The deed is done. The election is over and we will not have to live through any more political commercials for a while. We have once again showcased for the world how we roll. Peaceful, free elections(except for voter intimidation on the part of the black panthers in Philadelphia). Democracy at work. Come January, we will have a peaceful transfer of power.
The President elect was not my first choice. He wasn't my second choice either. Or third or 20th. But Obama is the President elect. He will be my President for the next four years.
This is an Historic moment in our Nation. I heard Juan Williams state "What an excellent role model for the young black community. As opposed to gangster rappers. Obama is educated, married and has 2 daughters, he dresses like a normal person and is successful." And this is true.
Having our First Black President in this nations history should disspell the myth that we are an overwhelmingly racist nation. This also goes to prove once again that anyone can grow up to be President in our fine country. If you do not succeed in this nation, it is because you chose not too. That is not to say that everyone who works at it will be rich and famous, but everyone has the ability to carve out a nice little niche for themselves.
We as Americans are promised the God given inalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness. How we chose to persue that is us to us as individuals.
I urge you all to keep in mind that "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take everything you have." ~ atrributed to numerous speakers.
Update: Onion headline 'Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job'

Well said. He wasn't my first choice either, but we agree to live by the results of our elections. That is how we roll.
I worry about the hype. Do people really believe that they won't have to worry about putting gas in their cars or paying their mortgage? That literally scared the stuffing out of me.
I didn't sleep last night...
I felt sick most of the night..
hope I am wrong about him....
I pray.
I'll chime in and say that you said it very well also. He too was not my first but he definitely won fair and square.
I worry that those who support him have placed him on a very high pedestal. High enough that the fall could be politcally fatal.
I like the last thing you said, about big governments! I hope Obama can live up to all his promises.
The title of your post made my wife and me crack up.
We were disappointed of course, but not surprised by the outcome of this election.
You are absolutely right about our country, our rights and our opportunities here.
So let's just see how things go.
a big AMEN to your last comment about Big Governments. Granted, Obama wasn't my first choice, I was in Grant Park to witness history in the making first hand. I have to say, that it moved me to tears to know the struggle, strife and success that our forefathers, civil rights leaders, and all the rest of the citizens that have made this nation great. The high voter turn out was a WONDERFUL thing to see, even if we didn't get our choice. I will pray for Obama and his family for the next 4 years. I pray that he makes good choices and doesn't take that fall that Mike talked about.
But I do take pride in knowing that when he does slip up, and all of America is pissed off... at least I can say.... I didn't pick him! It's YOUR fault! =D
He wasn't my first choice either, but he will soon be the leader of this country. It's our job to hold him accountable.
I'm tired of all the talk about him being the first black president. What it all boils down to is that he'll be the president. Black or white, it doesn't really matter.
I agree completely. I journalled about this for my kids' sakes. I'm worried about a lot. LIke a Liberal friend said, though, "I know how you feel; I felt that way when GWB got elected." She survived. I hope we do. I also am proud of our country. I hope that Obama stays protected from idiots who would harm him; I certainly would not want Biden to be President, and I want people to see the empty promises for what they were.
Good post - and a very good quote at the end. There is plenty of food for thought to go around in this election.
He wasn't my choice either - not even on my radar - but we abide by the choices we make. Ben Franklin had a bit to say about that...I quoted Birdie's blog and added another on my Smatterings blog.
Now we get to see how it all unfolds...
@ Captain ~ It's now time for us to make sure that it is not tax dollars that start paying her bills.
@ Terri ~ Don't lose sleep. Just start speaking up now. Let your reps know where you stand and pray.
@ Mike ~ He won't be able to fall as long as the media is having it's love affair.
@ Chris ~ I hope that Obama does not follow through on any of his promises. He wants to give me the big government that I don't want interfering in my life.
@ Tom ~ Your wife isn't the only one who reacted that way. We must hope for the best, and make our voices heard.
@ Jane ~ Yup, big government bad.
@ Terri ~ And that was real MLK's dream.
@ Mrs.4444 ~ I certainly hope that those were false promises.
@ Trish ~ I will have to check that out.
Very well said. :)
My buddy and I were at the bar the other night watching the election unfold. I couldn't believe it when they showed those Black Panthers outside the polling station! UN-FRIGGIN-BELIEVEABLE!!
I was talking to an undergrad who is one of those kinda perky dorks and I was trying to explain that conservative means smaller gov't and less interference in people's lives (as opposed to the lies the media tells to make us seem like racist rednecks or old white elitists) thinking that would explain why I did not want Obama... She was all, "I want the gov't to take care of us!" I just about died! All I could say to that was "Well not me." and end the conversation.
Seriously can we divide the country into two parts, the ones who want a communist state and the ones who want to live like our founding fathers intended? Or how about all tax payers get a form and they decide the degree of communist they want and pay taxes accordingly! Too many of the Obamaniacs don't think that far ahead, the idea that all his promises come with a price tag and ultimately shit rolls down hill and they will have to pay for it, either directly or indirectly.
What kind of role model will he be if he gets served an indictment? Though he has so much clout perhaps he will not get served, sigh. I sure hope we are wrong about this guy...
I couldn't have said it better myself. Every single word of it...
I agree with the microbiologist!!!! Or all these obamalovers can voluntarily pay their "patriotic" higher taxes...there's seems to be enough of him that believe in that mindset that the rest of us should be able to "opt out"!
I don't want the goverment to take care of me. If it turns into something like that then what is the big deal if we live in the US or someplace else, we'd be no better. We'd have no extra freedom that we have now. Shoot...if our country turns into something like that then perhaps we'd be ok with leaving this great nation that we love so much and get away from all the illegals that are infesting our schools and neighborhoods.
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