Yeah, yeah, yeah, the old saying is that we all get our 15 minutes sooner or later, I however will take what I can get.
Last night, after homework and before dinner, I took a few minutes to check my email, blog comments and twitter. Simultaneously, Greta Van Susteren send out a general tweet to effect of "Hey, I'm logged onto Skype, ping me now if you want to chat." (I can't find the exact tweet, but that was the gist of it.)
So I looked her up on Skype and hit that magic little call button. I didn't know the topic she wanted to discuss or the context of what the conversation would be and was nervous and very much second guessing my choice about making contact. It began to ring, and ring, and ring. I let it ring 7 or 8 times before giving up and figuring that 500 people were doing the same nervous sweaty under arm thing that I was.
In the mean time, my cell phone rang and it was none other than my dear blogging buddy, Mr. Man. We were chatting for just a minute or 2, when my Skype started ringing. "Mr. Man, I don't want to be rude, but I'm gonna have to call you back. Greta Van Susteren is calling me." Without missing a beat, Mr. Man responded "well, okay then." or something like that.
I answered the call and here is what ensued:
Greta promoted my blog and I saw a definite spike in the traffic last night. I woke up this morning to actual fan email in my inbox. I kid you not. I was pretty surprised to, and flattered, and a little creeped out. It was all very complimentary and ego boosting, but it was awfully strange and all very new for me.
I was sent well wishes from blogging and twitter friends and teased plenty in a jovial way from friends. Melisa wrote a fantabulously funny post about her delusions of how it all came to be on her blog. Coincidentally, I was already scheduled to have lunch with Melisa and Michelle of Honest and Truly.
When we were seated at our table we were already laughing and having fun as I played up my new celeb status as eyes were rolled and belly laughs abounded. The waitress came to greet us and immediately said "You look so familiar". I almost wet my pants trying to hold back the laughter. Of course she was talking about Michelle and Melisa's notoriety in the "Eating Cheesecake and calling it Lunch Hall of Fame" and how she remembered waiting on them in the past.
I'm enjoying my 15 minutes and just hope that it isn't up quite yet.

You're not the ONLY memorable one, you know! haha
P.S. Has the head swelling stopped yet? hahahahahaha
You must be peeing your pants all day long!!! How freaking amazing!!!!
I'm still waiting for the dark glasses and scarf to hide your celebrity :) Hilarious that you had the little weasels hanging out with you on the conversation -- you didn't mention that part.
Thanks again for joining for lunch. Ironically, I received a $25 GC for Cheesecake Factory in the mail today for my birthday from a friend. I guess we'll have to go back someday? ;)
SO COOL! You looked and sounded great! I'd have been SO nervous. Congrats on your 15 minutes of fame!
Look at you getting fan mail :)
Yea! You are a brave woman! I probably would have been in a panic.
Very, very cool. I would have had way too many, "Ums" and "Uhs" not to mention, sweated all over my laptop's screen (nice visual, I know) You ARE a natural.
I have to say actually SEEING the little weasels live and in action was the best part. Their personalities that you have described so well, leaped off the screen.
@ Melisa ~ I am definitely not the star of the Weasel show or Suburban Wow for that matter.
@ Manic ~ No doubt that their is a constant flow of laughter around here.
@ Michelle ~ This place is a nuthouse! Now we have an excuse to eat more cheesecake.
@ Terri ~ Oh, I was.
@ PJ ~ That was pretty funny, if I do say so myself and 1 fan letter still counts as fan mail!
@ Seashore ~ I was in a sweaty frenzy in the beginning. After that it just became fun.
@ Liz ~ Thanks, I looked much calmer than I was.
@ de-I ~ This made for a great snapshot of the circus that is life in Weaselville, especially when Weasels get excited.
i loved listening to your chat w/ GVS, and i was taken by how "normal" she seemed. i've always liked her, and how i like her even more. nice work on the skype connection. that was truly too cool...
AWESOME! I love that you had frozen pizzas in the oven for dinner and that you TOLD Greta about it!! hahahaha
Very cool! You still have 34 seconds left!
You've got a face for the camera. Don't let the fame go to your head. Congrats...
Very, very cool! I know someone famous :)
Just like the Serendipity Engine that Chris Brogan Speaks of. Fantastic.
I commented on Melisa's post that I am a bit in awe of your growing celebrity. I am afraid that you are becoming too big for me now. I enjoyed the video and the weasels. For what it's worth I agree with you on the health care thing too.
@ John ~ Pure luck. Right place at the right time. Twitter FTW!
@ McMommy ~ What you see is what get, including frozen pizza.
@ Bad Momma ~ I should make the most of it.
@ Mike ~ Thanks. I've always been told I have a face made for radio.
@ OhCaptain ~ Thanks.
@ Phillip ~ No doubt things happened well for me that day.
@ Otter ~ No fears, you are hanging with the crowd that you fit in with. Your blog speaks for itself.
Love it!!!! Miss you guys!
Look at you big time! Congrats on the big are the envy of blogger everywhere.
Very very cool!!!
Congratulations on your 15 minutes of fame! I can't believe how cool you are when the camera is aimed at you. The kids were hysterical.
I'll be able to say, "I knew her when!"
Well, that is just the coolest! Looks like it was fun!
Hey...I'm glad to take a back seat to Greta...this time. :-) Glad that this happened. You deserve it.
You are quite the bad a$$.
WOW! Uber cool!!
I loved the weasles in their school uniforms!!
How cool is that?! Nice...
My first visit here, and I find myself face-to-face with a star......YOU.
I watched the entire video and noticed that you are from South Philly. I'm out in the suburbs of Montgomery County. What a small world.
I can't wait to tell everyone I'm rubbing elbows with you. Just don't forget me when you hit fortune and fame.
Thanks for stopping by via Mrs 4444.
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