The other day was the official de-lurking day in the blogoshere. A day set aside for all of you lurkers out there to come out of the shadows and leave a comment. Of course I missed it. I never read the memo until after it's expiration date ~ always check before you drink the milk in my fridge ~ just ask my kids teachers, I'm sure they love me.
Anywho, I am making today my own special de-lurking day. Come on out and say hi. It's okay. It's only me. Sweet, caring, gentle, lovable, harmless WeaselMomma ~just look at the pic, I'm not so scary. Don't let the teeth in the header scare you, or the fact that I have written things like this, this and this. I really don't bite. I am reverse stalking you anyway. I know when you are here, so come on out and introduce yourself. I'm curious. Who are you Winston-Salem? Ashville? Random Canadians? Santa Clara? Say hi!
Sure I will publicly laugh at you for finding my blog by searching google for "Oprah adult diapers" and "girls who soil themselves", but I'm mildly curious that you read through the archives for the next two hours and continued to come back. Did you find what you were looking for? Don't be a wall flower, come out and join the party! It'll be fun.
Now with that said, I have to confess to being a stalker. Recently, Heinous linked to this wonderful lady, saying things like 'she is so wonderful and great and funny, and you soooo have to read her and your an idiot if you don't', or something like that anyway. He. was. right. Vodka Mom is hysterical. She is a Kindergarten teacher with the funniest stories from the classroom and fantastically witty takes on life. It is now a daily read for me.
In order to show her my appreciation for her blog and talent I have left her comments flat out calling her insinuating that she is a drunk, proclaiming my love to her, sending creepy virtual hugs from a stranger and I may have proposed marriage (happens a lot). I have also begged her not to call the authorities and then proceeded to follow her on twitter. I'm pretty certain that I have scared the bejesus out of her creeped her out a bit.
Maybe if she had read this, she would understand my affinity for Coors Light probably prompted those comments. Maybe she would understand that I am more like Wacky Aunt Wanda. You just have to sit me in the corner with a drink and give me a cookie every once in a while. Every family has one and in the blogosphere I think I'm it. It's just me. Sweet, caring, gentle, lovable, harmless WeaselMomma.
I am sure she is contacting the FBI, right. now.
And to Mrs4444 ~ Does outing myself like this count as my stupid human trick or are you holding out for my mugshot?

I think I left a comment here, but blogger did something funky, so if this isn't my second comment on this post, just know that I tried.
Are you kidding? Of course this doesn't count! Keep trying...
@ Terri ~ This one came through, but no lurkers coming out of the shadows, yet.
@ Mrs4444 ~ I have no talents(haven't you noticed). I'll come up with something.
I stalk you but I nearly always leave a note letting you know that I've nosed into your life.
I have several folks that don't leave comments on my posts and they are there daily, if not several times/day. And if you can believe it my closest peeps NEVER comment. I don't get it but I try to brush off the hurt feelings anyway. ;)
I'm delurked. I missed the memo about delurking day too. I don't even know where the meetings are. I think the blogaverse is trying to tell me something...
I'm not lurking, but still stopping by to say "Hey!"
@ Rhonda ~ By definition you are not a lurker, but a regular. Most people who actually know me day to day NEVER comment. I don't get it either.
@ Captain ~ You and me both.
Quit trying to weasel out of it! :) Here are some suggestions:
Can you sing?
Can you dance?
Can you videotape yourself trying to sing and dance (that would work, heehee)
Can you filet a fish while whistling Dixie?
Just a few suggestions....
@ Melisa ~ And I'm glad you did.
@ Mrs4444 ~ 1) When I sing the Baby Jesus cries. 2) When I dance people try to put a wooden block in my mouth. 3)don't want the combo. 4) Can't whistle (I am pathetic). 5) I don't eat fish, nor allow it to cook in my kitchen(I am a freak).
I'm leaving a comment in the form of a suggestion ( I'm with 4s, delurking does not count as a stupid human trick)
You can either use of one your talented brood (like I did) or I'm sure you have some beer drinking skill.(do you own one of those silly chugging hat thingys?)
I hope I count as a regular, even though I can't be an official "follower" w/out my own blog. I'm always loving your posts!!
Hello WeaselMom! Hope y'all have had a good weekend.
Sorry it took so long to comment, I was over on twitter.
I have stopped by many, many times but never commented because I am so bashful.
In order to type this message I had to wedge a towel under the bottle of mild for my 4 day old boy, whom I call Squawker.
I always find your site via the Microbiologist at the UofI grad school. I have thoroughly enjoyed your stories. Keep up the good work.
ps, is it possible that husband weasel can commute to Canada, Eh? You don't want to uproot those little weasels from the midwest, eh?
Nice to see you. Not sure how I found you.
Gasp! Was my rightness in doubt at any time? Perish the thought.
I'll put in a good word for you. Because I know Debbie and you don't. Yes, I am doing a little victory dance.
I'd say that I'm delurking, but I already stalk you... what's the likelihood I can get you to do a 5K with me sometime late this spring? ;)
Don't worry Vodka Mom, I know WeaselMomma, spent a month or so with her flat version, and she is indeed totally harmless (except for her slight drinking problem, she loved the codeine cough syrup a little too much, the flat and not real version that is).
I thought that delurker day was in October, there could be more than one I suppose. Oh and Kevin them would be fighting words for some, thankfully being a Chicagoan I don't really care too much about the ISU v UofI rivalry, just don't accuse a local stater of going to "the other school" ;)!
@ Bad Momma ~ The trick was the stalking, not the lurking. Okay, okay, I'll do something.
@ Laura ~ You are definitely a regular. Lurkers are regulars that NEVER comment.
@ Muskrat~ right back at ya!
@ NukeDad ~ Maybe that can be my trick! I can get NukeDad to 'sit' at twitter!
@ K'man ~ Congrats and welcome. Have fun here and don't be shy. We're all here for a good time.
@ Knot ~ I'm glad your here. I am working on your questions and have been researching.
@ Heinous ~ Let her know that I am nuts, but not dangerous, lol. Those are some serious moves you've got there.
@ Michelle ~ email me @ I would have to really get my but in gear.
@ Micro ~ Thanks, but with your new pet and all, that might only hurt my cause, lol.
What a nice photo of you.
I don't lurk. I always comment.
I suppose I am a lurker........from the Sandy Eggo area. I found you through Nukedads' blog........but I read about the adventures of FlatWeasel Momma at the Microblogologist's...(Microbiologist)blog. Peace, Mike.
@ Mike ~ I'm glad to have you here, thanks for coming out of the shadows. Feel free to comment anytime and keep on coming back!
I don't lurk. Only weenies lurk.
Ok... Ok... Ok... Since Mike (comment above this one) said... Lurkers are weenies..
I admit it. I am a weenie. I read World of Weasels through my feed-reader, and due to where I often view my feed reader (wo-cough-cough-rk).. I am unable to comment....
But I read!!
@ Father of Five ~ Thanks for reading, Love when you can comment.
Hello! I'm from Silicon Valley!
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