Yesterday I went about disproving Mr. Weasel's theory that I have a heart of stone and ice water coursing through my veins. I donated blood. Genuine red, hot American blood. Whouda thunk it?
Manic Mommy is sponsoring a virtual blood drive on her blog, complete with raffles and a chance to win a vacation in Florida.
Last Sunday she called me out personally on her blog and challenged me to give up a pint. Normally I would rather have a bartender give me a pint, but in the spirit of a good cause and feeling like I was back in the schoolyard and not able to walk away from a triple dog dare I obliged and headed to the Heartland Blood Center and gave it up to some of the nicest, most gentle and kind Vampires I have ever met.
After a quick questionnaire, Georgia took my blood pressure, temperature, pulse and pricked my finger for an anemia test. Did I mention how gentle she was? I hardly felt it!
Next step was to hop up in the comfy contour chair, where Jennifer made sure I was comfortable and went about about her work with a smile and gentility. I barely even noticed the needle. We were chatting the whole time and the staff was just thrilled about the virtual blood drive that was taking place. They were also more than happy to oblige in taking my picture so I would have the necessary proof to offer Manic Mommy that I did indeed accept and complete her challenge. I even signed up for their "4 Seasons Club". It's an agreement to come in once a season over the next year. After 3 pints they give me a stadium blanket and after 4 pints a nice hoodie.
When all was said and done I got to enjoy a Coke (and lots of smiles) and a bag of chips. Mr. Weasel picked me up and took to me to lunch while we could enjoy the fact that all the kids were still in school, but that is an entirely different and upcoming post.
I encourage you all to go visit Manic Mommy and to participate in her blood drive, you never know when you will need a pint yourself. Now I think that I'll go pour myself a pint of well deserved beer.

You can not believe my reaction when I opened my email and saw this! WAYYYYY TOO COOL! YOU ARE NOW MY MOST FAVORITE BLOGGER IN THE HISTORY OF BLOGGERS!
@ Manic ~ Glad to oblige! Can I get a cool award button to that effect?????
Weasel--I don't do buttons! LOL!
But check out my site--hope that's better than a button! You really made my day! : )
What a great idea! And how awesome are you that you rose to meet the challenge? I'm such a wuss. I'm afraid to give blood because one time many years ago, I had a bad reaction afterwards, getting sick and fainting. You might just be inspiring enough for me to get over it already and try again.
I have to read slower, because I read that after 4 times you get a nice hottie. Sign me up for that!
You look so happy!! Painless, right? Where have you been? I have not heard from you in a while?
Very cool. We all should be on the donate, donate, donate bandwagon.
BTW the blood was red, wasn't it?
ha ha...very cool! You rock weasel chick!
@ Terri ~ go try again. All was fine and virtually painless. It only took a few minutes and later I had earned a nap(the a sucker and sweet)! Do it by the 28th to enter the raffle for a Florida vacation!
@ Sue ~ I'd be signing up for that also!!!!!
@ Cheffie ~ Totally painless and I've been by. I am sending you my valentine entry.
@ Mike ~ Hot, red, American blood it was! Now you go do it!
I'd rather take the pint too! LOL You're too funny.
Good for you. I give as often as I can at work.
I have a few "Gallon Club" certificates
@ rhonda ~ Thanks! Now go donate.
@ Oscar ~ Take a pic and enter the drawing.
Good for you!
Were you at MY and MANIC'S Heartland Blood Center, or do you have one in your local Woodman's?
Good going! Maybe next year we can have a huge group field trip. :)
feeling guilty cuz i missed the one i was gonna go to. now i gotta look it up and see when they are close by again. damn you for your guilt trip :)
Hurray for blood donations! I'm not much on getting my life's precious fluid drained out of my body, but after a co-worker had said his daughter needed a blood transfusion, I was on board. It's a great thing to do, and it saves lives. Thanks for the reminder!
Good for you! I actually enjoy giving blood - must be the vampire in me. Now I feel guilty for not going for a long while and I'm gonna have to squeeze it in.
PS - your latest post is broken - won't open.
Woohoo! Nicely done! fingers cross that you win the trip... purely selfish on my part.
I've had plenty of things poked and prodded into my body in the last 6 weeks, thank you very much; I'll take a rain check. Don't get me wrong, I donate blood all the time, I'm just a little "gun shy" right now. With my luck the blood donation would turn into an appendectomy.
Yay! Congrats. I love the Four Seasons club... even though they didn't give me my gift in December. I've tried to donate twice and been denied due to the hemoglobin test. I'm trying again this weekend though. Eventually it's got to get high enough, right? Again, yay you!
Oh, and you look so cute in that chair!
Way to go! I'm proud of you!
Way to go, Brave Weasel Mama!
I'd consider it but I don't meet the weight requirement to donate and they might frown on someone taking meds donating. My hemoglobin last it was checked was great though, time before it was bad. Doc told me to take a multivitamin after the first check, I think that and possibly doing water aerobics is what has mine doing so well. Doc is still all giddy/excited about it, such a nerd!
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