Welcome back to another edition of Fatherhood Friday.
I had always wanted to have a big family. To be a stay at home mom with a large house full of kids was my dream job. Mr. Weasel had also envisioned me as an at home mom, but he only saw room for 2 kids in the picture. Three if really had to in order to placate me.
When our second child (Boy Weasel) was only 4 months old, I unexpectedly found out that I was again pregnant. I was in shock. I had wanted more children, but not necessarily so soon. I already had a baby and now I was going to have another. I wasn't upset by this news as much as unsettled. I could not process the thought. I wasn't ready for another. I was still sleep deprived and trying to adjust to two and now there would be three before I could come up for air.
I also did not know how Mr. Weasel would react to this news. If I wasn't ready, I knew he couldn't be ready.
That particular day I would have to pick Mr. W up at the airport after a business trip. I took the kids and we waited at the gate for the plane to deboard. Mr. Weasel spotted us as he walked down the jetway and immediately came to kiss and hug all 3 of us hello. He looked in my eyes and said "you're pregnant, aren't you?". How could have possibly known that? What would make him guess that?
He gave me a big long kiss and told me how thrilled he was. He said my face gave it all away. No, not glowing. More like deer in the headlights style shock. This was great. I needed him to be happy. I needed him to carry me through my initial surprise and disbelief. He was so happy and excited that it became contagious. He made me happy.
This little baby growing inside of was full of surprises for us at every turn. According to the ultra sound, we were having another boy. Well, not only did we have a little girl, she decided to make her grand entrance 3 weeks ahead of schedule.
The night she was born as Mr. Weasel held her and fell in love, he looked at me with the biggest smile and announced "I want more, lots more. She is so wonderful that I can't ever imagine not wanting more of this".
The really great part of this for me wasn't that I was getting what I had always wanted. It was that his heart was changed, not by me, but by his love of the Weasels. It was Fatherhood that brought him so much joy.
We went on to have 3 more beautiful girls and the day the doctor told me that worn out parts had to come out, it was Mr. Weasel whom cried. He still wanted more.

whew, 2 is a good number for me. I can barely keep track of them. You and the Mr. must be saints, or just plain crazy...
Awwww...he's a keeper! :)
Great post. Large families are awesome, I come from a large family. We have only one son, and I think that's it for us now since we are in mid 40s now....I'm debating whether we should adopt another child...
Awwwwwwww. Yanno, there's always adoption. ;-)
I've been in a sentimental mood all morning. I read your post and darn near cried. Of course I know Mr. Weasel and easily picture him saying this. What a great husband you have!
Awwwwww!! I love fathers like that. I married one of those guys too. He would have been perfectly keen if I'd wanted more than the six we had. BUT, I knew I was done. And then I eventually had to get worn out parts removed too. (but not until AFTER dh got the snip. HA HA the irony, I love it!)
Tears & smiles! I wanted four, he wanted six...we're having five. We're done. LOVE this post, though! It's so great how we each find our own perfect number (or most of us do!)
What a great story WM...you have a wonderful husband.
I am an only child, but always wondered what it would be like to have a large family. My son is likely to be an only child too, but our family is from Hawaii...and if you know anything about Hawaiian families, THEY ARE HUGE. More cousins than you can shake a stick at.
You guys must have the patience of monks!
Wow, he was going for his own softball team, huh?
He is definitely a keeper.
Great post. Mr. Weasel is a great man. I want more kids too but probably not so many. If I found out my wife was pregnant when we had a 4 month old baby I would have passed out. Kudos to Mr. Weasel for making it easier on you.
We have two with a third on the way, still debating how many more. I'm definitely with your husband, kids are great! Every stage is a new adventure. Great post!
My wife and I thought we only wanted 2 children until we had our third child. He has been such a blessing in our life.
@ Jason ~ I can assure you that we are not saints.
@ Melisa ~ Yeeeaaahhhh.
@ Andrew's ~ Do it not while the window is still open.
@ Lauren ~ Hubby and the kids have brought that up. I'm the hold up- juggling so much already.
@ Surprised ~ Marrying him was the smartest thing I've ever done.
@ Rhonda ~ Ouch, just think of the money you could have saved!
@ Laura ~ Good luck with #5. It's a nice round number.
@ CD ~ I'm lucky in that way.
@ Colorado ~ I hope you are able to have as many as you want. It's good stuff and great blog fodder.
@ Melissa ~ We used to joke about getting team jerseys.
I'm with Melisa! I think you're a pretty lucky lady (and he didn't do so bad in the luck department either).
That is cool he wanted so many kids. We had 2 and I was content and then my daughter came. I was happy and can't imagine my life without her but I made sure she was the last one. LOL. Snip snip :)
I can see why you drink. . .
@ Momo ~ Do doubt that I get the better end of the bargain.
@ Rob ~ It worked out for a very fun, crazy and unpredictable life around these parts. I wouldn't have it any other way.
@ New Dad ~ You can send Coors Light cases to P.O. Box ........
