First of all, I want you all to know that today I am being featured at Mom's Marbles as a Mom with Marbles where they have re-published my post Perspective. I am honored to be a guest on this site (and a pretty cool sight it is for good parent types) . Thank you.
Secondly, I want to make mention that the newest arrivals in our home are actually working out quite well. I think I lost a marble or two to have let them in my home in the first place, but must say that they are pretty entertaining. Much more active than the remaining hamster. They tend to have many stupid pet tricks up their little sleeves. It's kind of fun to watch them climb up to the top of the wheel and fall. Maybe I'll try and get it on video for you.
C.) In that same post about the rodent population of our home growing, I mentioned that I had gone to the pet store to buy crickets. Many of you had 'ewww - mice' reaction to our newest pets, but no one, at all even seemed phased by the crickets (that are food for the toads). You all crack me up.
And 4, I must be the queen of blogdom already. (McMommy needs to step aside before I have to send her Flat WeaselMomma). I know this because both Michael's Daddy and Momofali have blog posts currently up under the titles of Fun With Doctors (okay, mine was fun with M.D.'s) and Perspective, respectively. It's nice to know that my posts stick it their heads and rattle around in their subconscious enough to come to the surface. Once again I am honored. (yeah, I'll take credit for just about anything now). This surely couldn't be just a coincidence. It must be a sign of my greatness!
D.) The weather here in the Windy City stinks. Has stunk. And will continue to stink till about May. The temps are beyond stupid, tomorrow we are looking at a high of -1. The wind is out of control, and I never want to see another flippin' flake of snow. I have mentioned before that it should only be on Christmas cards. Hence, I told Mr. Weasel that he needs to start sending resumes to Texas. It would be hard to move the kids, but if he had a job and in a place that doesn't have snow, I'm all for it! I may have to sign up for Spanish lessons. Texas Holly and Debbie would surely welcome the Weasels to Texas.
And the 6th and final item on today's agenda is that I haven't heard squat from Coors Light yet! I even emailed them this post link. The automated response message system said how much they appreciate my email and that they would respond soon and I'm so important to them and all the other sunshine they blow. I even had a hit from Golden Colorado on my stalk-o-meter. Then nothing. No response email. No comment. No job offer! What's up with that. I think you should email and badger them to tell them just how awesome I am and how they need to send me coupons for free beer or my own kegerator or something!

Oh my goodness! I didn't intentionally steal that from you! See? Your posts are so good they stay in my head without me even realizing it! You are good!
Quite the list ;)
I love the layout here!
@ Momo ~ You know I'm just pulling your chain, I hope. I just like the idea of comparing myself to the level of blogger you are. All Hail my Greatness!
@ Lisa ~ thanks, I'm glad you came by!
Can I email Coors and tell them you meant me? Say, you have two 4's...intentional I'm certain. Only because I do the same thing for fun
Given your affinity for Coors, I thought you might like the picture I took of their plant.
Dang, you're on to me! I try to be clever and rephrase my post title slightly, but you saw right through it. Shoot. Well, there goes my posts about reindeer, mice and adult diapers.
@ Heinous ~ I don't care what you tell them, as long as I get free beer.
@ Bryan ~ Great picture of Mecca. How's Buffalo Bill holding up?
@ Tom ~ I am honored to any similarities with a blogger as good as yourself.
or send resumes to arizona. You'd still have to brush up on Spanish but maybe not quite as much. lol
Being in the ridiculous weather you are in, you probably don't want to hear how in 50 degree weather (ok maybe 60 degrees at some points) my toes are like ice cubes. I think if I stub them they may just break right off.
Ok in all fairness it's gotten up to the 70's and they're still cold. Ridiculous, I know.
Aren't you just Miz Thang... Congrats on all the awesomeness that is you! Florida is a good place to hang out during the winter... resumes accepted here too.
texas? TEXAS?!? i think you meant to say FLORIDA. you know, where seashore lives and i usually visit at least once a year! hhmmmp i think it even snows in stupid ole texas.
i'm not sure, but i think i'm mad at you.
ok. i checked, and no i'm not mad at you cuz i can't risk tickin off a follower. i'm up to 17. only 83 to go until i reach my goal.
