You, my faithful readers, are full of support. Thank you for all of the prayers, thoughts and clicks.
Mr. Weasel and I were joking with each other about the ads on this blog becoming our new source of income. I mean, we all know that you can't even buy a Happy Meal a month from the ad revenue. Yesterday, my earnings from your clicks climbed to $31.31! How many clicks there must have been! You all are the best.
There are bright sides to Mr. Weasel being out of work. And well, My blog really didn't need a make-over any more than AIG executives need a weekend retreat.
Top Ten Good Things About Mr. Weasel being laid-off:
- More time to play RockBand and work on becoming the newest version of the Partridge Family.
- We no longer have to worry about our federal income taxes being raised in the next presidential administration.
- We no longer have to worry about paying our mortgage or putting gas in our car (OhCaptain will be doing it).
- Mr. W. will no longer have an excuse for not reading my blog.
- More opportunity for 'grown-up time' during school hours.
- Mr. W. no longer has to sit next to the guy with the flatulence problem at the office.
- Once we find some 'itos', we can use the mojo that NukeDad sent us to have Mojitos.
- Two words ~ Government Cheese!
- I will no longer have to answer the incessant question of 'when is Dad coming home?'
- I now finally understand what Mr. W. does for a living ~ nothing!

that's great!!! I love your list. Way to look at the bright side! And that's SUPER that your earned a lot in ads yesterday. How do they pay you? check, paypal? and how often? I'm curious!
Glad the clicking paid off. My clicking finger was cramping up pretty good. I use AdSense as well. We will need to get you to $100 to get paid. My ads get clicked so often that my next check will be here in about 14 years.
Did I say I would pay your mortgage? The link associated with me doesn't work...I'm pretty sure our president-elect is paying our mortgage, if and only if, we helped him get elected :-)
I'll be glad if my tax dollars go to a good cause. I'm very thankful right now I'm paying taxes...not that I like paying taxes, but I know what I mean. I'll keep clicking...
I'm also posting a link to here on my blog after work to spread the word. Other readers should do the same. Spread the clicking love around. A few moments of my time to help a friend is always worth it.
Gotta love looking at the bright side!
I guess you'll be online less now, with all of that "adult time", huh? heehee
I think if you break Doritos in half, the "itos" will fall out. Or something like that.
Anyway, keep looking up. And glad to see there are so many bright sides to this! Looking forward to seeing Mr Weasel leaving comments here as well!
Sorry about your bad news, but I agree with your attitude. If Mr.4444 had not lost his job 13 years ago, we would never have landed home again in G.B. There's always a silver lining...
My husband is on his third job since we closed our company down six months ago. He's still not making any money either. So, let me in on your $31 secret PLEASE!
I love Government Cheese. I wonder if it will be California cheese. Happy Cows and all that. Still waiting for the other shoe to drop out here.
BTW I may take you up on the basement offer.
Way to find the silver lining! And I'm sure Mr. W. is more than happy with some of your plans (wink, wink!)
Do you realize that I now somehow have the song "Always Look On The Bright Side of Life" going through my head now? Thanks! :)
Well I wasn't going to tattle but you leave me no choice, now everyone will know why I didn't share the donut...
Wow! Looks like you're in the money!
I don't bother with ads because like Oh Captain, it would take me 14 years to make any money. With my luck, they would send me a bill!
bad mamma - I still do bother with ads, I just don't expect a check any time soon :-) sorry about Husband being laid off:(
I'm off to click.......
I admire the way you were able to take a terrible situation and find some humor. The two words - governmetn cheese - bowled me over! Good luck to your family. I see your readers are clicking away! Thanks for visiting my blog. I'll drop back by for more clicking.
Hang in there! Times are so tough right now for so many folks. We know what it is like to lose a job unexpectedly.
Have a wonderful day.
@ Rhanda ~ check out all the info at google adsense.
@ Captain ~ Thanks again.
@ Melisa ~ Bow chicka wow wow.....
@ Tom ~ Does it work with generic Doritos?
@ Mrs.4444 ~ You my dear, are a silver lining all by yourself.
@ Momo ~ I just asked people to click. You guys are the best.
@ Mike ~ someday I have a government chees joke for you.
@ Terri ~ once again, bow chicka wow wow.
@ the rest of you, thanks.
Bwahaha! That is putting a good spin on a lousy situation.
I hope Mr. W finds a job quickly!!
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