Aww, how awesome is that? I know my hubby would react the same way (at least I like to think so. LOL)
We've had conversations about having just two (maaaaaybe three), but later on expanding our family with foster/adopted children. There's no way to tell what the future holds for us...we're just enjoying the one we've got right now.
Happy FF!
I have so much admiration for you for not only managing, but enjoying such a large family. I can barely get my head wrapped around the one we are about to have, let alone 5.
Sweet...as always ;-)
I know how Mr. W feels. We have three and have taking permanent measures...not we have talked about adopting...just a little.
Hats off and deep deep bow to you two. It is a blessing when a couple can be in harmony and do what they really want.
That really is pretty cool, Weasel Momma! It's great that the kids were born into such a loving family.
What a beautiful memory to keep with you for the rest of your life!
Wow. That's pretty much all I can say. To have 5 and still seem relatively sane (seem being the key word), I'm impressed. I'm also positive that I'll never let you talk to my wife since she wants 4 and I want 2, but when it comes down to it, I'll take whatever I can get and I'm sure I'll fall in love with any of them too.
Great post! I have 2 kids which is plenty for me, but I get the big family thing because I am the oldest of 5 and had a blast growing up with a house full of siblings. My parents wanted a dozen, but I'm happy they stopped when they did.
when i was younger i used to say i wanted no less than 4 and no more than 12 kids. when i had my 3rd i knew i was done lol but what i love about this story is mr. weasel and his reaction and his growing love and how he wanted more. i'm sorry mr. weasel that wm's parts had to go. i know you had lots more love to give. now everyone just gets extra right? :)
Great story! ;-) I always wanted 6 until I learned what it can do to the body, then I felt four would be ok.
My hubby didn't want any but after eight years I finally got him to change his mind. Now he's ok with two. We haven't reached two yet, but we'll see if I can get just one more after that. ;-)
Cool! When I met Mr. Bad Momma, he said he would like 6 kids. We started later & could only have 3. I often wonder how we would handle 3 more! Sounds like the Weasels have done really well!
@ Isabella ~ Just take it as it comes.
@ Un-Hawthorne-ed ~ Baby steps. They all came one at a time.
@ Bella's Daddy ~ Thanks.
@ Craig ~ They all add so much to our lives.
@ de-I ~ One thing we have going for us is harmony.
@ Super Mega ~ Well, thank you. We do love our big family.
@ Terri ~ It's one of those moments that makes me fall in love all over again.
@ Jonny-Tam ~ It's not your wife who will change your mind. It's looking into the kids eyes (before they learn how to roll them).
@ 21century ~ Life is never boring or lonely around here, that's for sure.
@ Ciara ~ Having more would not have changed any of the love they get, but it's the way things worked out.
@ MomsJournal ~ Oh, it takes it's toll on the body no doubt. I'm not any worse for the wear though. Thank goodness for spankies!
@ Bad Momma ~ Like anything else, you just juggle as it happens. Lucky for us we are good at spontaneity!
We went from 0 to 1 to now planning number 2 in less than 2 years.
Never say never. At least we don't anymore...
Hey buddy. As always, great stuff. Thanks for keeping up with Out-Numbered as well. I've added you to my blogroll. Hope it helps! Rock on!
Great post which really gets at the core emotions of parenthood. I like Wanda Sykes' comments: men are always thinking "We gotta make more people. We gotta make more people. (hopefully for the right reasons)". Women are always thinking "How we gonna take care of all these people? How we gonna take care of all these people?" Sounds like you found a nice balance.
It takes a lot to choke me up in a blog post, but that part about Mr.Weasel crying pushed me over the edge. Beautiful post, WM.
Here I am, hemming and hawing about how we're going to be able to deal with our second 15 months after our first, and you've got six (?) on your hands and are crowing about how wonderful they all are.
Let's face it, you're a super-mom.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story!
I have two. No MORE!!!!!! 6 is beyond me.
@ KWG ~ Congrats, enjoy them.
@ OutNumbered ~ Thanks! I need to update my blogroll soon. I may be 3 pages long.
@ Busy ~ It has all worked out just perfect for us (almost).
@ Mrs4444 ~ Awwwww. I didn't know this was a tear jerker.(but Surprised Mom got all chocked up too).
@ Joel ~ Thanks, but I am far from a type A over achiever mom. We just take every day as it comes.
@ John ~ Chicken. Buck, buck, buck, LOL.
Mr. Weasel sounds like a good man. My two boys have already almost broken me. If we had another it would have to be a girl. A nice sweet quiet girl. Can you preorder like that?
He is such a good man, and you are a wonderful family!
You are very blessed. Great post!
I come from a family of 4 kids, I had 3. They keep you alive.
Great post!
Aww, how sweet, what a lovely, lovely post. How blessed you are to have so many children! I am happy with 2, but would love to add another one to our family!
What a great guy! You're so lucky, and I love that you know that. So 4 months discover you're pregnant + ~35 weeks after that - 3 weeks = a baby born when the older sibling is barely a year? And yet you had more -- I love it!
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