Mr. Weasel seems to be getting a little too comfortable with his unemployment. Don't get me wrong. He is actively searching for a new job, but without the need to leave his home for a professional environment every morning, he is reverting back to college living.
At first, it wasn't too bad. He deserved to sleep in a little while. He had earned a little down time to catch up on his computer game playing time (World of Warcraft). A little bit of comfort food, just like his mom used to make, was a good thing. Even if it did come straight out of a can. I let it slide that his shoes were left out for me to trip on in the dark, at 4 am. I needed to cut him cut him some slack.
My daily routine became interrupted with someone else in my work space, but that's okay. I enjoyed the extra company. Even if my to-do-list didn't get completed on schedule. I'm flexible. We are in this together.
However, after 2 months of joblessness, Mr.Weasel is starting to lose touch with civilization. He is as hard to get out of bed in the morning as the kids. He doesn't always to bother to get dressed for the day. Or shower. Or shave. He has now vowed not to shave again until he has a job. I ask him to get dressed because 'so and so is coming over'. He responds in the form of putting on a bathrobe. At least he ties it. I have found him eating Chef-BoyArdee ravioli right out of the can. Cold. In the office. Alone.
Well, not really alone. He is with his computer. "checking emails and stuff, waiting to hear about job stuff". Really? I didn't know that World of Warcraft was hiring.
It's like a have another child in the house. Only this one is the college washout who doesn't have a job and doesn't do any chores without whining and procrastinating. A lot of whining and procrastinating.
I was really doing okay with all of this. I have big shoulders and can let lots of things roll off of them, but there are lines not to be crossed. Yesterday, Mr. Weasel crossed that line. He started drinking My Beer. My Silver Bullets. My beloved stash cache. Mommy's happy juice. This is bigger than anything that Calgon can fix. Besides, I think he left shoes and clothes in the bathtub too. Somebody save me. Somebody Give This Man A Job.

I see nothing wrong with his behaviour. That is how I do it when I am not working. Hell, sometimes I don't get dressed for days. Or even out of bed. If he's up and walking around, he's doing good.
@ Karen ~ and that's okay, because you aren't drinking my beer! ROFL
Ruh-roh. Not the suds. We'll keep praying for you all, that he lands a job soon. Or that you find a better hiding place.
Yikes! Someone give that man a job!!!!!
(call some headhunters and give them his name and #!)
he drank your beer and he's still living?? or even still living WITH you? man, you must be slacking. i would never, ever, even dream of drinking your beer and i don't even want uhm..special priviledges from you. does he not know what he is risking??
You'd better design that cooler/purse immediately so you'll have a better hiding place!! Remind Mr. W that he'll have to shave for any promising interviews (the same stupid standard of a clean shaven face more likely to land a job as a female interviewee wearing a skirt more likely to get a jog--finally, an almost-fair "single standard"). Good luck with your additional child!
@ Tom ~ Thanks, hopefully both will happen.
@ Rhonda ~ He better find something and go back to drinking his own brand of sludge.
@ Nonna ~ It's for the kids sake and the life insurance.
@ Laura ~ I'm sure he'll shave for the next interview. Prospects have just been slow with the holidays and no one in their offices.
He drank your beer????? Jeez. That really crosses the line. Maybe Woodman's is hiring: he could get the beer cheaper! :)
I empathize with you - I am a WoW widow too!
You can overlook a lot, but not the beer stealing. How dare he!
That sucks! I would hate that, too (both his plight and yours).
I'm working on your interview questions, btw. Finally.
The whole being out of work thing seems to be terribly debilitating to people. I've had two friends go into serious depression when laid off for the first time after long years working.
From my own experience of being laid off and having a business fold, I would say that getting out and doing anything - even volunteer work - is critical to getting one going again.
Sorry if this is too serious a comment.
Oh man! Hide it! For the love of God woman HIDE THE BEER!!!!
I could use a cleaning lady. Think he could manage that job? I'll even keep some beer on hand for him.
Ouch! Good luck with keeping your stuff together and out of his paws. I must say that you're far more patient than I am. My husband teaches school so he's home alllll summer long. Hats off to you!
Oh no! Sounds like he crossed a line:P
Hey, I sent you an email...did you get it?
@ Melisa ~ You may be on to something.
@ Seashore ~ We should get T-shirts.
@ Sue ~ Is nothing sacred anymore?
