I brought forth to this internet, a new blog, conceived in humor and dedicated to the proposition that my family is nuts.
200 posts have gone by so very quickly. I have shared with you the good, the bad and the funny. In return you have offered me many laughs and lots of fun. I have discovered some pretty amazing blogs and bloggers.
It all started when I stumbled upon Joeprah and his life as a stay at home dad. After laughing until I cried, I thought to myself, if that hack can do it, so can I. And so I did. Soon I discovered and started to badger some other highly entertaining bloggers and strong armed them into reading this new enterprise. NukeDad and Michael's Daddy were easy take downs. Once on my hook I reeled them in like unsuspecting salmon. These wonderful guys would comment early on, unwittingly encouraging me to continue. BusyDad was kind enough not only to make me laugh, but to answer and help with an endless barrage of how to questions.
I found many of you through stalking the blogrolls of these wonderful gents. I was directed to social networking sites, and discovered the joy of shooting fish in a barrel and found some fabulous bloggers who would tickle my funny bone and let be a voyeur in the window of their lives. All while finding an audience. Mrs4444, Terri, Tara and Bad Momma soon became part of my daily reads and regulars in Weaselville along with OhCaptain, Mike.
There were these two bloggers that seemed to be in every blogroll on the internet. They left comments on most of the posts that I read. I had to stalk find out who these women were and I'm glad that I did. Melisa and I now regularly meet up for hot wings or pizza and Momo Fali and I are all to set to throw back a few beers in July.
Microblogology came to dinner and brought me beer.
I started this blog for shameless self promotion entertainment and a fun new hobby. What I unexpectedly found was community. People who laugh with me and offer moral support, but also went above and beyond to make sure that the Weasels would have a Merry Christmas by offering the wonderful gift of friendship and sticking it to google the only way they knew how - generosity. Once again, a big Thank You goes out to Big Bad Daddy, Michael's Daddy and Nukedad.
I an effort to show my appreciation for carrying me through 200 posts, I'd like to buy you all a beer. Alas, you will have to settle for,
The Top Ten Reasons To Love Weaselville:
10. Friday Morning Memorial Services for less than lucky Weasel pets.
9. We Party Like Pooh Bear.
8. Great tips for dealing with the Car Dealership.
7. It's never too early for a Coors Light.
6. Yellow.
5. Torturing teens is an all out sport.
4. Our Wonderful Sponsor.
3. Alternative options to chapstick.
2. Doctor Visits are never boring.
And the number one reaon to Love Weaselville...............
Best Readers Anywhere!

And don't forget that you took a frustrated writer under your wings and answered a zillion questions. You turned around and helped a newbie blogger, just like you were helped. Thanks for introducing me to the blogging community. There are some amazingly wonderful people out there. And thanks for some of the funniest writing I have ever read. Congratulations on reaching post 200!
Well, as soon as I get home I'll raise a toast of bourbon to you!
Congratulations on the milestone!
Holy moley! 200 already? Where has the time gone? Now... what did I tell you? You'd be hitting the stratosphere in no time. Congrats to you for 200 posts, and hopes that things only get better from here.
I LOVE it when someone points me to funny blogs!
Congratulations on 200 for you! I sincerely hope you keep it up for a long long time.
@ Surprised ~ Thank you. And now you know where I learned to help out newbie bloggers. The credit all goes to them.
@ Charlie ~ Much obliged.
@ Tom ~ You've been my biggest cheerleader since day 1, Thanks.
@ Gertrude ~ Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful day of reading the best of the best today.
I've been doing this 3 months longer than you and you're 10 posts ahead of me? Either I've slacked or you are posting too much. I think it's a little of both. Don't stop, though-we need more Heavy Metal 100 Acre Wood stories. And teen torture, before Globama and his minions come down on you for homeworkboarding.
Congrats on this, your 7th baby and 200 posts! The internetz wouldn't be the same without you! (and neither would Buffalo Wild Wings: LOL!)
I think, in celebration, you should buy me lunch. :)
Thank goodness! Someone finally beat NukeDad at something.
July will be here before you know it. I can't wait to throw back those beers!
Thanks for almost 200 laughs, a couple cries, and the delicious fried chicken! Your family is wonderful and totally crazy in a fun way, I adore you all =)
Congrats on 200. I am glad you went first because I found many of the blogs I enjoy from your site. I guess I just followed your path. You were my trail blazer.
@ NukeDad ~ Homeworkboarding season is almost over, thank God. You've lost that bloggy feeling, bring back that bloggy feeling. We need to get your mojo flowing faster.
@ Momo ~ Booyaaahh! I can't wait until July.
@ Micro ~ Well, Thank you and you are very welcome.
@ Otter ~ Glad it all worked out for you. My blogroll rocks and needs to be expanded, soon.
Damn woman, 200 posts? You've got way too much time on your hands.
Seriously, congrats on the excellent writing. May 200 more come our way....
Awww, you ROCK! I've loved your blog right from the start and look forward to the next 200!
Happy Bloggerversary! You need to add Flat Weasel Momma to your top10 (11) list! BTW: Has she been found yet?
Love you and your blog too!
Always entertaining! Keep it coming!
A daily read for us here too!
WOW, congrats on 200 posts! That's awesome! I look forward to reading the next 200 :D
I knew there was a reason I poured myself this bottle... glass of wine. Congrats.
Happy 200th Post! I look forward to many more!
Woohoo! Happy 200th, my friend!! :)
Congrats on your 200th, that's awesome! And, thanks for the shout out, that was sweet.
All good posts, such fun ones. And it's amazing the community, isn't it? :) You're another one where I'm glad I found your blog, too!
Congrats on the 200th post! The ride's been fun...can't wait to read the next 200! Keep it up!
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