Welcome back to Fatherhood Friday, sponsored by dad-blogs. If you haven't signed up yet, seriously - get on the ball.
Mr. Weasel isn't your typical dad type. He doesn't play baseball or basketball or any game involving a ball. He doesn't follow sports and probably would have trouble locating the sports page in a newspaper. He didn't do these things as a kid and he has no desire to start doing them now.
I on the other hand, was an athlete once upon a time. I enjoy both playing and watching. I'm definitely not fanatical about it, but I understand the rules and the strategies and have the interest to keep up with them, if not always the time.
When Boy Weasel, our only son, was born, Mr Weasel cradled him in his arms and brought him up next to my face. "He said, "Son, meet your Mommy. She is going to teach you how to throw a ball someday".
As luck with have it, Boy Weasel isn't much into sports either. If there is ball involved he pretty much just questions "What's the point?". Our first born girl is the athlete in the family. Whouda thunk it?
With a lack of traditional father/son bonding activities, I was curious to sit back and watch how their relationship would develop. Would they ever have special activities that they would enjoy as father and son?
Well over time that answer has unfurled itself, to the annoyance of the rest of us. It's geek stuff. All geek stuff all the time. The latest incantation of this mind numbing phenomenon is none other than Star Trek.
They went to see the movie together. Mr. Weasel was so pent up with excitement you would have thought he was taking his son to the Chicken Ranch after he scored the winning touchdown in a championship football game. He wanted to share with his son the joy that is geekdom and hoped upon hope that Boy Weasel would give him the positive reaction he wished for.
Needless to say they returned from the movie doing the Vulcan hand thingy. Mr. Weasel pulled out the Wrath of Kahn and his entire Star Trek dvd collectors set. I had to ask them "when was the last time you guys even went to the bathroom?". I think they were grateful for the prompt and finally understood why they had become so uncomfortable.
They are now looking at ordering matching Captain's T-s off of the back of a cereal box.
All I can say is That I am glad they found their thing. Although I wish we could divert dinner conversation away from "Chekov wasn't even on the Enterprise in the Wrath of Kahn movie, but he was when the original show aired", because it makes my head spin after a while.
I better go clip some box tops now.
*BTW, if you want to laugh yourself silly *click here* to see NukeDads revenge being exacted from his blunking.

That is cool that they enjoyed an activity together. Happy FF!
At the risk of nit-picking ....
Chekov wasn't even on the Enterprise in the Wrath of Kahn movie, but he was when the original show airedshould read
Chekov wasn't even on the Enterprise when the original show aired, but he was in the Wrath of Kahn movieYeah, I know. But picking nits is pretty much all I am good for lately...
Whoa. That's hardcore! But maybe they can work together to figure out a way to beam you out of there (and beam you TO a destination of your choice, while they're at it!)
WOW! This post could have been written my the "Mother of Five"!!
That is almost EXACTLY our story.
Me? Sports?? Sure, I'll kick that touchdown through the net from the penalty box, and score a home run for the whole team! I'm all about that stuff... I like sportz!!
Anyway, in a bit of "shameless self promotion" - I am going to attach a link here... A link to my inaugural FOF blog post... In the first paragraph - I goes into "WHY" I started FOF... There is also a link to failed blog attempt on Yahoo... That is where the real similarities hit me...
Only, I am a Star WARS (not a Star TREK) guy...
Link to "Why?"GREAT POST!!
Charlie beat me to it. Anyway... very nice that they have their bonding point now. Is there a better one out there? I can't imagine. Boldly go!
@ Rob ~ It's fun to watch the two of them in full geek mode.
@ Charlie ~ You are completely making my point of mind numbing phenomenon.
@ Melisa ~ Or at least give me a phaser gun that I can set to stun.
@ Tom ~ Oh yeah. I'm waiting to see how many geeks take the bait and out themselves.
@ Father of Five ~ I can't wait to check out the links. Give Mother of Five my sympathies and a glass of wine.
*Ahem!* Charlie, Tom, wouldn't the best way to say this be...
"Chekov didn't even board the Enterprise until the second year of Kirk's five year mission, yet in the new movie he's part of the maiden voyage under the command of Captain Pike?!"
Sorry, WM. Since I have already outted myself repeatedly on my own blog, I couldn't resist doing it here! ;)
Great to see I'm not the only one geeking out with family. I saw the sneak peek with my wife, I'm taking the oldest (as long as noone she knows is at the theater! ;P) this weekend!
Live long and prosper, and just wait till they want to dress like Klingons and go to conventions!
Two peas in a pod. The way it should be. Great post WM.
It's great that they can enjoy something together whether it be Star Trek or basket weaving. I think its funny that it annoys everyone else.
My son and I are the same. No sports in this house, When my dad comes and wants to watch he gets banished to the basement.
We probably won't see the new movie until DVD but I know he'll love it.
He's getting pretty big into comic books too :)
And for the record, geek is the new chic baby!
I don't really understand the Star Trek obsession either, but they did find an activity that they both enjoy. That's priceless.
Don't get me wrong; I missed the last few ST movies, so I am an old-school Trekker, and not liable to see the new movie anytime soon.
My oldest and I share karate and Boy Scouts, but in both activities he's eager to go to the meetings/classes, but yet refuses to do the work to advance without me sitting on him. And if I have to force him, it defeats the purpose, so for me, it's a head scratcher.
This post touches me deeply; my dad I also bonded over science fiction instead of sports. I got my love of football from my mom, uncles and aunts. But between my dad and it's all about conversations like "Star Trek: The Next genreation Vs. Deep Space Nine, which was Worf better in?"
I bond with my kids through sports and geekdom. It's the best of both worlds.
Dude i was the same way when i took my kid to see star trek. And i'm totally ordering those same shirts.
