Amidst our menagerie of pets exists a cat named Smores. She is a cute, but strange little fur ball. A beautiful and timid calico, she came to us as an abandoned runt. So small I used to keep her cuddled up in the pocket of sweatshirt. She seemed to enjoy the cozy warmth and protection. So small that we would not let her walk the floors freely for fear of her getting stepped on. We would lift her into the food dish and the litter box, for she would never be able to get there own her own. She received more TLC than is natural, which brings me to her strange behavior.
Smores lives in fear of us. She is even fearful of the hamsters. You would swear that she is regularly mistreated and suffering abuse. She slinks around the house secret agent style. Always taking the long way through a room by sticking to the walls and using the furniture for cover. Either she has had Army Scout training or seen the GodFather too many times. Avoiding all contact with humans and the other 2 cats, with one exception.
That exception would be Monkey Weasel. Also a runt in her own right. Quiet and gentle in personality, she and Smores have some kind of super natural connection. Smores never lets Monkey Weasel out of sight. When she's at school, smores will pout all day in Monkey's bed. While this cat will run in terror and hide if someone walks across the room, she will jump into Monkey's lap and cuddle for hours. When Monkey takes a shower, Smores will whine outside the bathroom door. Smores sleeps in Monkey's bed and rarely leaves her side.
Where this gets stranger is that they 'talk' to each other. Smores will "Meow, Meow" and Monkey will "Meow, Meow" back, but they actually seem to communicate. We can ask Monkey to tell Smores to hop up onto the couch, or go get some food, or head upstairs for a nap. Monkey will "meow meow meow meow meow" and lo and behold the cat does it! Monkey always seems to understand what Smores is saying too.
We often ask Monkey Weasel what she said to the cat or how she knows how to speak 'cat' and her response is always, "I don't know, I just meowed". And when Monkey meows you would really think the sound is coming from a cat. The other cats aren't responsive to this, only Smores. They seem to have some kind of telepathy. And even though Smores hides from the rest of us with the skill of the French Resistance, she and Monkey are the best of friends. Some how or another they just get each other.

love the 'secret agent style' line! i can totally picture exactly how that cat runs around your house. its cool that she has chosen somebody to be her interpreter. monkeyWeasel will probably end up like me. i'm the pied piper for all of our animals. if i go for a walk, i usually have 2 dogs AND my cat trailing behind :) maybe monkey should consider vet school.
That is too cute! Personally I am a dog person becuz to me cats are so inpersonable... lol and you can't train them and they hate to cuddle! lol But my dogs and I have a similar connection....But I guess anyone who is shut in a house for 14 hours alone with 3 dogs all day would have something! lol
We have a very similar cat... Tigger. He belonged to my parents but ended up here when he couldn't make the winter trips to Arizona with them. He was also a runt and always very stealth in his travels around their house. I have a nephew who didn't believe Tigger actually existed but was just a make believe cat my parents talked about. Tigger's been with us a year now and has gone from hiding 24/7 to allowing us to see him to sleeping on my bed. He has never allowed anyone to hold him, but we're now training him to allow us to hold him and it's working. He seems to have a special relationship with my middle child.
Love the fact that Monkey Weasel can communicate with your cat. The next Dr. Dolittle maybe?
We have a little calico too... she's very attached to our youngest (he's 15yo). Maybe it's something about calicos, because ours is a little on the stealthy side too.
So when Monkey Weasel leaves home I guess so will Smores! Can't seperate kindred souls eh?
Oh that is too cool! I love how there are just certain people and certain animals that just FIT together. Both the cat and your daughter are lucky to have each other. And the name? Love it!
Aww that's really sweet and cute...the connection they have...
Princess Zoya the Great is a kindred calico spirit. Hubby says she is half-wild (she was a stray when we got her), but she is totally attached to me. La Stinkerbella sleeps in the Poose's room all the time, under the bed, in the bed, middle of the floor, as long as she is near him. Even lets him drive his cars on her (rather broad) back. Love cats, every one is unique.
Hope they're not plotting a hostile coup or breakout or anything. Better put some good locks on the door and keep a squirt bottle handy.
This is my favorite post in a long time. Just love it, that's all.
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