It's Friday! And you all know what that means. Get on over to Dad-Blogs to read some great posts on Father-Hood Friday.
With Father's Day quickly approaching (June 21st) for all of you dads who have no idea when. I hope I didn't ruin the surprise., I have been pondering exactly what gift to get for Mr. Weasel.
Over the years, I have sometimes gone with the traditional (grills and smokers), sometimes with the extravagant (really special bottle of Scotch) and sometimes with the quirky and fun (a super soaker with 2 gallon capacity backpack). All of which, seemed to hit the nail on the head and were enjoyed immensely.
This year I'm having a hard time figuring out what would be the perfect gift. Mr. Weasel is not about the tools (when your that pretty, you don't need to be handy) or the ties (nobody should ever buy dad a tie for Father's Day). He has all the backyard bbq implements his heart desires. Any daddy tech gadgets that he has expressed interest in I don't quite understand and am too cheap to shell out the cash for are out of the price range. There will be no Apple TV this year.
The best gift for him would be one that I can't give. Time & Sleep. These are the things he is short on right now. He has been burning the candle at both ends. Working like a fool trying to start his own company while simultaneously working full time for someone else. He works during his commute. He works late into the night at home and weekends. He is fighting against deadlines.
At the same time, he is still working on being a fully involved dad. Helping with school projects and reports so that his wife doesn't completely lose her mind and giving to his family the very little bit of time he has left. Often sacrificing sleep to do so. He deserves a great Father's Day full of rest and relaxation. If only he could take the day off.
So throw some ideas at me people. Tell me your best ever Father's Day gifts.

Take all the weasels out and give the full day to weasel dad to do anything he wants. Golf? Tennis? Sleep? Eat his favorite food? Watch TV?
I would love a full day of tennis and then a massage...
If he can't get off work for Father's Day, maybe you and the kids could light up his phone and email with fun 'thanks for being my dad messages.' Just make sure it doesn't get him in trouble at work! ;)
Maybe go traditional - breakfast of favorites, have movies/episodes of favorites ready for a DVD marathon complete with those snacks that are not usually available. If he wants time with kids do kid-friendly marathon (like Avatar) if break from kids is needed do something old-school (maybe Star Trek?) Then he could do work, if an idea strikes..or just rest?
How about a gift certificate for an hour massage? maybe he can steal an extra hour and get a little relaxation.
My Father's Day gift is generally spending money for my annual guy's weekend/comic convention trip. It may not seem exciting, but I'm still reading books I bought last summer, so it lasts the whole year through.
You know a great place for him to relax? Hawaii(I don't know how long I'll be able to drag this one out but damn you keep giving me the opportunities LOL)
You gave out the clue when you posted about the Star Trek movie.
Get him the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition or the Klingon Dictionary (I have both from my kids from various birthdays or Father's Days) or a Starship Enterprise Christmas ornament - the opportunities are endless.
We call it a "Sleep Day" around relaxation, no noise. Dogs and kid, and me, are gone gone gone...for the day!
I have the same problem. I am struggling with what to get Hubs for F-Day. I'll pass along the suggestions I get to you.
The weasel clan has a great dad. I have no gift ideas. My greatest Father's Day gift will be whatever I get this year.
Cook dinner for him while wearing an Uhura uniform.
gift wrap yourself in a hot little nighty once the kids have gone to bed? It's free...and something every dad wants! ;)
Shoot. Rhondalue beat me to it. My suggestion?
Uhhhh yeah. I got nothin' XM radio I'm assuming it out with the Apple tv?. Hmmm... I like the idea of all the messages from you and the kids. That could be fun!
Darn, Father's Day is coming up? I forgot all about it with preparing for the oldest's graduation and grad party. I got nothin'. Maybe I'll steal an idea or two from your readers! Good luck and thanks for the reminder! Mr. Weasel IS a good man, father and husband. He does deserve the best!
I'm going to have to agree with RhondaLue. Time with you is probably just what he needs.
Wow. I always did have a little virtual crush on Mr. W, and now as you describe how hard working and dedicated he is, I'm even more impressed. What a great guy!
