***Today is another November two-for-one special. 2 posts, 1 day, 0 laughs.***
At the last minute I had a CHANGE of heart and voted for Barack Obama.
Ah, just kidding, almost had ya there didn't I?
No, I am not an Obama Girl.
I voted for NukeDad! He's right on foreign policy, the economy, he's right on the bailout.
Can't wait to see his acceptance speech! I'm gonna stay up late for that.

Ha!! I voted too! I voted for the same fella too! Thanks for stoppin by my place! Had to come do the same! I like you right off!!
I'm touched; really. Usually in the wrong places by the wrong people, but touched nonetheless.
Yep, did my voting early. Can't wait until tonight to watch the returns. I may need a mental health day off tomorrow.
I only voted for McCain because of Oblah blah...
and b/c I loved Sarah Cuda...
McCain wasn't my first pick by any means... but it was like...
would I rather shoot myself in the stomach or head??
Happy Election Day..
and YEP.. we were there at 6:30 am to vote ...
Don't you scare me like that! If we don't put a nuke in the white house, then the terrorists have already won! (that really didn't come out right)
Yes, I voted. But I think you already knew that :-)
Cool sticker! I like yours better than the one I got...
Nukedad was not on my ballot, was he a write-in?
We already miss Flat Weaselmomma. Hope she arrives safely tomorrow!
i voted. weaselMomma u almost converted me...but not quite. i am kindof scared to say on here, but i am a true yellow dog. i voted for the O. sorry to all u repubs, but to each his own :)
I love Terri's reasoning behind her vote! Don't we all kinda feel that way? I wish I had known to write in Nuke Dad. Dang. Nobody tells me nothin'.
I don't dicuss who I voted for but good for you for voting! :) I too am staying up while the wife is sleeping to see who gets it
Nearly give me a heart attack! That was the result's job, and it has done a very good job of it. NOT happy with Iowa going blue, can't taunt Daddy anymore! Seems like only an indictment will save us now given how many seats the dems took, sigh. Least it was a nice walk to the polls here, bit windy but otherwise nice out.
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