Welcome to all those coming from Half Past Kissing Time, where today I am the featured drunk.
Yesterday I had the chance to have one of those rare meals where I didn't have to cut up food for anyone else or clean up after and drink spills. At lunch time I snuck away from the den to meet Melisa of Suburban Scrawl Fame for for a little Mommy Time. This wasn't even a bloggy lunch, but just a girls day out. Nice, relaxing and lots of fun.We had decided that Hot Wings would set the perfect tone. I love hot wings and they go so well with beer. Melisa is also a fan. We find out that we have more and more in common every time we talk.
Yesterday was no different. The conversation was great. The longer the meal went on, the freer the conversation flowed and we found ourselves talking about the time when, wait no, can't blog about that. Oh, I know, I told her about when I.....nope, not gonna divulge that either. Oh she told me about how she once, hmmm......no, we decided not to blog about that either.
Well let's suffice it to say, it was a wonderful lunch and it is a burgeoning beautiful BFFship. Really, what a great chic of complete hangout quality. She pretty much solidified this when she suggested we head out for dessert at the cookie dough place (yeah, I forget the name). They serve cookie dough in a cup like you would get ice cream. All kinds of flavors of cookie dough. With a spoon. This is a very happy place. Hot wings, beer and cookie dough. How could I not like this woman. Okay, she doesn't drink beer (nobody's perfect) but takes me to places they serve it.
I brought my camera for some fun pics, only to realize that the battery was dead. We decided to use her uber high tech does everything but kiss you kind of phone to get some shots. We asked our waitress to take a pic. She tried, but ran into technical difficulties. So we did a self pic and then I attempted to take one of Melisa (with some of Mr. Weasel's notorious soup - she defended it in my comments, so I assumed she would enjoy trying some), but had the high tech gizmo backwards and wound up with a self portrait and a good laugh. On my second attempt I managed to get it right.
We went on to cookie dough heaven before heading our separate ways. I am sure we will be doing this again and hopefully often.

Okay, so you look like an oompa-loompa sized person next to my giant head in that first photo: UGH! (but you're cute!)
Did your leftover cookie dough make it all the way home? :)
BTW, the soup's on over here for lunch. :)
I'll get back to you on it.
Mr. Weasel, if you let me down, ugh. I don't know what I'll do...
@ Melisa ~ You look great, but will crush me if we ever get to the cage match wrestling thing. Cookie dough made it home and was shared with Mr. Weasel(I really like him).
Beer and cookie dough? I'll have the soup, thanks.
It's amazing how friendship can look past shortcomings like not drinking beer.
Heinous: I *did* have a Jack and Coke; she failed to mention that...
(does that count?)
Hey Weasel--just had a PINT with Melisa--a PINT OF BLOOD hahaha, and she raved about you, so here I am happy to make your acquaintance!!!
I lived in Philly for 6 years -- near SESAME PLACE in Langhorne. ... Tell me some of your children were birthed at St. Mary's and I will love you forever!
Million dollar idea of the day: Have Mr. Weasel perfect his soup and then open up a slew of "Soup On A Stick" franchises nationwide.
I'd have had more wings and beer! skip the cookie dough.
She doesn't drink beer? Poor thing. That's a handicap in my book. Hope you got the better parking space!
@ Tom ~ Not at the same sitting. Really, it was all good.
@ Heinous ~ She does drink Jack, so is self redeeming.
@ Manic ~ Thanks for coming by. Melisa is a great time. I hope to see you around lots!
@ NukeDad ~ What a great idea, maybe you could be our investor!
@ Oscar ~ She does drink, just the hard stuff and not beer. The cookie dough wasn't until a while after lunch, so it all worked out.
I may not drink beer, but I eat soup.
Follow up to Weaselmomma's soup post is here:
Awesome. Wish I had a bloggy buddy close by! :)
Wait wait wait... seriously cookie dough place? Where is this place you speak of? I know it can't be TOO far from where I live. You have no idea the cookie dough addictions I've lived through. I may have tamped them down (there is no cookie dough in the freezer with a plastic spoon (so it doesn't get too cold) waiting for me to eat some) but I could happily reindulge. Share, share!
Oh that looks like fun! I want to go next time...I love hot wings and cookie dough. Throw a corona and lime in and I'm your girl...back when I drank. Now I'll just smell your beer and remember fondly! :)
I have no words to adequately describe the feelings I have for a cookie dough serving place, my life is completely incomplete until I go there. We MUST go there next time I am in IL!!!!! I'll be the not self-redeeming nonbeer drinker, lol. I am further uncool with my dislike for chicken wings and spicey food, but why fill up on that stuff if there is a place that serves cookie dough?!! Oh and sorry to Mr. Weasel but I would not try his soup, but not because of the disturbing look of it, cheese soups and my tummy don't get along too well. Cookie dough is worth GI symptoms, soup is not, woman has to have priorities!
I'm so glad you had such a fun and relaxing girl-outing. I LOVE days like that! Everyone needs a BFF. I have outings with mine where we've discussed things that can't be blogged about and gone on adventures that can't be blogged about. Those kind of friends are the best. And Melisa is a brave soul for giving Mr. W's soup a go.
Beer and Cookie Dough. You 2 are my new friends.
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