@ MuskRat ~ Both these issued need to resolve themselves.
@ de-I ~ You are very sweet and kind. In reality, this was very tongue in cheek and Mr. Weasel laughed the hardest upon reading it. He's doing okay!
@ Mama Smurf ~ I will have to build a secret fridge compartment.
@ Terri ~ Great offer, but not if you actually like a clean house. I on the other hand, could make Angels sing in your kitchen.
@ Michelle ~ Having him around is great. Having him just hanging around, not so much.
@ Nap Warden ~ I have my limits, lol.
What field is he in? Never know when a friend of a friend's cousin's boyfriend might know of a place that might be hiring...
You know, I don't drink beer, you could sneak out and hang out here for awhile without having to worry about your stash and let him be all domestic until he is at the point of shaving, showering, getting dressed and going door to door in search for employment. Of course you would learn the hard way how appropriate my blog title is, not much going on in the middle of Ioway except playing with the bugs. Though we could reenact the Flat WeaselMomma posts, think I have a few sips of codeine cough syrup left ;).
Great post and PERFECT picture, I was laughing before I even started reading.
OMG, "He started drinking My Beer. My Silver Bullets."
Now he has gone too far! Time for drastic measures. Make him volunteer at the kids' school. He could join "Copy Cats" and work the school copier or volunteer as a classroom aide. Chaperoning a school field trip could serve as shock therapy!
I've been there with Mr.Bad Momma. Thankfully I have a safe haven to escape to..... Hang in there! and find a better hiding place for your beer!
Sorry if I over reacted - It's just that I work with so many people that are in some sort of crisis that I tend to react quickly when certain stimuli occur.
I believe I have some cold ones in my refridge and will take one whenever the knee jerk response to a post is to play Dear Abby.
I'd like to stick up for him, but digging into your beer stash is just wrong on so many levels. Find a new hiding place and get used to room temperature brewski's.
I hear cattle prods aren't too expensive. Talk about motivation. At the very least, it'll keep him out of your beer.
P.S. Where do you want me to send the questions for the interview.
@ de-I ~ It's all good. I think you're sweet. Now go have a beer.
@ NukeDad ~ I knew you'd see it my way. He always has made fun of my silver bullets (as I'm sure you are dying to) and prefers beers that I can not pronounce nor enjoy. This time of year the garage can double as a fridge, maybe I'll keep it behind the bikes.
I was in his position years ago. The first few weeks you are dilligent as hell, and don't spare a moment of valuable job searching time. Then as time goes by, the sense of urgency fades and you get depressed. You are consumed with other things now, yet still...looking. You figure you've put out hundreds of applications, resumes, etc. And are waiting for them to respond. Can't call them everyday because you'll be a pest. You mull over the idea of being self employed but then the taxes ,health benefit costs and a non contiguous stream of work knocks the wind out of your sails.
Sadly his and a lot of other professions are being outsourced. I ended up changing professions. Based on what I knew, I applied it to the external part of a system. I was a diagnostic programmer for years. I went outside the box. being that I knew what made it tick, I could easily interface and configure stuff. (hint)
Anyway, he needs to be in a routine, just like kids. Give him chores. Send him to the store. Part time (gratuity) work? Have him investigate drug serialization. Lots of upcoming work in that arena.
Tell him to shave. That interview will come soon enough and he doesn't want to have red blotches from the rushed grooming.
Oh, and hide the beer. How dare he!
I'm watching out for him.
If I can get Dean Wormer out of the house over the weekend, I'll host a toga party!
Mr. Weasel. You serving the silver bullets? What time?
I sometimes wonder about my geekiness. I have yet to play WoW. I've never even actually seen it.
Sleeping in...what is this thing you talk about? Is that even possible?
Thank heaven the holidays are over, huh? That can't be an excuse any more. I can't complain, because Mr.4444 is doing a few more things around the house these days. As we speak, he is on the phone with a recruiter and has an Toronto. Sorry, Toronto; not a fan of becoming a Canadian, eh?! (Nothing against Canadians, of course!)
Not shaving, eh? Maybe he's training for international mustache month (February).
My boy has been unemployed for over a year! When he moved in, his friend looked at me and said "now you have an unemployed boy living with you... do you know what you are getting into?"
At least my boy cleans the house and does dishes! I am so sorry! How frustrating that must be!
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