TADA! I'm Lovin' it and am still trying to get used to it. Not everything transferred over from my blogroll, so if I missed you, drop me a line. Or if you have an awesome blog leave me the link so I can check it out and maybe add you to the list of my daily reads. Kudos to Nap Warden at N.W. Designs for the new look.
In other Weasel News, we had a death happen last night. Oreo the Hamster, pet of Middle Weasel, is no more. His funeral is scheduled for Friday morning around 6am. All who are awake (Me), and the city sanitation department are expected to attend.
Eldest Weasel(14) asked me how did he die? I told her "I assume that he stopped breathing". "No Mom, really, why did he die?". "we won't know until after the autopsy", was all I had for her. "MOM! for real!"(I love torturing Eldest). "Really. I swear he didn't bother to leave a note". At which point Mr. Weasel chimes in with what a note would have possibly said like " I just felt like I was always running in circles and never getting anywhere". We suspect he would have signed with a little paw print. No, Middle Weasel was not in the room during this exchange. Click here to read about our past hamster adventures.
That's all for now folks!

This looks AWESOME!!! I love it, and it totally "fits". Kudos to Nap Warden on the design! (Great use of yellow, too! LOL)
Love the new look! Very bright and cheery for the mid winter blues! Also love that you can tease with your 16 year old!
I love it! Funny masthead, full of punchy color.
Sorry for your loss, btw. We have several dead rodents in our backyard, too.
I LOVE the new design. It's so you!
Sorry to hear about the passing of the rodent. Sounds like EW isn't taking it too hard. Maybe it helps knowing the expected lifespan isn't much.
@ Melisa ~ I needed to keep the yellow, it's like a signature.
@ Sue ~ It's always fun to mess with the Weasels, especially in a cheery way.
@ Muskrat ~ Our is just in the garage until trash day!
@ Terri ~ The header does kind have the right flavor. In our house the lifespan of hamsters is considerably shorter than in the wild.
I LOVE IT!!! And I love the hamster jokes...were you in on that whole suicide of my care bear in college thing?? It smells familiar... :)
@ Laura ~ I can honestly say I don't remember. I vaguely remember the sad incident(I always thought Care Bears were happy, who knew the depths of despair behind those smiles). Now that you mention it, but none of the details. It does sound like something I would have been involved with, if not the Mastermind behind. You should start a blog and post the whole story. Or write it up and I might might post it here.
The new design looks cute!
well, i guess since i jumped the gun yesterday i will once again tell you i love this new design. i'm trying to justify (without any success so far) the expense of having NW do me too...er..my blog that is :)
I think I'm repeating myself, but it's worth it. THIS LOOKS AWESOME! Congrats!
Wow, that is the coolest header! You have a great new look, all around.
Sorry to hear about the poor little hamster. I hope he had a full life. As full as a hamster's can be, anyway.
Next time eldest weasel asks that question you just say;
"Hamster didn't die,
He just quit livin'".
@ Maggie ~ Ty, I'm enjoying it.
@ Nonna ~ All in good time.
@ Captain ~ I'm diggin' it too.
@ Tom ~ Now if it would magically boost traffic.
@ NukeDad ~ or, he threatened to strike.
This makes you look like the Superhero that you obviously are. Mild mannered housewife by day.......but wait!
I love your new look!!!! Awesome!
Sorry about the hampster!
Stuck with the yellow huh? Love the cartoon header.
Thankfully I don't have the rodent issues you have (had?). With two cats a hamster wouldn't have much of a life anyways...
Like the new digs! So professional!
Have CSI investigate. Don't forget the black light. Was it smiling?
Ha! You totally had me laughing out loud with the suicide note. "Good-bye, cruel world!"
Great new blog! It looks awesome! I'm sorry to here about Oreo. So sad.
OMG. In classic form, I am laughing about your loss. So sorry, but it's your fault you are so funny!! LOVE the new look! :)
Geez I LOVE IT! It woke me right up when I visited! Great masthead!!
Oh the poor hamster. How many have you gone through? We went through seven (each) in less than two years before deciding that hamsters (with two cats in the house) was not a good idea.
hello, I came to your blog through a comment you left on mine after a guest post by Jim at
h3nus.blogspot.com - we had a hamster that died recently, but I couldn't bring myself to tell my small nephew and niece that it had died, so they think that the hamster is still on vacation.
Thanks for the birthday wishes
yeah we get that all the time. NONE OF THEM ARE MINE...or the "THEY'RE AREN'T ANY MATES IN THIS PILE!"
They have the laziest eyes and hands I've ever come across! 50 socks on the couch and not ONE mate? darned dryer's eating the spouse sock again. grrr
It's slightly comforting to know it's not just my kids! Oh and heaven forbid dad tell one kid to do one thing and mom says another chore. "cannot compute. must sit and do nothing." (said in robot voice, of course)
KIDs!!!!!!! One day when I'm old and gray I'll get my elderly revenge! (I'll leave my Ben gay on the couch for someone to sit on and my cane thrown down in the middle of the floor...I'll keep extras to really use) BWAH AH AH!
Some day I will have to write about the time one of my kids pets died and in order to give it proper due we did a mock ancient Egyptian burial complete with burial sarcophagus filled with scenes and implements to assist dead pet in the afterlife.
totally off subject, but i'm watching travel channel and wondering if you know Pat's Steaks and Geno's Steaks and, if you do, which is your favorite? just curious. ya never know when this knowledge might come in handy :)
Absolutely LOVE the new do!
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