Wow... Mr. Weasel and I have a lot of similarities. I know what it is like to be in the middle of starting a business that you someday want to do full time, while working for someone else full time.
If he doesn't have one already, get him a super nice office chair. (I guess I'm assuming his business involves sitting on his butt in front of a computer all night like mine does)
After sitting on my butt all day in the office, it would be really nice to be able to sit at night in a very comfy officey chair.
I'm a dad-to-be, and from reading this post and the comments it appears that Father's Day is another one of those perks of fatherhood that I didn't think about. That and the special parking at Babies R Us :)
I am HORRIBLE with Father's Day gift ideas.
@ Andrew's ~ I can do that, but he would put the quiet time to use getting work done.
@ Justin ~ We will do that too, but he would be working from home.
@ Seashore ~ It will be a whatever he wants to do day. I'm pretty sure that he will pressure to spend it working.
@ Gertrude ~ That's a great idea and maybe he would take me with him!
@ Jason ~ I will put Eldest right to work on that. She can ind some great deals.
@ de-I ~ Now that's a fantastic idea!
@ Bella's Daddy ~ How do you decide who gets the day off? Do you switch off years?
@ Tara ~ Thank yoy, Thank you.
@ Otter ~ I hope you have a wonderful Father's Day.
@ Apok ~ I love it! You track one down and send it.
@ Rhonda ~ LOL, that is usually what he sees as his gift to me!
@ Melisa ~ See above.
@ Michelle ~ Yeah, Not adding any bills around here.
@ Surprised ~ Hope the reminder helps.
@ Terri ~ How about you get to come make dinner in the Uhura outfit. That way I get the day off too!
@ Shank ~ Good idea, but he has a descent one.
@ Rian ~ It's a great perk. I hope you enjoy yours.
@ Vodka ~ Feel free to use some of these.
I haven't gotten these for McDaddy yet but it was recommended to me: a pair of Reef flip flops...the ones that have the bottle opener on the bottom of the shoe. So maybe those and a 12-pack of his favorite beer?
I love my iPhone- but I'm not sure if this fits in the category of too expensive- plus where I live,the phone service is blahh! Good luck! -Jason
I would just pamper him as much as possible. I agree with the breakfast in bed suggestion (my husband does that for me every Mother's Day and I love it). I'm horrible with gift ideas. Sorry. We're going camping that weekend, so I'm buying my husband one of those deluxe camping chairs with the ottoman. I lucked out that they fell on the same weekend, or else I would have no clue what to get him!
I know he's not your father but maybe for fathers day you could get him alone and you could play a little, "who's your daddy?" Probably will brighten his spirts and make his day....
Okay Weaselmomma - this is a long one. LOL!
One year I called a talk-radio disc jockey. Ken and I had been painting the exterior of our house, and this particular a.m. station was blasting. I heard the disc jockey asking listeners if anyone wanted to co-host the sports radio show as a Father's Day gift. Being a nationally broadcast show, I was surprised when the disc jockey answered. He asked why Ken deserved the opportunity. I explained I was not a sports fan which meant my hubby gave up going to baseball games and even watching them on TV for 12 years... I explained how only recently I realized how much my husband had sacrificed, because now that our son was 3 years old, and they were playing t-ball in the backyard, I could see what a joy sports brought to his life. I still remember sitting beside the radio cheering the day Ken co-hosted that radio program.
Mr.4444 (the sneak) went through the bags in my car last weekend and knows about all of the clothes I bought for him (he needs them desperately!) His other gift is a special request: that we will all clean the basement together. So, that should be nice. It'll be interesting, to say the least (it's a disaster down there!)
OK I am way too late for this year but maybe for next... My greatest gift to Daddy would probably be making him a father 26 years ago. Recently I've been getting him brewing stuff. When he comes to visit I plan to take him to the brewing store I just found in town and maybe pop for dinner at the brewery restaurant downtown. It'll be combining fathers day and his birthday since I am missing both this year and prefer to wait until I can be with the person to celebrate whatever event happened while I'm stuck here.
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