Wow, that Coors situation sounds like a one way relationship.
Maybe you need to take them to court and sue for know so you can buy more beer...
I'll be in your neck of the woods tomorrow night! The weather sucks here too so it's an even trade.
Did you read Nonna's comment on my blog today? "i think, knowing weaselMomma, her trick will have something to do with beer. maybe chuggin' a beer in seconds or opening one with her teeth. that sounds like something a pro beer drinker could do, doesn't it?" Fits nicely with this post, don't you think? Has she inspired you?? heehee
@ Rhonda ~ The names of all warm places were thrown out there. It's a matter of no jobs for him.
@ Tara ~ Thankyouverymuch. Florida is out of the question, I have family there.
@ Nonna ~ You are doing awesome with followers, I'll be riding your coattails. You can't be mad if I go to Texas. Family in Florida will keep me far away from there.
@ Melissa ~ I am like a has been girlfriend, huh. You maybe onto something.
@ Mama Smurf ~ You picked the wrong day. Tomorrow's high will be -1.
@ Mrs4444 ~ You crack me up (and Nonna too). Every time I think of something to do for my trick, I realize it's not something I want on the internet for all time. I am working on it though.
family in florida..
*nonna thinking how glad she is that SIL lives in Colorado*
..ok, i totally understand now. besides, i've always wanted to visit texas :)
I feel your pain with the single digit weather. We are getting our share of the wintry freeze.
Kudos on the marbles. I lost mine years ago!
1)We had chameleons and would keep cricket like pets - with food and everything. It is when the mice are the food that I think eww.
2)It does snow in Texas, I've seen it! Sorry it is so chilly (love my euphemism) it is chilly here too, sweatshirt weather!
Thank you for your amazing post! We loved having you as one of our Moms With Marbles. :)
Toads? ACK!
Oh how I wish we could move as well.
I agree that snow should only be on Christmas cards.
Loving the new look here! I've missed your posts dearly.
Yes, you are right! The Weasels are welcome! Let me know when you are coming. You know, I miss the snow, so maybe we could just do a house swap for a little while?
Ha, Ha sent Wife over to Windy City today to be with and gain major brownie points from daughter for braving the cold just to visit her. Meanwhile I am still here in lovely NM. Unfortunately I have the make the trek to Chi-town and then Connecticut in two weeks :)
Go to for Albuquerque weather. We suffer here.
We would love to have you in Texas! Snowflakes are stupid!!
Love your new layout, so cute!
Good luck in your world domination.
So ummm did you have school canceled, too? Ours was canceled for tomorrow around 7:45 tonight. Entertaining, too, because I was in my co-op meeting and EVERY woman's phone starting ringing, one after the other with the news that it was closing tomorrow. Needless to say, that interrupted the meeting just a touch ;)
Ha ha crickets are so not gross and niether are mice If you lived with my "older but not the oldest" sister during her water dragon era you'd've had more crickets running about outside of the cage than inside. She really couldn't stomach touching them and so there were many escapees in between the cricket prison stage and the calcium powder stage.
That and our home just always has those big black ones hanging around when the seasons are right. They're great for putting on little girls for your sick amusement and Pa loves their chirping so they're there to stay.
ok, i broke down and joined the "cool people" and started like follow me or something :)
There you go, trying to steal my thunder again. It's obvious that You got "Perspective" from me and my post of the same name dated November 10th. And the Dr. posts? Just you playing on my weakness for knee surgeries and colonoscopies. Plagarism. Plain and simple. I may sue. All of my followers agree. Go ahead; ask them both. They'll tell ya. ;)
Florida is real nice.......
Then you can get an alligator, and have a full life cycle!
I'll have to speak to Adolph! (coors)
You know....... It snows in Colorado... a LOT! I think it starts in September! ;)
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