Rock on sci-fi geekdom! I love sports but I'm not a big sports fan. I hope I can get Bea hooked on both geek stuff and physical activity stuff. If we have a boy next, all the better! We're going to see Star Trek this weekend. Can't wait.
Wow. At least I know I don't have to worry about that with my husband. Instead he gets geeked about ummm academic quiz bowl type things. Like he's volunteered to moderate a championship prep game next Friday night about an hour from our house. Seriously?
But hey... better than the other possible relationships, right? At least they relate to each other!
I guess the coolest part is that they have something to bond over at all. My son and my ex husband have found commonality through the great geek playing field of Star Wars. I'm just glad he isn't telling my son to "chin up and act like a man". I think boys that have fathers that will do more than toss a football and pronounce the job done are just the luckiest guys on earth.
@ Justin ~ You guys just keep the laughter coming.
@ Andrew's Daddies ~ Just the way I love 'em.
@ Otter ~ When the go full blown geek mode, you don't even know if they are speaking English.
@ Jason ~ Geek is the New Chic ~ I love it.
@ CD ~ It's all good. I'm glad they can geek together.
@ Charlie ~ Go see the New Movie. I must admit it was really good and true to the original show.
@ New Dad ~ You may well be king of the Geeks.
@ Mocha Dad ~ You get a two-fer, that's great!
@ Apok ~ You slay me.
@ KWG ~ Enjoy the show.
@ Michelle ~ Too funny. Lucky you.
@ Libby ~ It's great that they have their thing.
I'm not a techie or a trekie, but I think it's fantastic that Mr. Weasel and Boy Weasel share geekdom together. It's all about togetherness! Did Mr. Weasel really say, "Son meet your mommy. She's going to teach you how to throw a ball someday?" I shouldn't doubt it. I can hear Mr. Weasel saying that. This is a prime example of the apple not falling far from the tree.
Oh man! That's awesome...not geeky over on this end, but hubby and older boy bond over stuff that I am just happy someone can bond with both of them on...Not having any girls I pretty much just sit and wait for the hubs to take over...tho' it seems the youngest gravitates towards my interests the most. Love it.
well there's that:) hubs is not much into sports either. It was refreshing for me to date someone that did not have sports center on 24/7. our first born is not really into sports either but the second is. maybe it is birth order?
Just wait til the D&D lessons start...
Yes Weasel Dad Yes!
You are not alone. My daughter (33) in Chicago is waiting...waiting until I come to town this week just to see the Star Trek movie together. My daughter number 2 (32) went to the movie for her special Mother's Day gift. My niece the physics major goes to Star Trek conventions.
At my company we say that our management style is Borg, our financial policy is Ferengi, and we treat our clients as Klingons would.
We support your husband and son.
You could get the matching Lt. Uhura uniform. It could be fun... just sayin'.
Happy Blog Hopping!
My favorite thing about my three-year-old getting bigger is bonding with him over the stuff he geeks out about.
i just snorted at mr. weasels comment. d & d!!! hilarious.
i have 5 kids too!
happy blog hopping from one woman with a boatload of laundry to another!
I'm not sure I'd survive that experience. I don't get the whole Star Trek thing either.
Happy bloghopping!
Hubs isn't so into organized sports either... but he is into cycling and go-karting. The boy is now all signed up (he just turned 9) and Dad is still trying to coax him out. The boy is intimidated but I'm thinking once he gets behind the wheel, thing are gonna start gettin' real crazy. I'm thinking I would prefer they get their geek on.
Great post. Thanks for bloghopping by my place too :)
Weasel Dad sounds 100% like a dad after my own heart. Sports? How about choir and drama and AP classes, kid?
Glad to make your acquaintance, Weasel Momma.
Now, back to bloghopping!
Weasel Dad sounds 100% like a dad after my own heart. Sports? How about choir and drama and AP classes, kid?
Glad to make your acquaintance, Weasel Momma.
Now, back to bloghopping!
I can hardly wait to see the new movie. Even though I am more of a Star WARS Geek I also like Trek. So yeah, I could have held my own in that conversation...
Live long and prosper. However it has to happen. Even Blog Hopping!
it's great they found something to bond over even if it's star trek. ugh. lol my hubs is into star trek. he's been watching his movies this wk. dvrd a movie he hadn't seen. planning on seeing the new one. oldest daughter wants to see it. me? give me a romantic comedy or something w some hot guy in it lol
"you would have thought he was taking his son to the Chicken Ranch"
that's some kinda awesome right there.
LOVE this!
The Geekdom King prepares his heir to take the mighty crown, so sweet.
I don't do the whole Star Trek thing. HOwever, that give me hope for C and our future boy child (HOPEFULLY) cause C just isn't into sports at ALL.
It sounds like they had a good day!
Happy Bloghoppin' :)
Happy BlogHopping Weekend!!
What a great, great post!!
Yay! Mr Weasel is posting comments!
Not sure if I'll see the current movie, I didn't like the original series, the subsequent ones I've enjoyed. My parents are also trek fans, though none of us are crazy trek fans, we just enjoy watching it and don't really geek it up too much. Daddy is also not into sports and except for running (Middle sis cross country and track, me track) the three of us girlchilds weren't either. We bonded over the computer I suppose, captain comic kicked my butt at 4 years old, lol.
Hi there~new to your blog and LOVE it!
Enjoyed the post, as well as Mr.Weasel's comment. I love that you each have a kid to enjoy your "favorite things" with :)
That is awesome! Kinda like when my son first "discovered" Star Wars (and I went out and bought the original set on DVD), or when he "discovered" Terminator and I rented 2 and 3 (T1 is still too intense for a youngster so we have that to look forward to later) and when we "accidentally" wandered into Hooters...
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