Tom over at Being Michael's Daddy during what must have been a weekend drinking binge has given me this award
“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.” .
I feel very honored and undeserving of this award because I am secretly all about winning prizes and self aggrandizement. My blog getting on this prestigious list of talented bloggers must have been an over site. Hopefully Tom won't realize his mistake.
Heck, every squirrel finds a nut sooner or later, so I am just going to enjoy this one.
Now it is my pleasure to pass this onto eight very deserving bloggers, who don't mind a talentless hack like me stalking their blogs.
- Unraveling Life's Mysteries
- Life and Thoughts of a Midwest Geek
- Momo Fali's
- Manic Mom
- Terri Terri Quite Contrary
- Busy Dad Blog
- Half Past Kissing Time
- My Microscopic Life
Update on the Ad Clicking Campaign. By sacrificing your clicking fingers for the cause. You lovely folks have raised $109.63 to feed the Weasels! That means that right around Christmas I will receive a check. Thanks to all of you for all of your support! Love those clicks!

Congrats on the award...That's great about your ad rev. Click, click, click...
Thank you very much for the honor! I'm really excited that all that clicking did it! That's awesome! (That's also a lot of exclamation points!)
Now you're resorting to totally guilt tripping me for being so slow on that Flat Weaselmomma post! :D Thank you very much all the same and I actually got one paragraph into it before I got another assignment. At least the momentum has begun... You rock though. Remember, my slowness to post has nothing to do with your degree of coolness. And stalk away. It's fine with me!
Congrats on the award AND your upcoming check! :)
Congrats on the award. I'm off to click!
You know, this weekend I had all four kids and a wife pulling 10 hour shifts at work. A drinking binge would have been justified, believe me. I'm so glad to be back to work today. Anyway, you deserve the accolade.
Great deal on the upcoming check!
Wow! You are in the money! Way better than our method of collecting cans and busking with the boys!
If you're a talentless hack, I'm a talentless schmuck! I think we compliment each other quite nicely! Thanks for thinking of me!
@ Nap Warden ~ I appreciate the sentiment and the clicks.
@ Captain ~ It's well deserved and the clicks are very appreciated.
@ BusyDad ~ I'm relentless, but you are talented. Your talent and not my scheming won you the award.
@ Melisa ~ Woo-hoo! When are we going for drinks?
@ Melissa ~ I can't thank you enough for the clicks.
@ Tom ~ That means a lot coming from you.
@ BadMomma ~ You've got to try this blogging thing!
Holy Toledo, an honor bestowed upon me and my simple writings. Thanks for forwarding the award to me. And congratulations on receiving it as well.
When my world is a bit gloomy I can count on you and your "Weasel" family to brighten it up...
Are you calling me a nut?! Dang, you're perceptive! Thanks so much for the awesome, original award. I'm happy to receive it. That said, I refuse to pass it on until you do your part...
And congrats on receiving this honor! You definitely fall in the "nut" category as well :)
Yeah on the check! Check out Poose's take on the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights Tuesday and Wednesday. I totally got the idea from your Constitution!
Quit selling yourself short. Unless, you know, you're like 4' 8" or something. You're the dominant burrowing rodent of the blogosphere!
@ Mike ~ Love those little writings.
@ Mrs.4444 ~ You always manage to make me smile.
@'Cuz ~ I look forward to it.
@ NukeDad ~ Maybe my plans for Blog Domination aren't in vain.
A pox upon me. I had left out the badge associated with the charming blog award. It is now on my page - please stop by and steal it for your own, with my apologies for its lateness.
Congrats on your award and thank you for passing it on to me! I love me some blog bling!
Ok... see? I WAS here! See right up above here? I left a comment. I picked up my award and I have it safely tucked away for future passing on. Thanks again!
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