latest casualty. We resorted to the larger of four legged animals(dogs and a cat) for this very reason. Nothing smaller than a chihuahua here. I have a knack for doing away with things that have wings gills or have to live in a cage. Plants aren't my thing either.(killed a cactus)
what would be the point in stopping rock band? it aint like it was gonna get any less dead if it had to wait awhile for the appropriate action. heck if you left it in there long enough the other mouse would prob eat it and either a)die of same disease or b)not need to be fed for awhile or very small possibility of c)get some dead mouse eating disease and go psycho and escape and turn all the mice into brain eating killers.
what the hell....rock on!
I am cracking up that your husband didn't stop playing Rock band to deal with the tragedy.
So sorry, I will miss the ceremony, but my prayers are with you.
@ Terri ~ as a wise little boy once said "If you get an A in parenting school, you get to be a mom. If you fail, you get to be a dad".
@ Mrs4444 ~ I was hoping for Rodent Solidarity.
@ Momo ~ What is it with Dad's?
@ de-I ~ Think of all the funerals you're missing out on!
@ ohCaptain ~ Great in that she was caged and I didn't have to care for her.
@ Paula ~ We also have 3 Toads, 3 cats a hamster and will inherit a dog someday.
@ nonna ~ and that's why we love you!
@ Sue ~ Don't worry the trashmen will attend.
Oh man. Sounds like my hubby. He probably wouldn't have stopped playing either.
My condolences on the mouse.
Once when my kids were young we had a cat die and the kids to assuage their grief insisted on an ancient Egyptian themed funeral. So we decorated a box with scenes of the cat's life in the hereafter - filled the box with food and toys for the cat to play with in the hereafter.
Heh. Poor mouse. I love the burial service, but ummm are you really going to hold onto it until Friday? I hope you're at least putting it out in the once again below zero weather (where DID this come from?) to keep it ummm preserved.
@ Momisodes ~ It's a Dad thing. In his defense, Eldest wasn't all broken up about it.
@ de-I & Michelle ~ For clarification, the funeral is on Friday because that is trash day. The ritual we observe, goes like this:
Mr Weasel moves the trash cans to the bottom of the driveway. Then trashmen come and take the mouse (and the other garbage) and load it into the back of their truck. All this while I sip morning coffee and read blogs.
I have a friend that actually kept her guinea pig in the freezer until trash day - of course she forgot and it sat there for a few weeks! (in a bag of course) By all means pitch it now, looking for ground beef and pulling out a stiff mouse - yummy!
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