Once again, Welcome to all of you. Especially first timers and those of you visiting from Dad-Blogs Fatherhood Friday.
In all honesty, I really don't have a fatherhood post for you all today. I haven't posted anything in a week and people are starting to speculate that I might be buried next Jimmy Hoffa. The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated to quote the great Mark Twain.
In lieu of anything coherent to write, I offer you a post of Friday Fragments in order to catch up with the Weasels.
- The New Sea Monkeys have hatched and are doing well. Just in time for Smallest Weasel to lose interest in them.
- Mr. Weasel has a job, kind of. He is working toward creating a start-up with another business contact. He's not bringing in a paycheck or benefits or any of the other silly things you would associate with working, but he is doing work. Simultaneously he is still interviewing for paid positions in hopes of acquiring gainful employment.
- Track season has started. Eldest is a distance runner (3200(2 mile)) and this makes me a distance driver.
- I received a phone call from the school yesterday after Boy Weasel took a shot from a failed attempt to spike a volleyball to the nether regions. I only add this tidbit for comic relief. You Dad's might not find it funny, but when he called me I just couldn't hold back the laughter.
- Our hot water heater died. I realized this as I was about to wash the dishes and before I had showered for the day. I had 3 important appointments to attend that afternoon. Thank God for neighbors. Two different neighbors offered me use of their facilities and one of the dads, who was preparing to shower himself offered that we could just shower together. What a nice guy! To put himself out there like that for my sake! I have such wonderful neighbors. Luckily, it was a minor repair and I have hot water back in my life.
- I haven't been to the gym in weeks. Life has just been stupid busy trying to keep up with Weasel life
and I have been to lazy to go during any free time. I was going to go this morning, but knew that you, my lovely readers, would be completely devatated if I didn't post something soon. The sacrifices I make for my adoring fans! - On a good note, My RockBand Skilz are becoming Mad.
This is what I have been doing with all of my free time. I just wish that they would expand the downloadable content for the Wii at a faster pace. - The time change to daylight savings is wreaking havoc on my internal clock. I am going to bed a little later and getting up a lot later. This bugs the bejesus out of me. Early mornings are my blog time and I need peace and quiet to drink my coffee, read my blogs and write before the house starts running for the day.
- This past week had me running in circles so much that I felt like I was drowning, but now I can at least drown in warm water!

We've all missed you! I'm sorry that life is so chaotic (& undpaid) right now, but we're praying for you! Glad the hot water is back on (after two repairs, we finally had to give in & buy a new washing machine--I'm sure yours groans at you each day, too!) and I hope you adjust to the time change soon--this is the 1st time my kids have really struggled with it, so it's wearing on me, too!!
Hang in there!
I'm also plugging an old friend's new blog: www.servingmudpies.blogspot.com if you get a minute--also, if you don't allow shameless plugs, just edit this out!
Hopefully all falls into place soon. You have been missed :D
Great to have you back. You were certainly missed in my littel corner of the world.
LOL, Weasel (the picture of a weasel drowning in warm water is just a little funny, sorry.)
I am impressed that you had so many shower offers! I guess the lack of exercise hasn't hurt much :)
Can't see your post any more (hint hint), so I can't remember what I wanted to say... (If you like, you could change your comment Settings to Open in a Pop-up Window. That way, commenters can easily see both the post and the comment box :)
You had me at Sea Monkeys. Never had those as a child. Still working that one out in therapy.
I vividly remember my brother accidentally knocking over his sea monkeys tank and hysterically crying. He must have been around 5-6 (and I was 3-4). I pictured them all laying in the carpet, dying a slow death...it made me sad...but I didn't cry.
I didn't realize how morbid of a thought that was for a child until I wrote it.
Glad to see you have warm water again. Have you been missing your workouts so you could avoid your newfound workout friend? ;)
Happy Fatherhood Friday!
@ Laura, Jason and Otter ~ It's nice to be loved!
@ Mrs4444 ~ People can be sooo generous, lol.
@ KWG ~ You should click the link to read about how I massacred the 1st batch!
Glad Mr Weasel has some employ, gainful or otherwise. And that he has other irons in the fire. It'll all come together soon, I'm confident.
Sounds like a crazy week! At least you have nice neighbors. :)
Geez, as a Mom you can not laugh at a nether region injury. It just adds insult to injury.
You gotta love the neighbor kindness out there. Wanting to conserve water by showering together. How nice...
I hear you. It's been a busy week, and sometimes you just don't have the drive to do things. Especially in this weather. Plus the time change is still making me crazy.
Glad you are here.
Oh, we have 3 showers at the tavern...no waiting!
I am so relieved that you aren't dead.
I haven't made it to the gym all week either. Blah.
I have been slacking on my Guitar Hero. My skillz have greatly diminished.
Well it sounds like you needed a little blogcation! We'll forgive ya. I'm SO glad you got your hot water back. So that dad that offered to share his...did you tell your hubby that?? hahaha
I'm so glad you posted today. I was beginning to wonder about you.
How kind of your neighbor to offer up a joint shower with you. Somehow I think Mr.W might might not approve.
Don't feel bad about not working out. I have not run or done Wii fit for over a week. (This is the point where we blame back problems for our lack of activity.)
Thank god you're back. I was on the verge of ending it all. . .my wife had to take the belts and shoelaces away from me!
Don't leave us again Weasel Momma!
And thus begins Boy Weasel's journey to manhood and understanding what women are really like. Volleyball to the nether region = laughter. :D
i was wondering where you've been. did you see (f)reddy's dilf post? lol i'm worn out just reading all the things that have been going on w you lol
Wesael Momma, so glad everything is OK! These short breaks are needed sometimes to clear the way for great works to come!
It's good to see you come up for air. It's not been the same without you.
Sometimes you just need to take a break. Welcome back!
Glad to hear the water heater was repairable. Did you use my method to fix it? ;p
Thanks for all the updates... bummer the loss of interest didn't occur before you got the sea monkeys. Who's in charge of them now? ;)
Oh -- and good luck to Mr Weasel both with the startup venture AND getting that whole paid thing going on again.
I feel your pain - I felt like a dog chasing its tail all week! Hope life gets back to normal soon.
Take a deep breath, and back away from the Sea Monkeys...
i for one, am glad you haven't been posting this week. one less person to feel guilty for falling behind on!
i too laugh with you at boyWeasel's run in with the volleyball. did he actually go home for it? doesn't the pain just fade away in a few minutes? or did he break his penis? i have leaned since blogging that that is an actual possibility.
how come you don't just use your wii for exercise? play tennis or baseball or something. they wooped my butt the next day so that had to be good for me. :)
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