The State of the Weasels is strong (That's how all of these start out isn't it?)
The State of Employment is none, but still being vigorously worked on. Mr. Weasel has been networking, interviewing, submitting resumes and actively seeking employment around all 4 corners of the country and further. Nothing has popped yet. We are still waiting to hear on some things and keeping all of our options open. We'll just have to wait to see what happens.
The State of the Muffin Top is growing. I want to shrink it before it is comparable in size to the national debt. In order to tighten the belt, drastic measures are being taken. Such as running and cutting back on beer consumption. These are tough measures, to be sure, but necessary in order to preserve the WeaselMomma.
The State of the Sleep Cycles are in complete disarray. Since exercise has been implemented into the daily routine, I have been sleeping in until about 5:30 am. This may still sound like a crazy time to wake to most of you. Let me assure you that when I wake between 3:30 and 4 am, I am a happier person. I like my quiet time. It's when I write most of my posts. It's my time. In a house where you are never alone, it's nice to have that solitude. It's a great way to start my day.
Now that I am starting to sleep longer due to complete exhaustion and muscle pain, it only follows that the Weasels are beginning to wake up earlier (about 5 minutes after me) in order to deprive me of my peaceful wake up and prepare for the day process. I may have to adopt a Benedryl at bedtime for Weasels policy to ensure that I get my 'quiet Mommy time' in order to maintain sanity.
The State of of the School Work is poor. January and February are miserable long months in Chicago. The State of everything goes to hell. Cabin fever digs it's heels in and everything suffers because of it. Lethargy and apathy start to take over. As a result the Weasels are not putting a proper effort into school projects and the hammer must come down. Potential jobs in Texas are becoming more attractive by the day.
The State of the House is in shambles. Constant efforts seem to be in vain. The slushy conditions outside always find their way indoors. The extra boots, snowpants, gloves, etc, just add to the regular amount of clutter that is hard enough to deal with on it's own. The house seems unable to stay clean for more than an hour at a time. Add to that Mr.Weasel being home fulltime and contributing to the Weasel's efforts of keeping WeaselMomma busy, and you now have an almost constant windstorm of chores. Can't. Keep. Up.
The State of the WeaselMomma is frenzied. I want my life back! I want Weasel's to sleep until it is time to wake for school. I want the Weasel's to pull it together where schoolwork is concerned. I want Mr. Weasel to find a good job soon. I want to put on my jeans without them screaming in protest for mercy. I want my quiet early morning hours back and my home to reflect my efforts to keep it relatively neat. Yeah, I'm asking too much.

The State of the Muffin Top!!! That cracked me up.
I know how it is to have routines disrupted like yours: Ugh. I feel for ya!
But I'm happy you have muscle pain from working out. Sorry. Does that sound bad? :)
I enjoyed reading this! :)
Cut back on beer consumption? But what about our book. You need to keep your expertise up.
Perhaps an electrified barricade (just set at a nice "stun" level)would at least keep the kids in their rooms until you get 'quiet Mommy time' done.
If you're a muffin top then I must be 6 qts of batter in a 4 qt bowl. Think I'll just buy bigger pants. Or exercise more. Hmmm.....
I could go for a little bit or normal, too. If you figure out how to get that done, could you put up a post about it? ;)
Hang in there...and isn't a muffin top supposed to be sexy (work with me here, I have myself completely fooled)
@ Melisa ~ As long as I don't have a stroke.
@ Heinous ~ Research is still a top priority, I'll just have to run more.
@ Nukedad ~ It's all relative, I guess. I never had to worry about/monitor anything until I turned 35 and then it all started to catch up to me.
@ Melissa ~ Whatever gets you through the day, lol.
I hear you on the school work thing. There's nothing like kids dragging their heels to suck the life out of a parent through a wide straw. Hang in there.
True. True. We go for weeks at a time stuck in the fog. When the sun breaks through for an instant it's like nirvana. My "Quet time is the Inverse of yours, I can't wait for when they're all finally asleep. I'll go till I crash which occasionally is when you are getting up. The house is in a "state" and the Sugarmomma is threatening "measures" if we don't spend some time rectifying it this weekend....
I feel for you. Unfortunately you can't secede from the Weasel Nation. Here's hoping warmer climate will be in your future (yeah, global warming!)...
yeah you and me both weasel momma. Do weasels ever burrow into dark holes in the soil? If so, can I come burrow there too?
I pride myself for always staying UP and sort of "take it as it comes" but lately I'm losing my battle. Ugh.
I hope mr weasel finds work soon. I think if I had that added onto the pile of other junk heaped upon my shoulders already....I'd crack.Not a clean crack either-a sort of shatter all over kinda crack. thinkin' of ya.
I think you can skip cutting back on the beer consumption if you add a few miles to the running routine. (I'm just trying to help you out here. A girl needs her beer to stay sane!)
I bet if the state of one Weasel thing lifted, the state of the rest would fall into place too.
Hang in there!
Amazing, isn't it that with another adult in the house, it's worse than if you didn't have any "help" at all. Oh how I hate summer vacations when my husband is home.
Good luck with that sleep thing... Personally, waking up at 5:40 once a week is pure torture for me!
I want it all for you, too. Lord knows you deserve it!
Muscle pain and to a point exhaustion usually taper off when you get fully into it, least that is how it has always worked for me. And no one believe her, she is totally making up this muffin top stuff! Oh and you could try switching over and have your quiet you time at night, lol.
If it makes you feel any better - Jan. & Feb. are bad months for school work here too. All the sports are starting, while it is still cool. It's good weather fever here.
Muffin Top??? Yet another new term for me. I love how my world is expanding by coming to your blog.
I had a friend staying with us for a few days who found out just how horrible it cam be if someone comes into the kitchen during my early morning quiet time...fortunately the body hasn't been found yet.
Muffin top. LOL
Sounds like just another day in the World of Weasels.
Private time? LOL you're funny Momma!
I'd suggest more of those tasty shots you showed us. Help you through the day.
I want some muffins! Would you like to share some with me?
@ Tom ~ I can't wait for the weather to break and everyone here to become more reasonable.
@ Big Bad Daddy ~ I so don't know if I can hack Canada living in real life, but I may have to soon. FWM is on her way to you next!
@ Mike ~ Where the heck is this Global Warming! Al Gore won't return my calls.
@ Rhonda ~ Hibernating all winter sounds lovely!
@ Terri ~ That, my dear, sounds like a plan.
@ Sue ~ Your probably right. Something has just gotta give.
@ Michelle ~ I love him being home, but it boggles my mind how much extra work he creates.
@ Mrs.4444~ You are too kind, thanks!
@ Micro ~ I'm trying to get to that point. It's just been a very slow process.
@ Seashore ~ At least I am not alone!
@ de-I ~ Muffin top, Noun. Th bulging waistline that flops over the top of your jeans and resembles the top of a muffin. And yeah, don't make eye contact until I have had 1/2 a pot of coffee in peace.
@ Oscar ~ That may just be what I need to make it through these days of winter.
@ Leon ~ Ummm, that's creepy.
O.K., first off, who gets up at 3:30 in the a.m.? %:30 is still plenty early. Here are some tricks that work in our house. 1.Try preparing lunches, backpacks & other morning duties the night before. 2.Elastic waist or drawstring pants work well with muffin tops. 3. Get the kids to start pitching in more. Threats work. No friends over until house is cleaned up, no t.v., threaten to "let go" the biggest slacker.....
When all else fails, lower your goals and expectations.... That's what we do at our house!
I think a move to Texas would solve all the problems. Let Canada pine for you...
*keeping fingers crossed*
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