First and Foremost on this lovely Friday morning, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELISA with 1 S!!!!!!!!!!!! Please join me in heading over to The Suburban Scrawl and leaving her some birthday comment love, spread the word and maybe today she can have the most comments ever. What a nice present that would be!
In order to celebrate the momentous event, Melisa and I will be livestreaming a special Birthday Episode of Suburban Wow this morning at 10 est/9 cst. Tune in and join the fun by clicking here and interact with us via Twitter by using @ messages and following us and others who are watching and be part of the conversation.
Also, don't forget that it is Fatherhood Friday over on Go read and enjoy. Don't forget that it is time to register for the Dad-Blogs Convention to be held in Chicago this July! Both Melisa and I will be attending and this would be a great chance to meet all of you. Moms are obviously welcome and there are lots of great things planned. If you register now, you can still get the early bird discount on registration. Room rates are a huge bargain @ $109/nt including wi-fi and cooked to order hot breakfast in an all suite hotel. You can't beat that deal. Click here for details.

Yeah! Happy Birthday to Melisa. Sorry I won't be able to make the show. The only level 4 class they had open at Gymboree was Friday's at 10. Stupid schedule.
You and Melisa at the Dad Blogs convention in July? There are sure to be some great antics! I can't wait to read all about it next summer!
Blogger conventions?????
Wait wait wait -- we talk dad blogs concept and then it's HERE and you say nothing to me? For shame!
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