Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus!
Last year around this time, Smallest Weasel was completely enthralled with 'her'(very possessive) Grandma in Florida. Every morning as soon as the older Weasels would head out the door to school she would bring me the phone and insist that it was time for her daily chat with Grandma. Grandma would never go out of the house in the morning until after the ritual phone call.
As Christmas approached and I sat down with Smallest Weasel to write her letter to Santa. The first thing that she insisted Santa was going to bring her for Christmas was "Grandma". Well alrighty then, next on the list was a stuffed animal replica of Smallest Weasel's cat and then some "mac & cheese".
Santa certainly had a big order to fill. Grandma's health had not been good and a trip in the sleigh would make it difficult to bring along her oxygen tanks. Mr. Weasel and I talked and decided it would be best to send Grandma an airline ticket, but that was certainly going to be more money than was in the budget. Lo and behold, I got online and with my first try found a dirt cheap flight at just the right time. I called Grandma and she was thrilled. She would fly in a few days before Christmas and stay for 2 weeks. Smallest Weasel was on cloud 9, even though Grandma wouldn't coming by sleigh.
Topping Eldest Weasel's Christmas list was a cell phone. She complained regularly and incessantly about being the only kid on earth without a cell phone. After a chat with Santa, I had it on good authority that he was bringing her one.
Grandma didn't have a cell phone either. Living alone and in poor health never slowed her down any. She was always off galavanting alone and with friends. Her car was not what you would call reliable. I would feel better if she had a phone. I added her onto my plan and that would be her gift.
We all have our Christmas traditions. One of mine has always been that we open presents from family members on Christmas Eve after we return from mass. Then as we sleep, Santa works his magic.
Last Christmas Eve as we sat and exchanged gifts, Grandma opened her phone to the wide eyed, slack jawed, steaming hot expression of Eldest Weasel. We thought for sure that she was gonna blow. Eldest managed to pull it together without saying a word and remain gracious about her pajamas. Mr. Weasel and I had all we could do to keep straight faces. Grandma was thrilled with her new phone and horrified (in a good way) that we would make Eldest squirm like that. She knew that Eldest was about to lose her mind. She also knew what Santa was planning to bring Eldest Weasel.
Eldest was maintaining her composure very well. That left me only one thing to do, throw fuel on the fire. "Would you program Grandma's phone for her and show her how to take pictures?". At this point it took Eldest all the restraint she could muster not to totally lose it. She begrudgingly set Grandma up and showed her all the features. Grandma, Mr. W. and I were holding ourselves laughing while trying to hide our glee. We would be busting by the time the morning came around. Just as Christmas Eve should be.
Christmas morning was joyful and glorious. Filled with love and family and Christmas Magic. Eldest and all the Weasels were thrilled with the gifts left for them by Good Old ST. Nick. We adults gleaned so much joy by watching their faces as they unwrapped the items from their lists.
Grandma didn't make it through her 2 year contract. That was her last Christmas. Grandma always said that I was the best Christmas present that she ever received (being born 2 weeks before Christmas). Last year Grandma was the best present I could have received. We all got what we wanted for Christmas.
P.S. ~ The Microbiologist knows how to party! More adventures with Flat WeaselMomma.
P.S.S. ~ Your ad clicking is up to

Poor Eldest Weasel. Obviously you have to have a thick skin to survive in the Weasel Family! And how wonderful that Smallest Weasel's Christmas wish turned out to be the best gift YOU could have asked for that year.
Ohhh I'm so glad grandma could spend that last Christmas with you!
You are the same type of parent I am...gets a lil kick outta watching the teens squirm but eventually bringing them great joy as well. Rock on!
"Would you program Grandma's phone for her and show her how to take pictures?" Bwahahahaha! We really must be cut from the same cloth. That was sneaky, underhanded, and downright cruel. I totally loved it!
I'm glad that, though Grandma is gone, you have this wonderful memory to add to what is no doubt a huge mountain of memories about her.
Ugh, you're making me cry! Football is coming on in a half hour, and I'm a blubbery mess. This is not good!
I love how you messed with your kids, in a good way of course. And what a brilliant way to get their wishes granted! My condolences on the loss of Grandma.
i love the torture u put eldest thru! its so much fun, isnt it? but seriously did you stay up all night or did you get up at 3am? i'm beginning to wonder about your sanity :)
p.s. - i'm clicking away!
@ Terri ~ Yeah, and by April, Mr. Weasel go this wish too!
@ Rhonda ~ I have to entertain myself somehow.
@ Melisa ~ And it was fun.
@ Aww, this wasn't supposed to make you cry, just a twisted laugh with a touch of sap. We're a twisted bunch.
@ Nonna ~ I am actually a superhero and my power is not requiring sleep. I went to bed around 7:30pm and woke at 1:30 am.
What a heartwarming story! Glad you were able to get Grandma out for 1 last Christmas.
Also gives me ideas for this year. I think Santa is planning new cell phones for the Bad Momma family that includes at least 2 of our bad boys. I love to make them squirm!
Aw. I am so glad you got to spend that time with her. What a wonderful memory.
Hehehe, that is so funny with Eldest Weasel and so like something my family would do! Glad you got to have one more Christmas with Grandma =)
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