I over slept this morning. I didn't awake until 6:30 am. Now that won't sound like over sleeping to most of you, but it was enough to send me into a spinning frenzy. How was I going to have my coffee and read my blogs in peace or get a post up before I had to wake the Weasels for school? I am not to be interacted with until I've had my 2nd cup of coffee. I am not a nice person before that 2nd cup. After that 2nd cup is a matter of debate.
I immediately woke Mr. Weasel for work. "Wake up, it's 6:30, you have to hurry". He never wakes up smoothly, "What day is it?". "It's Monday. Hurry, you are going to be late". "No, it's not".
Friday night the family, sans Mr. who was still at work, went to have dinner with friends and played in the yard enjoying the warm weather. I was wearing jeans and quite over heated due to a lack of shorts that still fit in my closet.
Saturday morning I went for a run because I can't fit into my shorts and then Mr. Weasel took me clothes shopping for summer. He knows that if I go alone I will be home in 1 hour and have purchased next to nothing. I hate clothes shopping. Unlike most women shopping is torturous for me. Mr. Weasel comes so that he can imprison me in a dressing room while he makes selections for me to try on. This is exhausting for me. I don't have the estrogen levels to do this. After about 3 hours of pain playing Barbie Doll, we head home with a whole bag full summer clothes just in time for a cold front to move in and the temperatures to plummet.
Once home we needed to ready the Weasels to pile in the car and go to a graduation party for Surprised Mom's oldest daughter. It was warm enough for short sleeves and jeans, but I reminded everyone numerous times to bring along a hoodie or sweatshirt as we would be outside and it would get colder later.
Sure enough, by the time we arrived at the party it was in the high 50's/low 60's and drizzling. Everyone threw on their hoodies. That is everyone except for me. After all of my nagging insistence about bringing something warm, I was the one dumbass who forgot to grab something.
There was another party going on right across the street. Apparently Maria was turning 40. We had to double check the address to make sure we showed up at the right house. We entered the party to the most hospitable of welcomes. "Who are you?" was asked by a cousin. I decided to start my midlife crisis right there. "Hmmm, who am I?" That's quite a philosophical question. I finally admitted that were driving past, smelled food and this is how we take the kids 'out to eat' and that the Congratulations Graduate signs looked more family friendly that the 40th Birthday Bash going on across the street. The laughter started and we were instantly welcomed into the fold. Everyone was friendly and fun. Surprised Mom had even put Coors Light on her shopping her list especially for yours truly. When she noticed the frost bite forming on my arms she ran to get me a sweater from the house. We did the meet and great with many wonderful and fun people. The food was great and the company was even better.
When all was said and done we had a great time and were sent home with 2 boxes of doggie bags That were too good to give to any dog that I know. SM and I did manage to get a picture together, I think it turned out well even if I have no eyes when I smile. And now I will make you all privy to one of the many reasons I love being friends with Surprised Mom. She is one of the few people in this world that I am taller than.

You and I would make GREAT shopping buddies. I also despise shopping for clothes! :)
Glad you got that extra four hours of sleep this morning, you probably needed it. :)
Your humor has led me to a very serious idea. I will now engage in party crashing activities. During the summer it should be easy to crash a BBQ every Saturday.
What fun! It sounds like you had a great time!
The missus hates clothes shopping as well, and she's had to be tortured through a lot of it lately since she's lost so much weight that none of her clothes fit...
That sounds like so much fun. I wanna move to Chicago now. Will have to spin it up right in order to convince my wife. "We'll have built-in friends! They have this huge lake! It's closer to Delaware!"
Isn't that always the way - I usually end-up stealing hubby's sweatshirt. Sounds like you had a great time!
Is it just me or is that a really freaky 40th birthday sign?
I already read at Surprised Mom's that you were a big hit at the party. Will you come to my kid's party next? PLEASE? I'll buy Coors Light!
You know, I actually know a number of woman (Wife included) who really, really don't like to shop.
I have to remember that line about not getting out much nex time I go to a party - too good.
Seriously your husband picks out clothes for you? Wow. My husband doesn't try... my theory is to buy stuff online. on sale. where shipping is free. and I can return in store when I please. And I still haven't bought any new clothes in ummmmm. A really long time. You don't want me shopping with you :)
Hey WM,
Cute pic of you and SMom!!!!!!
Thank God for the Coors Light. A party isn't a party without a good cold CL waiting for you....
What a busy weekeend! Glad you had fun. Don't worry; it'll warm up soon (I hope!)
I think you are taller than me too, yeah we get to be BFFs! You know first hand mine and Niecey's party crashing skillz, hehe.
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