This past weekend was fairly quiet and laid back around here. I spent most of Saturday and Sunday doing yard work and finally getting the flower and vegetable gardens cleaned up and cared for, so that I can watch their lack of growth. I got around to planting the potted flowers the younger girls had grown for me at school and gave to me on Mother's Day. I pulled the ever recurring weeds and grew frustrated that my two favorite Rose of Sharon bushes are burgeoning beautifully with new greenery and not one single little bud.
I tended the strawberries and planted tomatoes and green peppers that never seem to do well no matter how I try and help the soil. I need to build a raised bed if I want better results. Alas, I will keep my fingers crossed anyway. I mowed 1/2 the lawn before I decided that I was done and saved the rest for Eldest Weasel to help her earn her keep.
Monday came along with clouds and cooler temps, which worked out just fine as we spent the day listening to Weasels whine about watching old movies they have no interest in watching the classic war movies marathon on AMC.
We started around noon with The Longest Day. Mr. Weasel and I really thought that Boy Weasel would get into these old flicks. We were wrong. If it's in black and white or doesn't involve light sabers, superheroes or cool high tech gadgets heavy machine guns must not count he's not interested.
I love these old movies, even if they are the Hollywood version of the historical accounts. The only real bothersome aspect of watching them on T.V. was the commercials. Not so much the commercials themselves, but the way they blast them at 10x the volume of the movie. We constantly were turning the volume up in order to hear the movie only to be shaken like an IMAX earthquake at every commercial break. Seriously, is the network that afraid that I may leave the room to grab a snack from the kitchen or to use the bathroom and might not hear the ad? They already were showing the same ads over and over again in rapid succession. Did they really need to test that my windows were properly sealed? Or does the network own a window company and think that by shattering a few they can keep that end of the business solvent?
Anywho.....another great, Patton, came on next. The Weasels came in and out of the living room, but the Mr. and I were the only ones really interested or enjoying the movies. We broke for dinner and to wash the school clothes for the morning before settling into Midway and nodding off for the night.
All in all, not a bad weekend. Now we're back into the drudgery that is the school/work week. Only 4 days left for Eldest and 2 weeks for the last 3. I can't wait.

Thankfully, we got the yard stuff all cleaned up for OhCountess' graduation party. All I needed to do was drive the kids around all weekend. Oh joy. (please read with the dripping sarcasm font..)
I LOVE old war movies. I've lost track of how many times I've seen the Dirty Dozen.
Got to love old war movie marathons. I didn't get a chance to partake this year with my wife on second shift, but I did throw in my Dirty Dozen DVD after the baby went to bed.
I'm starting to count down the hours until summer break starts. We are so very close! I can't wait. I'm totally over the drudgery!
I mentioned the war movie marathon today too although I didn't take part. I recorded Patton to watch later though.
I can't decide which I hate more, gardening or old b/w war movies.
Huh. You were productive. I finally gave up on the landscaping bit. In fact, I had a guy here today who is coming back tomorrow to do all my weeding and Preening and mulching. Ahhhh... pretty. And I'm SO with you on the soil. We're clay clay clay here. At least my strawberries seem to bedoing ok so far!
Tend the garden and lawn? Ha! I might as well throw poison on them and watch them die. We, actually The Oldest, mows the lawn. Not too many flowers. No green thumb here. We didn't watch war movies, but a PBS marathon of "The War." It's a Ken Burns' film on World War II. It was fascinating.
Can't wait for summer to officially to begin. Two more weeks for The Youngest. The Oldest graduates Sunday.
Sounds like you had a good weekend. My favorite black and white movie is It's a Wonderful Life. Jimmy Stewart reminds me of Ken! LOL!
Snuggling up with the hubby for movies sounds fun. Thanks for tip for getting rid of the kids! :)
Oh, how I love old war epics. The kids, not so much. I'm hoping I have time to watch them all when the kids have moved out.
Not a bad way to spend the weekend. I bet Boy Weasel would enjoy the series, "Band of Brothers." My boys got into that big time!
Sounds a lot like my weekend, if by watching War movies you mean, The Flinstones and if by gardening you mean, drinking Vodka and cokes. Anyway, back to work...
The couple that watches WWII movies all day??? That's pretty interesting.
Wife says that her gardening improved immeasurably once she stopped having to be a full time Mom. Just start counting down now :)
Sounds like we had a similar weekend except that my boys will watch anything on t.v. They have developed a taste for vintage shows such as Munsters, Addams Family and this weekend, a new one: Ironsides.
On the gardening front: I learned about Poison Oak and how EXTREMELY potent a slight touch can be! Fortunately my boils are limited to a relatively small area on one wrist!
@ OhCaptain ~ DD is a great flick. Hope the chauffeur service slows down soon.
@ PJ ~ It's just not Memorial Day without war movies.
@ Momo ~ We should start a club. I'm hanging on for dear life.
@ Otter ~ It was on all day here.
@ Melisa ~ You young whipper-snappers just don't appreciate these things.
@ Michelle ~ I'm jealous.
@ Surprised ~ That does sound interesting.
@ Cheffie ~ Suicidal and broke?
@ Mrs4444 ~ works better than bug spray.
@ Tom ~ Ahhh, the day that peace and quiet prevail in your house.
@ Terri ~ I think that will be our next introduction to him.
@ OutNumbered ~ That doesn't sound to bad at all.
@ de-I ~ Oh, I am. Trust me, I am.
@ Bad Momma ~ Good to get them hooked on the classics.
I did the same in the yard, with better success. I have uncontrollable rose of sharon.
You really made the lil weasels watch that stuff?
Animal cruelty....
I'm calling the ASPCW
Raised beds is a great idea, it worked for me. And yeah, I'm with Melisa and the young Weasels on the old war movies. I don't mind B&W movies, just don't like war movies...
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