*Dear WeaselMomma is column that I write @ Dad Blogs, in which readers can send me advice seeking questions and I can inform them that if they are asking my advice, they are much worse off than they know.*
This edition of Dear WeaselMomma has been provided by "It's Party Time" and the letter Q.
Dear WeaselMomma,
How do I have a fantastic pity party for one? What would you serve? I’m not sure of the best pity party foods and beverages? Where is the best place to host it? What music do you recommend? And how can I let the person who is making me host this pity party know he/she has earned the number one spot on my all time “doo-doo” list? Waiting for your advice.
It’s Party Time
I am not sure I am properly qualified to help you plan and execute a 'party for one'. Daddy files is actually the resident expert in that area and would most likely advise you to serve cantaloupe or any melon that has been warmed in the sun.
That said, I will offer you advice the best that I am able.
I personally would change the theme to a commiseration party, instead of a pity party. First off, parties are always better with guests and secondly, when you are having a tough time and feeling badly, friends are always good company to keep close.
What to serve all depends on whether you choose to do this as a breakfast, lunch or evening venue. I would host at your home to achieve that homely and cozy 'we are among friends' vibe going.
If you are thinking of a breakfast party you should serve coffee (all Irished up -of course) and beer for beverages along with bagels, cream cheese, very high fat coffee cake or anything else that you can just pick up at the store and don't have to actually prepare. Chocolate is great for these occasions, but you know how people feel about chocolate being consumed before noon.
If you are envisioning a lunch or brunch you should go with rum punch, mimosas and beer for beverage options. Serve comfort foods for the menu options, such as baked macaroni and cheese, twice baked potatoes and rice pudding. That's right, you need to carb load your tipsy guests so that they sit down in a comfy chair and keep great company for hours, as they are too tired and weighed down to actually get up and proceed with their daily responsibilities in life. You can sit platters of chocolate within 1/2 of an arms reach to keep the good times rolling indefinitely.
If an evening soire is more your thing, you need to go straight to the hard liquor and mixers along with a few bottles of highly pretentious wine so dry that Betty Ford herself exclaims "what the hell is this crap?" and beer. As far as food is concerned you can just set out a bowl of nuts and a plate of fake plastic food from the little tykes kitchen set that the kids stopped playing with over a decade ago. If your guests are coming over in the evening they are not interested in eating (hence, why you have chosen the hard liquor for this venue).
Now onto music. If this is a commiseration party, you simply go with country music. My truck cried, my wife lied and my dog died is sure to set the right mood for complaining about life's woes.
Finally, you need to let the main offender know of the party that you are throwing and that they are not invited to partake in your good times, friends and fun. The most mature and approriate way to get all of your points across simply and efficiently is with a great big raspberry! Trust me, you will feel better.
I hope that this helps with all of your party planing needs and that I receive my invitation soon. It sounds like it's going to be a good time.

'... and beer'. Do we need to ask which brand you would recommend serving?
I think, after reading your advice to "It's Party Time" that you are probably the hostess with the "mostess." I love your food and beverage selections. The music selections sound divine.Commiseration party sounds so much better than pity party. And how big of a raspberry would you throw at the offender?
Wait wait wait... what is wrong with ingesting chocolate before noon? I have no such compunctions.
Love the themes of the party, and now I want baked mac and cheese. Thanks a lot.
Beer for breakfast, lunch, and evening? You are invited to plan my next party. With duck.
Great advice, but I really want to know what one wears to such a party?
Seashore - anything it doesn't matter because no one really cares anyway...*sigh* ;)
In other words you are saying do whatever you want just make sure there is beer at the party. I like your style.
I lead such a sheltered life. I had no idea one could manage such an event for this!
I wanna go, too!
(Thanks for commenting on my blog today!! Come back, anytime!)
I know how I feel about consuming chocolate before noon. I'm now focusing on my feelings about consuming rum before noon.
The best pity parties are short ones.
Great party advice, but I would expect nothing else from the WM. Hey, I photo tagged you...check out my latest post for details! YOU ROCK!
I'm still dying over the idea that eating chocolate before noon may be frowned upon. But it's ok to consume beer before noon! You're totally invited to my next pity party!
i thought nyquil had alcohol in it?? i'm a nyquil junkie, partly b/c i always thought it (mildly) fucked me up.
and i'm with you WM. bring back the alcohol. hell, everybody knows that it works. alcohol's a preservative, for cryin' out loud...
nice post. -jco-
This Ozarks farm chick is crackin' up here. What grand plans for a pity~party. I'm thinkin' I'd go on strike, take to my bed and eat anything I could cover in chocolate. I find that chololate works better than Valium. Although when I was still teaching we just to joke about puttin' a Valium lick in the teacher's loungs! Heeeheehee!
Thanks for the belly laugh and from the hills and hollers of Missouri, ya'll have yourself a wonderfully blessed day!!!
Definitely sounds better than any of my commiseration parties. Though instead of a big ol' raspberry, I always feel compelled to slam the phone down on the offender. But I suppose in this day and age of "off" and "end" buttons on people's phones, I'll have to resort to the raspberry. Which makes me think of that line in "Space Balls"...
So this is YOU! I saw your name at Dad Blogs and remember reading this post about the advice. What a small world after all.
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