It seems that my plan for World Domination, Web Domination blog domination has been foiled. Somehow, Joeprah has managed to escape from the torture chamber I had erected in my basement and is back blogging again.
I thought for sure that back in July when I drugged and kidnapped him on his way home from vacation that my plan to dominate the blogosphere was foolproof.
Back in September he managed to escape. I had no idea that the Weasels would switch teams and let him free for a couple of snickers bars bucks little turncoats. Once I was able to recapture him, I had to take greater security measures. We don't have a watchdog, so I installed the hamsters and the fat, lazy cats as my early warning system.
We all know how well that worked. Of course he managed to entertain the cats by letting the hamsters loose. Oh well, at least his imprisonment allowed me time to gain a base readership and a small following. He didn't call the FBI (that was nice of him). So all's well that ends well.
Do you know what I'm gonna try to do tonight?
Update ~ My ad click-o-meter is up to $84.50! Thanks for the clicks!
Update2 ~ Flat WeaselMomma is proving helpful at the Microbiologist lab.

I deny any knowledge of your plot and or scheme. I want that on record right now.
LOL, How can you deny any part of that plot? Tom, you were the one who hit me over the head in the first place.
Holy crap Joeprah is alive!? I thought the McD toys had an uprising after he declared war on them a few months back...
@ Tom ~ Don't worry. It doesn't look like Joeprah's pressing charges.
@ Joeprah ~ glad your back safe and sound.
@ Sabrae ~ It makes me happy to make you smile.
@ Biologist ~ That's what I wanted people to think.
Forgive me but I'm still stuck on Pinky and the Brain. My absolute favorite cartoon. What will you be trying this evening?
@ Mike ~ The same thing I try to do every night Mikey, try to take over the world!
I'm just laughing at the name JOEPRAH!
@ Rhonda ~ You have much to learn grasshopper. Funny it is, this Joeprah, in more ways than you see.
Hmmm... is THAT all it takes to gain a following? If that's the case, I may have to try this tactic myself! ;)
OH! and I finally got a fun test word: quirk! :)
So glad to see him back!
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